DOJ is readying a “massive” case against Obama

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The Obama regime was not "working with her." They (Simpson and the attorney) were both involved in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with the Trump Tower meeting.

Yeah, Bullshit. Simpson set up the Trump tower meeting, feeding the lie about dirt on Hillary. It amazes me that somehow opposition research is forbidden - for Republicans, while you of the CCP are buying dirt from Moscow that you leak to Buzzfeed. Hey, you had an election to steal.. Screwed that up big time though, dinja?
They also paid off bimbos to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them.
Trump is ready to battle with the Deep State, ready to break it.

---“What am I doing? I’m fighting the deep state,” Drumpf said in an exclusive interview with Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson. “I’m fighting the swamp…If it keeps going the way it’s going, I have a chance to break the deep state.---

They have the warrants they got for the unmasking that's why there is this whole thing...What the fuck are you posting? lol

They had no warrants.
The Obama DOJ did millions of illegal searches and violations of the 4th Amendment.
I'm posting the FISA court calling out the Obama administration's crimes.

This was the fact stream as of two years ago, much more has become known since:
We know that is bullshit. Trump was pressuring Ukraine to open a phony investigation into a political rival. There is no evidence Biden is corrupt and evidence Trump is corrupt. Schiff has not committed any crimes either.

Fucking liar.

First off, you traitor scum CCP democrats bought disinformation from the Kremlin to start a phony investigation into your political rival that has so far gone on nearly 5 years. So even if there WERE a hint of truth to your claim, which there isn't, it would be irrelevant.

But let's look at what you CCP traitors never look at, the facts.

Secondly, in 2018 no one knew that Biden would be the presumptive nominee, so the whole rival claim is bullshit. It's not like he was a declared candidate the way Trump was when Obama bugged Trump tower to alter and influence the election. Next, for the investigation to be phony it would have to be false. But we know as established fact that Burisma was one of several companies Hillary Clinton set up as a money laundering and embezzlement scheme to siphon millions of dollars from US Taxpayers into the pockets of well connected looters using their children as mules. Paul Pelosi Jr. Sarah McConnell (et tu Mitch? :( ), Chris Heinz (nee Kerry), and of course Hoover Biden (of the stripper banging Hunter variety.) Wasn't the first time Grandpa badfinger used his druggy son as a bagman, billions in bribes from China.

Oh, and lying about evidence just makes you look stupid, which in fact you are..

As for Adam the lying little Schitt, he DELIBERATELY introduced false and misleading testimony into an attempted impeachment. At the very least he's guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice, realistically he's guilty of treason.

You are the fucking liar.

The fact is that the Russians wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC servers. You are the one pushing Russian propaganda. The investigation was more than justified. We know Trump was pushing a phony investigation. Shokin had closed the investigation into Burisma before Biden relayed official policy. What you have is crazy conspiracy theories which are ridiculous.

You are the one lying about evidence. Biden was relaying official US policy. Shokin was corrupt and federal officials, the world community and anti-corruption Ukrainians have confirmed this. The gateway pundit is fake news. Schiff is not guilty of anything. Trump is the treasonous one who pressured Ukraine to open a phony investigation. You are a treasonous stooge as well.

The national polls showed Biden with a clear lead. It was not too hard to guess that Biden would be the nominee. Obama did not spy on Trump. That is another delusional fantasy you have. Burisma has no connection with Hillary Clinton.
Your big “straw man” picture and “Orange Man Bad” cartoon show only that you are the one who “shrieks mindless slogans.” I have criticized Obama for many of his actions, and I never voted for Hillary Clinton. Your charge that I am a “mindless hack” is absurd. You seem to be a typical brain-damaged “Trump Party” hyper-partisan. I suppose you support both the Obama AND the Trump administration’s legal persecution of WikiLeaks?

You have no facts, just hate.

Obama used the federal government to influence the 2016 election, including using intelligence assets to slander the opposition candidate using a willingly corrupt press.

Yeah, that actually is a bad thing, Comrade Pot.

You have no facts. No one even knew there was a FBI investigation into the Trump campaign until after the election. Maybe it should have been known just as the Clinton investigation was known.
The Obama regime was not "working with her." They (Simpson and the attorney) were both involved in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with the Trump Tower meeting.

