DOJ spied on the committee?


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
The "press release accusing?" I sure would like to read that. . . but for some reson, my ISP won't resolve. I wonder if that is just for me, or if that happens to everyone? I looked in the wayback, there are no image captures.


This is the link;

I’m not sure what exactly you’re quoting.
The article you linked, press the "dig in" part, on that page.

It will bring up the first screen shot.

It will give you two "document" links, and three external "links." Click the third one.

I don't know how else to describe it.
No, the key here, was "document ID 1125"

Here is the original link (minus the https://)

I went to see if someone had created an image in the Wayback, they did not, then, I went to see, if someone had bookmarked "documentID # 1125 in . . AND?



I do find this a lot in some gov. documents on the web. Folks in the bureaucracy make information, and then weeks or months later, move it all around so no one can ever find it again. The tin foil hatter in me, believes it is so the public and investigative journalists can't either follow what is going on, or PROVE IT LATER.

Here is what I came up with from the WayBack. This is the link, minus the https:// (It would seem, the only difference was the addition of that right Bracket ")" at the end. )

Here is the Wayback link;

No, the key here, was "document ID 1125"

Here is the original link (minus the https://)

I went to see if someone had created an image in the Wayback, they did not, then, I went to see, if someone had bookmarked "documentID # 1125 in . . AND?



I do find this a lot in some gov. documents on the web. Folks in the bureaucracy make information, and then weeks or months later, move it all around so no one can ever find it again. The tin foil hatter in me, believes it is so the public and investigative journalists can't either follow what is going on, or PROVE IT LATER.

Here is what I came up with from the WayBack. This is the link, minus the https:// (It would seem, the only difference was the addition of that right Bracket ")" at the end. )

Here is the Wayback link;

View attachment 740243
Hat tip to your sleuthing skills! 🎩
Hat tip to your sleuthing skills! 🎩
I can potentially see why it was buried. Even now, when you go back and look for the media reports that were based on it, there aren't many.

I assumed that certain folks in DOJ wanted to know what so-called “intel” committee knew — in real time. I assumed they just had spies.

But let’s get real. They wanted more. They wanted to track down reporters and any other folks who the minority members were talking to or obtaining information from.
The entire illegitimate regime should be tried for treason

Sorry the inflation is not 7’s 20-30 percent
I can potentially see why it was buried. Even now, when you go back and look for the media reports that were based on it, there aren't many.

Maybe there isn't much out there because isn't much period?

Maybe there isn't much out there because isn't much period?

Obviously you aren’t familiar with the reputation of Mr. Solomon.
Maybe there isn't much out there because isn't much period?

Why do you let other people decide for you what is or isn't biased? Maybe a good idea would be to decide for yourself by reading articles on those sites.

You and I got into it with this site in the J6 threads, you and others argued incessantly that Solomon was biased, yet every article he posted was backed up totally by sourced, documented information.

I guess Lot's wife made an irreversible impression on you and your friends minds.
Why do you let other people decide for you what is or isn't biased? Maybe a good idea would be to decide for yourself by reading articles on those sites.

You and I got into it with this site in the J6 threads, you and others argued incessantly that Solomon was biased, yet every article he posted was backed up totally by sourced, documented information.

I guess Lot's wife made an irreversible impression on you and your friends minds.
In your opinion.

If I think something sounds biased,as in “too good to be true” for one side or tbe other, or has red flag language, I look it up. Frankly…you guys routinely disparaging “leftist” sources, so why the upset?


Although he won a number of awards (including the 2008 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award) for his investigative journalism, in recent years he has been accused of magnifying small scandals, creating fake controversy,[6][7][8] and advancing conspiracy theories.[1][3][9]During the Donald Trump presidency, he advanced Trump-friendly stories including questioning reporting that women who had accused Trump of sexual harassment had also sought payments from partisan political donors[10] and questioning the legitimacy of criminal charges against Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.[11]

He also played an important role in advancing conspiracy theories about unproven allegations of wrongdoing in Ukraine by Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. Solomon's stories about the Bidens influenced Trump's fruitless attempt to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy into publicly launching an investigation into the elder Biden, an attempt that led to Trump's first impeachment.[4]
In your opinion.

If I think something sounds biased,as in “too good to be true” for one side or tbe other, or has red flag language, I look it up. Frankly…you guys routinely disparaging “leftist” sources, so why the upset?
So tell me, Solomon, using documented US Gov't reports, regarding what happened, J6, is biased?

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