DOJ won't prosecute AG Garland for contempt for refusal to turn over audio from Biden, Hur interview

As if you know a god damn thing about US law. Take your basseless claims and scram, retard. :cuckoo:
According to the article, GOP members on the committees have openly stated that they want the audio recordings to "illuminate Hur’s comments about the president’s memory and offer insights into his mental acuity."
So, given that the committees already have the transcripts from these interviews, it’s plain as day that they only want the audio recordings so they can try to use it to depict Biden as being too old to be president, while knowing full well that the presumptive Republican candidate is only 3 years younger than Biden.
According to the article, GOP members on the committees have openly stated that they want the audio recordings to "illuminate Hur’s comments about the president’s memory and offer insights into his mental acuity."
So, given that the committees already have the transcripts from these interviews, it’s plain as day that they only want the audio recordings so they can try to use it to depict Biden as being too old to be president, while knowing full well that the presumptive Republican candidate is only 3 years younger than Biden.
The transcripts were not entirely accurate, which was admitted by the DOJ. Thats why we want it. Biden's humiliation is a just a bonus. The ONLY reason why they wouldnt give up the tape is because, they believe it will cost Biden the election because, he sounds old in the tape. Sorry, but that reason isnt going to cut it for us.
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The transcripts were not entirely accurate, which was admitted by the DOJ. Thats why we want it. Biden's humiliation is a just a bonus. The ONLY reason why they wouldnt give up the tape is because, they believe it will cost Biden the election because, he sounds old in the tape. Sorry, but that reason isnt going to cut it for us.
Link please. (Bold above).
So the guy who was convicted of illegal behavior is the Same Guy who gets to determine if it proceeds any further??
Iddi Amin was famous for that.
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There's no legal justification to demand the tapes be turned over. They have the complete transcript.

The MAGGOTS just want to cherry pick the audio for political propaganda.
Richard, weren't you on a reality TV show?
Navarro and bannon go to prison for the same crime but not garland!!! The DOJ is all about politics. America has the right to hear this audio.

Well seriously, did anybody on the planet believe Garland or those who answer to him would indict him no matter what he did? The best we can do is have it on his record that he was held in contempt of Congress. Small justice for sure.
Well they held him in contempt by 1 vote, hardly a rousing condemnation. If you are going to hold the AG of the United States in contempt of Congress then gather more than a measly 1 vote majority FFS. This shit is becoming a joke. Yeah he's a worm and a POS Democrat but you need something a lot stronger than this to hold the AG in contempt and convict. They have the tape transcript, they didn't get the recording. Get over it clowns. Stop wasting my tax dollars.
I’m amazed the audio hasn’t been “leaked” yet. If this were a trump administration, msnbc would have the tapes already.

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