Yeah, Bullshit. Simpson set up the Trump tower meeting, feeding the lie about dirt on Hillary. It amazes me that somehow opposition research is forbidden - for Republicans, while you of the CCP are buying dirt from Moscow that you leak to Buzzfeed. Hey, you had an election to steal.. Screwed that up big time though, dinja?
They also paid off bimbos to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them.

Sure they did. That is why7 Trump paid hush money to keep them quiet before the election.
Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, had dinner with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya both the day before and the day after she met with Donald Trump, Jr. at Trump Tower on June 9, 2016.
Yeah, they were involved in the same case that was at trial at the time. Remember, she was in the country to represent that case. You think she was going to tell an American she was just at a meeting to give Russian secrets to a Presidential campaign? The other "dinner" was a cocktails and formal dinner for a big crowd and they didn't even sit near each other.
We've been through this.

So, the main spook in the Obama election tampering was meeting with the Russian that you CCP clowns claim it was "treason" for the Trump team to meet with, but the Obama regime working with her is all good fun? Hypocrite much?
The Obama regime was not "working with her." They (Simpson and the attorney) were both involved in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with the Trump Tower meeting.
They made a special exemption for her so she could get a visa.
Of course. Dems are always getting caught with their pants down. Ask Monica.
The Obama regime was not "working with her." They (Simpson and the attorney) were both involved in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with the Trump Tower meeting.

Yeah, Bullshit. Simpson set up the Trump tower meeting, feeding the lie about dirt on Hillary. It amazes me that somehow opposition research is forbidden - for Republicans, while you of the CCP are buying dirt from Moscow that you leak to Buzzfeed. Hey, you had an election to steal.. Screwed that up big time though, dinja?
They also paid off bimbos to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them.

Sure they did. That is why7 Trump paid hush money to keep them quiet before the election.
Actually ,Obama and Hitlery were in cahoots for Graft. Look how RICH both became AFTER getting into politics. Trump earned his money honestly.
The Obama regime was not "working with her." They (Simpson and the attorney) were both involved in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with the Trump Tower meeting.

Yeah, Bullshit. Simpson set up the Trump tower meeting, feeding the lie about dirt on Hillary. It amazes me that somehow opposition research is forbidden - for Republicans, while you of the CCP are buying dirt from Moscow that you leak to Buzzfeed. Hey, you had an election to steal.. Screwed that up big time though, dinja?
They also paid off bimbos to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them.

Sure they did. That is why7 Trump paid hush money to keep them quiet before the election.
Trump paid hush money to one woman. Hillary paid all the others to accuse Trump.
You are the fucking liar.

The fact is that the Russians wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC servers. You are the one pushing Russian propaganda. The investigation was more than justified. We know Trump was pushing a phony investigation. Shokin had closed the investigation into Burisma before Biden relayed official policy. What you have is crazy conspiracy theories which are ridiculous.

Stupid little CCP twat. There is zero evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers, nor even that the DNC servers were hacked at all. After all, no American was ever allowed to investigate. Only the Ukrainian CrowdStrike ever claimed to see the servers.

You know this, but like a typical ChiCom, you lie.

You are the one lying about evidence. Biden was relaying official US policy. Shokin was corrupt and federal officials, the world community and anti-corruption Ukrainians have confirmed this. The gateway pundit is fake news. Schiff is not guilty of anything. Trump is the treasonous one who pressured Ukraine to open a phony investigation. You are a treasonous stooge as well.

Fucking liar. It amazes me, you traitor vermin seem to think that the way to deal with proof of your crimes is to double down and just lie harder. Listen you stupid little fuck, the audio of Biden blackmailing Poroshenko to fire Shokin is out - it's not only in the hands of investigators, it's out to the public. When you lie about publically available evidence, you pathological puke, you just look stupid.

But you ChiCom twats think you can lie every into the cornfield.

The national polls showed Biden with a clear lead. It was not too hard to guess that Biden would be the nominee. Obama did not spy on Trump. That is another delusional fantasy you have. Burisma has no connection with Hillary Clinton.

Hillary has it in the bag, fer shure

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Your big “straw man” picture and “Orange Man Bad” cartoon show only that you are the one who “shrieks mindless slogans.” I have criticized Obama for many of his actions, and I never voted for Hillary Clinton. Your charge that I am a “mindless hack” is absurd. You seem to be a typical brain-damaged “Trump Party” hyper-partisan. I suppose you support both the Obama AND the Trump administration’s legal persecution of WikiLeaks?

You have no facts, just hate.

