DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
We may never get to the bottom of the deep corruption that was within the Obama administration


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release intercepted material alleging that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch conspired with the Clinton campaign in a deal to rig the Clinton email investigation, reports Paul Sperry of RealClear Investigations.

The information remains so secret that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton, and even withhold it from Congress.

Not even members of Congress with top secret security clearance have been allowed to see the unverified accounts intercepted from presumed Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, allegedly implicates the Clinton campaign and Lynch in the scheme.

“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the Obama Justice Department,” notes Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, which is suing the DOJ for the material.

Wasserman Schultz, Lynch and Clinton have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation.

True or false, the material is consequential because it appears to have influenced former FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to break with bureau protocols because he didn’t trust Lynch. In his recent book, Comey said he took the reins in the Clinton email probe, announcing Clinton should not be indicted, because of a “development still unknown to the American public” that “cast serious doubt” on Lynch’s credibility – clearly the intercepted material.

If the material documents an authentic exchange between Lynch and a Clinton aide, it would appear to be strong evidence that the Obama administration put partisan political considerations ahead of its duty to enforce the law. -RealClear Investigations

Then again, if the intercepts are fabricated, it would constitute Russia's most tangible success in influencing the 2016 U.S. election - since Comey may not have gone around Lynch cleared Clinton during his July 2016 press conference - nor would he have likely publicly announced the reopening of the investigation right before the election - an act Clinton and her allies blame for her stunning loss to Donald Trump.

DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe
We may never get to the bottom of the deep corruption that was within the Obama administration

But, Robert Muller is definitely going to get to the bottom of the most corrupt administration ever.
I thought Trump is President these days, has he seen this stuff? If not, why not? I want to know what the Eff is/was going on, why is that too much to ask for? Did you or did you not do your job in a professional and impartial manner? Did you break the law, yes or no? And why is the DOJ/FBI dragging it's feet on this stuff, I get that the material in question cannot be released before it is scrubbed to protect our people and sources and methods and procedures. But is it more than that? Is someone sanitizing information so that we don't get the whole truth? I tell ya, at a time when the public's trust in gov't in general and the DOJ/FBI in particular, this is not the time to be playing CYA.
We may never get to the bottom of the deep corruption that was within the Obama administration


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release intercepted material alleging that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch conspired with the Clinton campaign in a deal to rig the Clinton email investigation, reports Paul Sperry of RealClear Investigations.

The information remains so secret that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton, and even withhold it from Congress.

Not even members of Congress with top secret security clearance have been allowed to see the unverified accounts intercepted from presumed Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, allegedly implicates the Clinton campaign and Lynch in the scheme.

“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the Obama Justice Department,” notes Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, which is suing the DOJ for the material.

Wasserman Schultz, Lynch and Clinton have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation.

True or false, the material is consequential because it appears to have influenced former FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to break with bureau protocols because he didn’t trust Lynch. In his recent book, Comey said he took the reins in the Clinton email probe, announcing Clinton should not be indicted, because of a “development still unknown to the American public” that “cast serious doubt” on Lynch’s credibility – clearly the intercepted material.

If the material documents an authentic exchange between Lynch and a Clinton aide, it would appear to be strong evidence that the Obama administration put partisan political considerations ahead of its duty to enforce the law. -RealClear Investigations

Then again, if the intercepts are fabricated, it would constitute Russia's most tangible success in influencing the 2016 U.S. election - since Comey may not have gone around Lynch cleared Clinton during his July 2016 press conference - nor would he have likely publicly announced the reopening of the investigation right before the election - an act Clinton and her allies blame for her stunning loss to Donald Trump.

DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe
I’m still confident we’ll eventually see how corrupt the obama administration really was. It’s going to take some time, but the truth will come out.
We may never get to the bottom of the deep corruption that was within the Obama administration


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release intercepted material alleging that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch conspired with the Clinton campaign in a deal to rig the Clinton email investigation, reports Paul Sperry of RealClear Investigations.

The information remains so secret that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton, and even withhold it from Congress.

Not even members of Congress with top secret security clearance have been allowed to see the unverified accounts intercepted from presumed Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, allegedly implicates the Clinton campaign and Lynch in the scheme.

“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the Obama Justice Department,” notes Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, which is suing the DOJ for the material.

Wasserman Schultz, Lynch and Clinton have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation.

True or false, the material is consequential because it appears to have influenced former FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to break with bureau protocols because he didn’t trust Lynch. In his recent book, Comey said he took the reins in the Clinton email probe, announcing Clinton should not be indicted, because of a “development still unknown to the American public” that “cast serious doubt” on Lynch’s credibility – clearly the intercepted material.

