DOJ - Trump Can Be Sued Jan. 6 Riot Injuries.

Overthrowing America doesn't take place in one event, but doing it like the leftist have been doing it is the way it's being conducted, otherwise so slow and meticulous that it's almost seemingly harmless, but we know better now..... It is exactly what we've been seeing over the year's that has been taking place with the leftist now, where as they've almost succeeded, but once the failed bull shite finally gets so agreedous and in American's faces, then comes the huge blow back.

That's what we are seeing now, and thank God for it.
Yes on the day of the attack Trump wanted to get Pense and Pelosi, send the voter returns back to the States to get recounted. Fact. BTW we now know Trump faked voter returns. BTW America needs to be brought into the 21st century, only liberals will do that.
Nope. Cohen went to prison for wire fraud, lying to the FBI, and income tax evasion.
*and felony campaign finance violations

(The orange slob was identified as the unindicted co-conspirator, and the criminal investigation into him over this just restarted)

Like I said.. you really don't know anything about this and should stop talking now.
*and felony campaign finance violations

(The orange slob was identified as the unindicted co-conspirator, and the criminal investigation into him over this just restarted)

Like I said.. you really don't know anything about this and should stop talking now.
Wire fraud, campaign finance violations.....Guilt by association.
Clinton and Obama were both found to be guilty of campaign finance violations and all they did was pay a hefty fine.

If they had any evidence against Trump they could get an indictment on him with they would have indicted him two years ago.

They're ignoring all of the shit Biden is doing and attempting the create crimes out of thin-air.

You don't know what you're talking about so stop talking now, shitforbrains.
Uh, no. Sorry. That isn't what "unindicted co-conspirator" means.

Seriously dude. Everything you are saying is stupid and wrong.
The corrupt DOJ can make any false accusations they want....but they know they'll never stand up in they haven't done Jack Squat about it.
It's pure harassment. Nothing more.
That's ok, if they fail then they were not worthy. But people should have the right to file them.

Year lets bother people with a bunch of bogus lawsuit claims which innocent people go bankrupt to fight them off while Trump is surviving because he has a gob of money to deal with it.

I see that you have low legal and ethical standards to show.

This means you are no patriot since decent people would sue when they have a credible case unlike this one which is pure partisan bullshit.
The exact same accusation that already stood up in court and sent Cohen to prison?

Dude. I think you need to take a break.
Dude.....this shit is all water under the bridge, it's old fucking news, and you're using it to distract from everything Biden is getting caught doing.
They're never going to indict him.
They'll just make up some fake constitutional excuse dealing with Jan 6th claiming it was an insurrection.
Everyone with half a brain knows they can't touch Trump with that shit in court.
We ARE talking about Trump.

This is what YOU replied to:

Because so many lawsuits against Trump fails BECAUSE it is a pile of bullshit

Your deflecting reply:

That is why so many of Trump’s lawsuits fail.

You deflected away from his dealing with bogus lawsuits to his lawsuits which many failed or was retracted.

Your dishonesty is noted.

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