DOJ Opens Criminal Case of FISA Abuse.


Here we go... Now all things are on the table, Jeff Sessions just made a public statement about this.

Going to be some real tweaked up libs round here for the next few months..

The DOJ has put the Inspector General on FISA issuance to investigate IF anything criminal occurred....

And IF he thinks there is a possibility that something was done illegally, the Inspector THEN refers it to the Justice department....and they investigate, and then prosecute with the evidence they find.

I don't believe an Inspector General investigation is a noncriminal or criminal investigation, until he finds something illegal, then he turns it over to the JUSTICE dept and then it becomes a criminal one....
Now that he has asked to be recused, Sessions has no other option but to appoint a special counsel as there is no other office that can investigate itself in the DOJ.
Of course not....

There is no need for a Special Counsel.....they haven't even found that anything was done illegally yet....

the Justice Department has thousands of prosecutors / investigators throughout the Nation that could take up the case.....

it is not like Sessions would be personally doing the investigation or prosecution or would have to recuse himself ....there are plenty of other people that could and would oversee it, IF THERE was a need for the Justice Department.

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