DOJ indicates it might sue states returning to pre-pandemic voting regulations

Why pass unneeded laws then ? The facts prove there was no voter fraud.
The facts prove nothing, either way. There are some surveys and polls that say nearly half of those contacted say that they have doubts about the accuracy and/or integrity of the 2020 election, not to mention the hundreds of allegations made and also the results we have seen so far from the Arizona audit. IMHO, it is too soon to declare there is proof of election fraud, we should see what holds up in court. But to say there is no evidence is absolute poppycock; there is a mountain of evidence and THAT is why every state should be taking a hard look at those complaints and doing something to bolster the trust in the validity of our election processes. If you can't trust the results of an election then the legitimacy of those elected officials is in some doubt.
It all depends if they can prove the people will be disenfranchised, then that would be a federal crime.

So far, the democrats have not been able to prove that, relative to the new laws being passed in Arizona and other places. In fact, I believe there was a recent case where the democrats lost because they couldn't prove that disenfranchisement occurred.
The facts prove nothing, either way. There are some surveys and polls that say nearly half of those contacted say that they have doubts about the accuracy and/or integrity of the 2020 election, not to mention the hundreds of allegations made and also the results we have seen so far from the Arizona audit. IMHO, it is too soon to declare there is proof of election fraud, we should see what holds up in court. But to say there is no evidence is absolute poppycock; there is a mountain of evidence and THAT is why every state should be taking a hard look at those complaints and doing something to bolster the trust in the validity of our election processes. If you can't trust the results of an election then the legitimacy of those elected officials is in some doubt.
Actually it was verified by every single election official, whether they were Democratic or Republican, all agreed. This means there's either a vast conspiracy and all these people are lying or one man is. Achmed's razor with pointer to the truth. If that's what you want to hear, if you don't want to hear it the voices in your head will fill it in with nonsense. Trump said before the elections were held if he lost the elections were rigged. That tells you all you need to know, if it doesn't your in very sad shape.
Most anti Semitism is the result of how Jews behave

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