DOJ spied on the committee?

in recent years he has been accused of
I think the key words there, are, He has been accuse of. . .

And then, everything after that is just a POV such as, what follows. It is a narrative.

It really is important to understand, that is why, I went directly to the FACTS of his story, the "DIG IN," page of his story.

Most intelligent adults, SHOULD be aware of who John Solomon is. Is he objective? Of course not. But then, neither are the NYT, nor WaPO, or the WallStreet Journal.

No one really is, none of the Angle-America establishment media can claim to be objective.

I didn't want Solomon to tell me what to think, anymore than I want government or corporate media to tell me what to believe. This is why I went directly to the, "DIG IN," page, to look at the sources, and was concerned when I could not look at, and found, that the congressional link was moved/obscured. I do appreciate that he GAVE me his sources. When I read my media these days, I EXPECT them to give me what they base their reporting on. The NYT and WaPO don't even bother doing that. :rolleyes:

This sort of reminds me of a conversation I was having in another thread with Unkotare. He was attacking the legacy of FDR, while many of the left folks, were trying to defend that president. I was backing him up, with facts, that yes, FDR did indeed have concentration camps, and before WWII, the corporate media and the corporate establishment, and FDR's administration, although they KNEW about the pogrom, purposely hid those details for the profits generated by the interlocking directorate. FDR even admired Mussolini. Democrats and the left are in denial of this type of thing, and "fact checkers," precisely a century ago, had a word for reporters that would tell Americans this type of information. . . which is FACTUAL.

From the late 1800's all the way through WWII, the world for journalists that did not toe the establishment line, were called "Muckrakers." Sure, they did it for fame and fortune, but they also did it because they would not "sell out," to the billionaires that want to control our republic. Today's "factchecking wars" and "fake news," is just yesterdays establishment pigeonholing of the Muckrakers. Everything old is new again.

There are STILL folks with integrity, on the left, and the right, in this nation, that are willing to stand up to the CFR, the Rand corp, the Atlantic Council, etc. And just b/c places like the Wiki disparage them, or they are not repeating Washington D.C.'s narrative, or the narrative's of the interlocking directorate? DOES NOT MEAN, they are unreliable sources of information.

I was at a antique book fair once, and I picked up a book from the 1920's by this guy;


I really do believe, we need journalists, with strong opinions, from the left, and the right, who are not part of the interlocking directorate, to keep our republic strong.

If you have a chance, find some interviews of this guy on YouTube. He had actually met and interviewed Lenin and Mussolini, and had been kicked out of those nations for printing the truth. It did not please the politicians and CEO's in our nation one bit.

He is fascinating.
I think the key words there, are, He has been accuse of. . .

And then, everything after that is just a POV such as, what follows. It is a narrative.

It really is important to understand, that is why, I went directly to the FACTS of his story, the "DIG IN," page of his story.

Most intelligent adults, SHOULD be aware of who John Solomon is. Is he objective? Of course not. But then, neither are the NYT, nor WaPO, or the WallStreet Journal.

No one really is, none of the Angle-America establishment media can claim to be objective.

I didn't want Solomon to tell me what to think, anymore than I want government or corporate media to tell me what to believe. This is why I went directly to the, "DIG IN," page, to look at the sources, and was concerned when I could not look at, and found, that the congressional link was moved/obscured. I do appreciate that he GAVE me his sources. When I read my media these days, I EXPECT them to give me what they base their reporting on. The NYT and WaPO don't even bother doing that. :rolleyes:

This sort of reminds me of a conversation I was having in another thread with Unkotare. He was attacking the legacy of FDR, while many of the left folks, were trying to defend that president. I was backing him up, with facts, that yes, FDR did indeed have concentration camps, and before WWII, the corporate media and the corporate establishment, and FDR's administration, although they KNEW about the pogrom, purposely hid those details for the profits generated by the interlocking directorate. FDR even admired Mussolini. Democrats and the left are in denial of this type of thing, and "fact checkers," precisely a century ago, had a word for reporters that would tell Americans this type of information. . . which is FACTUAL.

From the late 1800's all the way through WWII, the world for journalists that did not toe the establishment line, were called "Muckrakers." Sure, they did it for fame and fortune, but they also did it because they would not "sell out," to the billionaires that want to control our republic. Today's "factchecking wars" and "fake news," is just yesterdays establishment pigeonholing of the Muckrakers. Everything old is new again.

There are STILL folks with integrity, on the left, and the right, in this nation, that are willing to stand up to the CFR, the Rand corp, the Atlantic Council, etc. And just b/c places like the Wiki disparage them, or they are not repeating Washington D.C.'s narrative, or the narrative's of the interlocking directorate? DOES NOT MEAN, they are unreliable sources of information.

I was at a antique book fair once, and I picked up a book from the 1920's by this guy;

View attachment 741071

I really do believe, we need journalists, with strong opinions, from the left, and the right, who are not part of the interlocking directorate, to keep our republic strong.

If you have a chance, find some interviews of this guy on YouTube. He had actually met and interviewed Lenin and Mussolini, and had been kicked out of those nations for printing the truth. It did not please the politicians and CEO's in our nation one bit.

He is fascinating.

Speaking of... establishment media.

The discourse that dominated main street media for 5 years, from 2016 campaign to the end of Trump's presidency, was driven by DOJ, and FBI, and other three-letter agencies, feeding the same exact outlets, one anonymous unverified claim after the next, and then treated, just after the same outlets did it in 2002 during the terrorist attacks, those claims as unchallengeable truth.

Even when Muller concluded his 18 month investigation by admitting there is no evidence for the Russiagate conspiracy that Trump and Russia colluded to hack the DNC servers and Clinton campaign, NONE of these outlets bothered to do even minimum "mea culpa" that New York Times did back in 2004 regarding Iraq war. That's because, by now, media is so polarized, that New York Times, Washington Post, and others that thrive in those institutions, know that their entirely leftist readers want them to lie, if doing so helps them to advance interest of Democrat party, or if it helps subvert Trump's movement. Lying for the "right cause" in their world is not considered shameful, but it's celebrated, it's how they advance in their corporate circles, where they even shower themselves with Pulitzers for all those fairy tales, deranged conspiracies, and misconduct.

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