DOJ to Investigate Ferguson PD---YES!!!!!

I see the far left programed masses just running on the narrative not based on any real facts.

Glad to see that the far left programming glitches are being worked out.
Yes! And I say hallelujah! And I hope this opens up probes into other police forces who target blacks. Enough is enough.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas and Eric Holder is going to try his best to make it one.

Go ahead, call me anything you want and toss in a side of "'s Obama's fault" because I don't give a phlying phuck. This board is full of scared white people. I'm white, too but I just ain't scared of those negroes that Cliven Bundy is a'scared of, too.

Side note: Darren Wilson got to the Ferguson PD by way of the Jennings, Missouri PD which was shut down for racism. Fact.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson, Missouri, Police

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Missouri Police - NBC News

"""The Justice Department intends to launch a civil rights investigation of the entire Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, according to administration officials.

An announcement of the investigation is planned for Thursday.

With the help of the FBI, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been investigating last month's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, who was wounded several times by a Ferguson police officer. The shooting touched off several days of sometimes violent protest.

But this new investigation would be much broader, looking at the conduct of the entire Ferguson Police Department over the past several years."""
I'm not going to call you anything not going bring Obama into it I'm not going to call Holder names nor will I makes this a Democrat vs Republican deal or a white vs black one I will simply let your words speak for themselves.
Yes! And I say hallelujah! And I hope this opens up probes into other police forces who target blacks. Enough is enough.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas and Eric Holder is going to try his best to make it one.

Go ahead, call me anything you want and toss in a side of "'s Obama's fault" because I don't give a phlying phuck. This board is full of scared white people. I'm white, too but I just ain't scared of those negroes that Cliven Bundy is a'scared of, too.

Side note: Darren Wilson got to the Ferguson PD by way of the Jennings, Missouri PD which was shut down for racism. Fact.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson, Missouri, Police

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Missouri Police - NBC News

"""The Justice Department intends to launch a civil rights investigation of the entire Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, according to administration officials.

An announcement of the investigation is planned for Thursday.

With the help of the FBI, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been investigating last month's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, who was wounded several times by a Ferguson police officer. The shooting touched off several days of sometimes violent protest.

But this new investigation would be much broader, looking at the conduct of the entire Ferguson Police Department over the past several years."""

Unbelievable. This is a witch hunt. There is no basis given for why this investigation is even necessary.

The thing about totalitarian regimes is that they have a bad habit of finding what they are looking for, even when it isn't there.

This is bogus.

You really think wrongdoing isn't present in the Ferguson PD?

The only way to know is to INVESTIGATE it.

Since when do we just let cops shoot people without oversight? And what does looting have to do with Brown's shooting?

Why are RWs so anxious to bury this without an investigation?

Because they are scared white people who have no understanding of the other America. Remember when Henry Gates got arrested for breaking into his own house? How many Harvard professors get arrested on their own front porch?
The pig-headed mindset is everywhere.

Yes! And I say hallelujah! And I hope this opens up probes into other police forces who target blacks. Enough is enough.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas and Eric Holder is going to try his best to make it one.

Go ahead, call me anything you want and toss in a side of "'s Obama's fault" because I don't give a phlying phuck. This board is full of scared white people. I'm white, too but I just ain't scared of those negroes that Cliven Bundy is a'scared of, too.

Side note: Darren Wilson got to the Ferguson PD by way of the Jennings, Missouri PD which was shut down for racism. Fact.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson, Missouri, Police

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Missouri Police - NBC News

"""The Justice Department intends to launch a civil rights investigation of the entire Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, according to administration officials.

An announcement of the investigation is planned for Thursday.

With the help of the FBI, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been investigating last month's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, who was wounded several times by a Ferguson police officer. The shooting touched off several days of sometimes violent protest.

But this new investigation would be much broader, looking at the conduct of the entire Ferguson Police Department over the past several years."""
I'm not going to call you anything not going bring Obama into it I'm not going to call Holder names nor will I makes this a Democrat vs Republican deal or a white vs black one I will simply let your words speak for themselves.

Then you are obviously not a scared white person. And I stand on everything I say.
Yes! And I say hallelujah! And I hope this opens up probes into other police forces who target blacks. Enough is enough.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas and Eric Holder is going to try his best to make it one.

Go ahead, call me anything you want and toss in a side of "'s Obama's fault" because I don't give a phlying phuck. This board is full of scared white people. I'm white, too but I just ain't scared of those negroes that Cliven Bundy is a'scared of, too.

Side note: Darren Wilson got to the Ferguson PD by way of the Jennings, Missouri PD which was shut down for racism. Fact.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson, Missouri, Police

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Missouri Police - NBC News

"""The Justice Department intends to launch a civil rights investigation of the entire Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, according to administration officials.