Obama used the federal government to influence the 2016 election, including using intelligence assets to slander the opposition candidate using a willingly corrupt press.

Yeah, that actually is a bad thing, Comrade Pot.

You have no facts. No one even knew there was a FBI investigation into the Trump campaign until after the election. Maybe it should have been known just as the Clinton investigation was known.

So, you think you can lie it into the cornfield?

ObamaGate is the biggest scandal in American history. I acknowledge that there is no system of justice in America, so none of the ChiCom traitors will go to jail (maybe a few very low level lackies). But you are exposed. Yes, hacks like you lie, but America knows what you did. America knows it was YOU who conspired with Russia to tamper with our election, then you blamed your victim for what you did.
You are the fucking liar.

The fact is that the Russians wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC servers. You are the one pushing Russian propaganda. The investigation was more than justified. We know Trump was pushing a phony investigation. Shokin had closed the investigation into Burisma before Biden relayed official policy. What you have is crazy conspiracy theories which are ridiculous.

Stupid little CCP twat. There is zero evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers, nor even that the DNC servers were hacked at all. After all, no American was ever allowed to investigate. Only the Ukrainian CrowdStrike ever claimed to see the servers.

You know this, but like a typical ChiCom, you lie.

You are the one lying about evidence. Biden was relaying official US policy. Shokin was corrupt and federal officials, the world community and anti-corruption Ukrainians have confirmed this. The gateway pundit is fake news. Schiff is not guilty of anything. Trump is the treasonous one who pressured Ukraine to open a phony investigation. You are a treasonous stooge as well.

Fucking liar. It amazes me, you traitor vermin seem to think that the way to deal with proof of your crimes is to double down and just lie harder. Listen you stupid little fuck, the audio of Biden and Shokin is out - it's not only in the hands of investigators, it's out to the public. When you lie about publically available evidence, you pathological puke, you just look stupid.

But you ChiCom twats think you can lie every into the cornfield.

The national polls showed Biden with a clear lead. It was not too hard to guess that Biden would be the nominee. Obama did not spy on Trump. That is another delusional fantasy you have. Burisma has no connection with Hillary Clinton.

Hillary has it in the bag, fer shure

You are the fucking liar.

The fact is that the Russians wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC servers. You are the one pushing Russian propaganda. The investigation was more than justified. We know Trump was pushing a phony investigation. Shokin had closed the investigation into Burisma before Biden relayed official policy. What you have is crazy conspiracy theories which are ridiculous.

Stupid little CCP twat. There is zero evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers, nor even that the DNC servers were hacked at all. After all, no American was ever allowed to investigate. Only the Ukrainian CrowdStrike ever claimed to see the servers.

You know this, but like a typical ChiCom, you lie.

You are the one lying about evidence. Biden was relaying official US policy. Shokin was corrupt and federal officials, the world community and anti-corruption Ukrainians have confirmed this. The gateway pundit is fake news. Schiff is not guilty of anything. Trump is the treasonous one who pressured Ukraine to open a phony investigation. You are a treasonous stooge as well.

Fucking liar. It amazes me, you traitor vermin seem to think that the way to deal with proof of your crimes is to double down and just lie harder. Listen you stupid little fuck, the audio of Biden and Shokin is out - it's not only in the hands of investigators, it's out to the public. When you lie about publically available evidence, you pathological puke, you just look stupid.

But you ChiCom twats think you can lie every into the cornfield.

The national polls showed Biden with a clear lead. It was not too hard to guess that Biden would be the nominee. Obama did not spy on Trump. That is another delusional fantasy you have. Burisma has no connection with Hillary Clinton.

Hillary has it in the bag, fer shure



You CCP democrats BOUGHT THE FUCKING DOSSIER FROM THE KREMLIN, you know, the one that the FBI (KGB) perjured themselves to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and released dirt illegally obtained to the corrupt little Goebbels of the CCP press.

he FBI received information in June 2017 revealing that Steele’s primary source had “personal and business ties” to the sub-source. The bureau also received information of “contacts between the sub-source and an individual in the Russian Presidential Administration in June/July 2016,” the newly declassified footnote stated.

The footnote is heavily redacted before a section that reads, “and the sub-source voicing strong support for candidate Clinton in the 2016 U.S. elections.”