If the material documents an authentic exchange between Lynch and a Clinton aide, it would appear to be strong evidence that the Obama administration put partisan political considerations ahead of its duty to enforce the law. -RealClear Investigations

Then again, if the intercepts are fabricated, it would constitute Russia's most tangible success in influencing the 2016 U.S. election - since Comey may not have gone around Lynch cleared Clinton during his July 2016 press conference - nor would he have likely publicly announced the reopening of the investigation right before the election - an act Clinton and her allies blame for her stunning loss to Donald Trump.

DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe

Conspiracy Theory
writ large
Loretta Lynch intercepts? Did the FBI have the A.G. under surveillance too? The Hussein administration is beginning to sound more and more like a Banana Republic.
Loretta Lynch intercepts? Did the FBI have the A.G. under surveillance too? The Hussein administration is beginning to sound more and more like a Banana Republic.
The paranoia within the obama administration ran deep.
Last edited:
We may never get to the bottom of the deep corruption that was within the Obama administration


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release intercepted material alleging that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch conspired with the Clinton campaign in a deal to rig the Clinton email investigation, reports Paul Sperry of RealClear Investigations.

The information remains so secret that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton, and even withhold it from Congress.

Not even members of Congress with top secret security clearance have been allowed to see the unverified accounts intercepted from presumed Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, allegedly implicates the Clinton campaign and Lynch in the scheme.

“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the Obama Justice Department,” notes Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, which is suing the DOJ for the material.

Wasserman Schultz, Lynch and Clinton have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation.

True or false, the material is consequential because it appears to have influenced former FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to break with bureau protocols because he didn’t trust Lynch. In his recent book, Comey said he took the reins in the Clinton email probe, announcing Clinton should not be indicted, because of a “development still unknown to the American public” that “cast serious doubt” on Lynch’s credibility – clearly the intercepted material.

If the material documents an authentic exchange between Lynch and a Clinton aide, it would appear to be strong evidence that the Obama administration put partisan political considerations ahead of its duty to enforce the law. -RealClear Investigations

Then again, if the intercepts are fabricated, it would constitute Russia's most tangible success in influencing the 2016 U.S. election - since Comey may not have gone around Lynch cleared Clinton during his July 2016 press conference - nor would he have likely publicly announced the reopening of the investigation right before the election - an act Clinton and her allies blame for her stunning loss to Donald Trump.

DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe

Conspiracy Theory
writ large

yup, and will stay here in politics.
We may never get to the bottom of the deep corruption that was within the Obama administration


The Department of Justice (DOJ) is refusing to release intercepted material alleging that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch conspired with the Clinton campaign in a deal to rig the Clinton email investigation, reports Paul Sperry of RealClear Investigations.

The information remains so secret that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz had to censor it from his recently released 500-plus-page report on the FBI’s investigation of Clinton, and even withhold it from Congress.

Not even members of Congress with top secret security clearance have been allowed to see the unverified accounts intercepted from presumed Russian sources in which the head of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, allegedly implicates the Clinton campaign and Lynch in the scheme.

“It is remarkable how this Justice Department is protecting the corruption of the Obama Justice Department,” notes Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, which is suing the DOJ for the material.

Wasserman Schultz, Lynch and Clinton have denied the allegations and characterized them as Russian disinformation.

True or false, the material is consequential because it appears to have influenced former FBI Director James B. Comey’s decision to break with bureau protocols because he didn’t trust Lynch. In his recent book, Comey said he took the reins in the Clinton email probe, announcing Clinton should not be indicted, because of a “development still unknown to the American public” that “cast serious doubt” on Lynch’s credibility – clearly the intercepted material.

If the material documents an authentic exchange between Lynch and a Clinton aide, it would appear to be strong evidence that the Obama administration put partisan political considerations ahead of its duty to enforce the law. -RealClear Investigations

Then again, if the intercepts are fabricated, it would constitute Russia's most tangible success in influencing the 2016 U.S. election - since Comey may not have gone around Lynch cleared Clinton during his July 2016 press conference - nor would he have likely publicly announced the reopening of the investigation right before the election - an act Clinton and her allies blame for her stunning loss to Donald Trump.

DOJ Won't Release Top Secret Loretta Lynch Intercepts Suggesting Secret Deal To Rig Clinton Probe

Conspiracy Theory
writ large

yup, and will stay here in politics.
It's not a conspiracy theory. There is clear and evident cover up for the Obama admin.

Plain and simple


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