An announcement of the investigation is planned for Thursday.

With the help of the FBI, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been investigating last month's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, who was wounded several times by a Ferguson police officer. The shooting touched off several days of sometimes violent protest.

But this new investigation would be much broader, looking at the conduct of the entire Ferguson Police Department over the past several years."""
I'm not going to call you anything not going bring Obama into it I'm not going to call Holder names nor will I makes this a Democrat vs Republican deal or a white vs black one I will simply let your words speak for themselves.

Then you are obviously not a scared white person. And I stand on everything I say.
We would expect nothing less you have made it very clear you see the world and the people in it one way and one way only and nothing will ever change that.
Yes! And I say hallelujah! And I hope this opens up probes into other police forces who target blacks. Enough is enough.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas and Eric Holder is going to try his best to make it one.

Go ahead, call me anything you want and toss in a side of "'s Obama's fault" because I don't give a phlying phuck. This board is full of scared white people. I'm white, too but I just ain't scared of those negroes that Cliven Bundy is a'scared of, too.

Side note: Darren Wilson got to the Ferguson PD by way of the Jennings, Missouri PD which was shut down for racism. Fact.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson, Missouri, Police

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Missouri Police - NBC News

"""The Justice Department intends to launch a civil rights investigation of the entire Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, according to administration officials.

An announcement of the investigation is planned for Thursday.

With the help of the FBI, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been investigating last month's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, who was wounded several times by a Ferguson police officer. The shooting touched off several days of sometimes violent protest.

But this new investigation would be much broader, looking at the conduct of the entire Ferguson Police Department over the past several years."""

Unbelievable. This is a witch hunt. There is no basis given for why this investigation is even necessary.

The thing about totalitarian regimes is that they have a bad habit of finding what they are looking for, even when it isn't there.

This is bogus.

You really think wrongdoing isn't present in the Ferguson PD?

The only way to know is to INVESTIGATE it.

Since when do we just let cops shoot people without oversight? And what does looting have to do with Brown's shooting?

Why are RWs so anxious to bury this without an investigation?

Because they are scared white people who have no understanding of the other America. Remember when Henry Gates got arrested for breaking into his own house? How many Harvard professors get arrested on their own front porch?
The pig-headed mindset is everywhere.

How many Harvard Law Professor are jimmying their window open at 2 AM because they don't have their keys, and when the cops show up , don't show them ID to prove who they are?

Ghetto trash tell lies about the police department and here come the racist DoJ scum to invent bogus crimes.

Just like the entire Brown case, he was a criminal that got what he deserved for attacking a police officer and coming back for a second attack until his head was blown off.

Burn in hell Brown....

And you can post FACTS that PROVE that?

Didn't think so.

And you can't either. YOur side just sides with the people doing the looting.

Trouble-makers have mostly come from out of town. Protesters themselves, not cops, took it upon themselves to defend local stores from opportunists.

Sort of like Cliven Bundy's little get-together in Nevada, right? But that was OK, right?

Those attendees brandished firearms at the BLM agents and they were not even arrested.

What if those guys had been black people fully armed instead of white rednecks?

Want to rethink your comment now?
Black Panthers would not be on a Nevada Ranch...that would be too much like work.
Ghetto trash tell lies about the police department and here come the racist DoJ scum to invent bogus crimes.

Just like the entire Brown case, he was a criminal that got what he deserved for attacking a police officer and coming back for a second attack until his head was blown off.

Burn in hell Brown....

And you can post FACTS that PROVE that?

Didn't think so.

And you can't either. YOur side just sides with the people doing the looting.

Trouble-makers have mostly come from out of town. Protesters themselves, not cops, took it upon themselves to defend local stores from opportunists.

Sort of like Cliven Bundy's little get-together in Nevada, right? But that was OK, right?

Those attendees brandished firearms at the BLM agents and they were not even arrested.

What if those guys had been black people fully armed instead of white rednecks?

Want to rethink your comment now?

It's a great rebuttal, champ, but maybe you'd like to take a second look at who I was rebutting and my tone toward the protesters, because we're sort of on the same side on this one.
The DOJ investigation will find out that in a majority black city the majority of arrests are of black people. That will prove the police are racist.
The DOJ investigation will find out that in a majority black city the majority of arrests are of black people. That will prove the police are racist.

That is racist, When blacks commit 10 times as many crimes as whites you MUST ignore 9 out of 10 crimes committed by blacks so that you aren't arresting them at an unfair ratio.

The only way to know is to INVESTIGATE it.

Since when do we just let cops shoot people without oversight? And what does looting have to do with Brown's shooting?

Why are RWs so anxious to bury this without an investigation?
Isn't it cute how little neddy keeps trying to pretend this shooting isn't being investigated? And even pretending there's some "RW" someplace that wants it that way?