The IG footnotes also said that the FBI received evidence on Jan. 12, 2017, two days after the dossier was published, that information regarding former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was likely the product of Russian disinformation. Steele had claimed that Cohen visited Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin operatives and pay off Russian hackers. }

You ChiComs were in collusion with Russia - FACT.
The Obama regime was not "working with her." They (Simpson and the attorney) were both involved in a lawsuit that had nothing to do with the Trump Tower meeting.

Yeah, Bullshit. Simpson set up the Trump tower meeting, feeding the lie about dirt on Hillary. It amazes me that somehow opposition research is forbidden - for Republicans, while you of the CCP are buying dirt from Moscow that you leak to Buzzfeed. Hey, you had an election to steal.. Screwed that up big time though, dinja?
They also paid off bimbos to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them.

Sure they did. That is why7 Trump paid hush money to keep them quiet before the election.
Trump paid hush money to one woman. Hillary paid all the others to accuse Trump.

That is so much bullshit. Your parents apparently didn't teach you not to lie.
You are the fucking liar.

The fact is that the Russians wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC servers. You are the one pushing Russian propaganda. The investigation was more than justified. We know Trump was pushing a phony investigation. Shokin had closed the investigation into Burisma before Biden relayed official policy. What you have is crazy conspiracy theories which are ridiculous.

Stupid little CCP twat. There is zero evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC servers, nor even that the DNC servers were hacked at all. After all, no American was ever allowed to investigate. Only the Ukrainian CrowdStrike ever claimed to see the servers.

You know this, but like a typical ChiCom, you lie.

You are the one lying about evidence. Biden was relaying official US policy. Shokin was corrupt and federal officials, the world community and anti-corruption Ukrainians have confirmed this. The gateway pundit is fake news. Schiff is not guilty of anything. Trump is the treasonous one who pressured Ukraine to open a phony investigation. You are a treasonous stooge as well.

Fucking liar. It amazes me, you traitor vermin seem to think that the way to deal with proof of your crimes is to double down and just lie harder. Listen you stupid little fuck, the audio of Biden blackmailing Poroshenko to fire Shokin is out - it's not only in the hands of investigators, it's out to the public. When you lie about publically available evidence, you pathological puke, you just look stupid.

But you ChiCom twats think you can lie every into the cornfield.

The national polls showed Biden with a clear lead. It was not too hard to guess that Biden would be the nominee. Obama did not spy on Trump. That is another delusional fantasy you have. Burisma has no connection with Hillary Clinton.

Hillary has it in the bag, fer shure


CrowdStrike is not Ukrainian. You are a Putin Commie bastard. Our intelligence agencies have no doubt. In addition, in the French Presidential elections, Macron's e-mails were hacked. He was facing a Russia backed opponent. In addition, Russia bought pro-Trump ads on social media.

You are the traitorous trash. Biden was not blackmailing anyone. The government has every right to ensure that federal dollars are not waisted. You are the one who is lying. You are the pathological puke and you are stupid.

You Putin commies are the ones who think they can spread lies.

Again this is 2020 not 2016. Even Republicans know that Trump is in trouble.
Your big “straw man” picture and “Orange Man Bad” cartoon show only that you are the one who “shrieks mindless slogans.” I have criticized Obama for many of his actions, and I never voted for Hillary Clinton. Your charge that I am a “mindless hack” is absurd. You seem to be a typical brain-damaged “Trump Party” hyper-partisan. I suppose you support both the Obama AND the Trump administration’s legal persecution of WikiLeaks?

You have no facts, just hate.

Obama used the federal government to influence the 2016 election, including using intelligence assets to slander the opposition candidate using a willingly corrupt press.

Yeah, that actually is a bad thing, Comrade Pot.

You have no facts. No one even knew there was a FBI investigation into the Trump campaign until after the election. Maybe it should have been known just as the Clinton investigation was known.

So, you think you can lie it into the cornfield?

ObamaGate is the biggest scandal in American history. I acknowledge that there is no system of justice in America, so none of the ChiCom traitors will go to jail (maybe a few very low level lackies). But you are exposed. Yes, hacks like you lie, but America knows what you did. America knows it was YOU who conspired with Russia to tamper with our election, then you blamed your victim for what you did.

There is no Obamagate. You are the one who is exposed. Little wonder Obama's approvals have gone up since Trump took office. Americans know Trump is the one who was helped by Russia. Trump helped Russia help him by giving internal polling date and other campaign information to a associate with ties to Russian Intelligence.
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