DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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I wonder if there will be enough of the obama administration that start singing to form a choir?:smoke:

President Biden will restore President Obama's legacy by reversing all of Trump's evil actions.

President Bidum, now that's some funny shit. The DNC are trying to figure out how then can replace the senile old fool.
They should not be allowed to replace Biden he won the vote.
---More to come on 'Obamagate' in the coming weeks---

---Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., outline the timeline and details what's known currently on the 'Obamagate' case---

It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

There is no such thing coming. Barr couldn't get an indictment against McCabe and he sure as fuck aren't going to find a Grand Jury willing to believe his bullshit conspiracy theories and lies. Barr tried three times to get a GJ to indict McCabe, and no dice.

Didn't Barr say that getting dirt on Biden from the Ukraine wasn't illegal because when a President digs up dirt on his opponent, it's all legal? So even if Obama was investigating Trump, it was for the good of the nation and therefore not illegal?
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

Can you explain specifically what Obama did?

That is usually helpful in a prosecution
Good to see someone on a political board being so on top of shit.

I wonder if there will be enough of the obama administration that start singing to form a choir?:smoke:

President Biden will restore President Obama's legacy by reversing all of Trump's evil actions.

President Bidum, now that's some funny shit. The DNC are trying to figure out how then can replace the senile old fool.
They should not be allowed to replace Biden he won the vote.
They can't run Biden, he can't do it.
Leave him be..They need a runoff candidate or something.
So sad for you TrumpTards.
You fucking practically break your necks to snap at whatever shiny object Trump pulls out of hi
s ass.

DOJ inspector general refutes Trump claim that Obama tapped his wires

12/11/19 03:13 PM EST

Horowitz did not find evidence Obama asked for probe of Trump
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

Can you explain specifically what Obama did?

That is usually helpful in a prosecution
Good to see someone on a political board being so on top of shit.

Oh, so you can't explain it either. LMAO
You're quoting his latest ass-kissing press secretary?
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

As much as I hope that happens, I will believe it when I see it.
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

Can you explain specifically what Obama did?

That is usually helpful in a prosecution

Usually, but that’s never the case with Trump, so I guess what’s good for the goose is good for the gander
How does this time differ from the last thousand times you said justice was coming?
It might be slow, but the wheels of justice are turning.

Hilarious! The evil Trump Administration knows nothing about JUSTICE. But they sure know a lot about unethical REVENGE. What goes around comes around.
FYI, it's called "Draining The swamp." And it is revenge for seditious acts and Treason.
I would be completely shocked if a non hanging fruit congressman was held to responsibility.
SHOCKED I tell ya!
It's coming. Justice is finally coming. Those in the Obama administration who committed illegal acts should expect indictments their names on them.

---Joseph diGenova says DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama administration officials: “There's a conspiracy indictment coming down the track”...And you realize that everybody at the senior FBI and DOJ levels was in on it. ...What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.---

Can you explain specifically what Obama did?

That is usually helpful in a prosecution

Usually, but that’s never the case with Trump, so I guess what’s good for the goose is good for the gander
Trump demanded personal favors in return for military aid

What did Obama do?
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