He's lost in his own dream land, trying desperately to find (or invent) someone he can complain about......
The solution to this is so simple it's mind boggling.

Equip all police with personal video cams.

If you turn it off, you while interacting with a civilian you go to jail

If you're an asshole to said civilian, you go to jail

If the civilian is an asshole to you, keep your cool and he goes to jail.

If you think you have a right to be an asshole to cops , tough shit .
Yes! And I say hallelujah! And I hope this opens up probes into other police forces who target blacks. Enough is enough.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas and Eric Holder is going to try his best to make it one.

Go ahead, call me anything you want and toss in a side of "'s Obama's fault" because I don't give a phlying phuck. This board is full of scared white people. I'm white, too but I just ain't scared of those negroes that Cliven Bundy is a'scared of, too.

Side note: Darren Wilson got to the Ferguson PD by way of the Jennings, Missouri PD which was shut down for racism. Fact.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson, Missouri, Police

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Missouri Police - NBC News

"""The Justice Department intends to launch a civil rights investigation of the entire Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, according to administration officials.

An announcement of the investigation is planned for Thursday.

With the help of the FBI, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been investigating last month's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, who was wounded several times by a Ferguson police officer. The shooting touched off several days of sometimes violent protest.

But this new investigation would be much broader, looking at the conduct of the entire Ferguson Police Department over the past several years."""

Unbelievable. This is a witch hunt. There is no basis given for why this investigation is even necessary.

The thing about totalitarian regimes is that they have a bad habit of finding what they are looking for, even when it isn't there.

This is bogus.

You really think wrongdoing isn't present in the Ferguson PD?

The only way to know is to INVESTIGATE it.

Since when do we just let cops shoot people without oversight? And what does looting have to do with Brown's shooting?

Why are RWs so anxious to bury this without an investigation?

Because they are scared white people who have no understanding of the other America. Remember when Henry Gates got arrested for breaking into his own house? How many Harvard professors get arrested on their own front porch?
The pig-headed mindset is everywhere.
Yup and your aces at it.

The DOJ has nothing better to do then investigate the police department in a Town where riots occured. Riots because a white officer shot and killed a black.

If the Officer had been black no one would have said a word. If the kid had been white no one would have said a word.

Bunch of bullshit anyway you look at it. Holder is just going to try to hang someone, anyone for what happened.

Expect nothing less.
Yes! And I say hallelujah! And I hope this opens up probes into other police forces who target blacks. Enough is enough.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas and Eric Holder is going to try his best to make it one.

Go ahead, call me anything you want and toss in a side of "'s Obama's fault" because I don't give a phlying phuck. This board is full of scared white people. I'm white, too but I just ain't scared of those negroes that Cliven Bundy is a'scared of, too.

Side note: Darren Wilson got to the Ferguson PD by way of the Jennings, Missouri PD which was shut down for racism. Fact.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson, Missouri, Police

Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Missouri Police - NBC News

"""The Justice Department intends to launch a civil rights investigation of the entire Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department, according to administration officials.

An announcement of the investigation is planned for Thursday.

With the help of the FBI, the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division has been investigating last month's fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, who was wounded several times by a Ferguson police officer. The shooting touched off several days of sometimes violent protest.

But this new investigation would be much broader, looking at the conduct of the entire Ferguson Police Department over the past several years."""

Unbelievable. This is a witch hunt. There is no basis given for why this investigation is even necessary.

The thing about totalitarian regimes is that they have a bad habit of finding what they are looking for, even when it isn't there.

This is bogus.

You really think wrongdoing isn't present in the Ferguson PD?

The only way to know is to INVESTIGATE it.

Since when do we just let cops shoot people without oversight? And what does looting have to do with Brown's shooting?

Why are RWs so anxious to bury this without an investigation?

Because they are scared white people who have no understanding of the other America. Remember when Henry Gates got arrested for breaking into his own house? How many Harvard professors get arrested on their own front porch?
The pig-headed mindset is everywhere.

Gates was not arrested for breaking into his own house. He was arrested for disorderly conduct! All he had to do was talk decently to the police officers and he couldn't do that. He resorted to black thug "Yo Mama" yelling.
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Why doesn't the AG investigate if the Civil Rights of the store owners were violated by looters? The cops and National Guard were told to stand down while the looters were free to vandalize and rob stores. No investigation there?

The few that were arrested, just how much of a trial and sentence are they going to get to be an example for looters in the future?
"... police forces who target blacks."
there is a reason some police Depts. target blacks, (actually.., *******) due to the crime rate in the ghettos, where crimes are committed is by 99.5% "*******"...., and there is a difference, black folks are doing their best to raise their children in a decent society where they can advance to higher positions in life.., ******* just want to be "*******"!!

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