Doll-Cat: A Photo Drugstore!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I like how modern photo-centric 'culture' (e.g., smartphone cameras, Facebook, etc.) makes for somewhat entertaining 'magazine-friendly storytelling.'

Does this have more to do with the cuteness of gossip, the artisan-ship of Halloween and masquerade, or the commerce of Hollywood?

I'm a big fan of the photography-paranoia film One Hour Photo starring the late, great comedian and actor Robin Williams.


Ursula was a beautiful baby girl born to immigrant Albanian parents living in Washington, D.C. She was given the nickname 'Sive' (in praise of the Hindu deity Shiva --- god of destruction/meditation), since she always looked rather intelligent (for a baby!). Ursula loved to play with baby-blocks but really loved to build block-towers and then pummel them apart. Ursula's mother joked that she would become a real 'villainess' someday. Ursula's father loved reading/collecting comic books and Ursula would stare at them sometimes, admiring their colorful drawings, and her mom took note of her special fascination with 'pop art.'

On the other coast of America, the Hollywood movie actress Cameron Diaz was preparing for a provocative role as a street-wise brawling feisty young woman in Martin Scorsese's new period-piece film (an adaptation of a Herbert Asbury novel) titled Gangs of New York. While reading the film script, Diaz realized she had a newfound academic interest in the development of culture in confluence-rich (and drama-rich America). She wondered about the little stories and richness in immigrant enclaves and culture-towns (e.g., Chinatown, San Francisco) that gave rise to 'colorful American people' and thought about her cover-photo on the populism-inviting People Magazine.

Ursula was playing with her baby-blocks while her father was watching the American film The Mask (starring Cameron Diaz!). Ursula noticed how shiny and interesting Diaz looked in the film and started patting her daddy's head while watching the film. Her father amused and asked, "Oh, do you want to be like Cameron Diaz when you grow up?" Ursula gave a strange and eerily sly grin (for a baby!), but her father was too busy watching the Diaz film to take notice. When Ursula was rummaging through her dad's Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) books, she noticed a spread of the villainess Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), a sexy and smart agile terror-artist and a self-proclaimed 'anti-heroine.' Ursula gave another eerily sly grin.

"Boy, I wish I could visit the home of an immigrant family living in D.C. in an ethnically-dense enclave/area and ask them about their experiences living in America!" Diaz ruminated. She resolved to go to Washington, D.C. on Halloween Eve (for the special celebrity-pumpkin festival sponsored by the eco-activism group the Leo DiCaprio Foundation) dresses as the Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) villainess Black Cat! When she arrived, she noticed the crowds of people gathered for Leo's speech about the value of the autumn harvest and the importance of appreciating the Earth from which we take so much for the harvest. It was then that Black Cat (Diaz) noticed Ursula with her parents. Ursula was sitting in her stroller, and her dad was taking pictures of the 'scene.'

Ursula was dressed as the DC Comics 'villainess' Baby-Doll (a genetically-deformed nemesis of 'Batman' and woman who was perpetually 'stuck' in developmental growth as a toddler, giving her terrible anti-social rage). Ursula's father made her the outfit, since he was a big fan of Batman (DC Comics) story-books. Black Cat (Diaz) walked up to Baby-Doll (Ursula) and asked her, "Wow, you look strangely 'sinister' in that terrific Halloween villainess costume! Did your daddy make that for you?" Ursula's mother signalled in the affirmative, and Diaz told Ursula's mother, "I'm sure you're proud your baby could attend this important eco-awareness event on Halloween!" Just then Baby-Doll (Ursula) looked up at Black Cat (Diaz) and gave her strange eerily sly grin, prompting the startled movie actress to say, "Hey Ursula, you really have the aura of a future villainess!"






What kinds of Internet avatars appeal to you and why? I appreciate 'doodle-storytelling.'


Jason confronted Hobgoblin in the swamps of New Orleans on Halloween Eve. Jason was a resurrected killer avenging his own tragic death and the demise of his mother. Hobgoblin was a fashion designer named Roderick Kingsley who believed mermaids were creatures signifying a linguistic intelligence and hence smart mystical fashion engineering. He designed a complete line of clothing and accessories with mermaid-art and mermaid-figurine designs. He sold some to an eco-activism group. Roderick took Dr. Osborn's 'goblin serum' and became a mutated jet-glider soaring pumpkin-bomb throwing monster named Hobgoblin. Jason wore a hockey-mask and carried machetes, spears, or anything else useful for bloody murder.

Jason and Hobgoblin scoured the swamps of New Orleans when they both noticed a jeep full of American college students (male and female) parked and checking their smartphones for Facebook activity. The jeep was midway between Jason and Hobgoblin who did not see the other across the way in this 'Death Circle.' As the two monsters approached each other, the jeepful of young Americans were killed in the crossfire, but ironically, Jason and Hobgoblin (both thinking they were immortal) beheaded each other and thus ended a terrible reign of ruthless and relentless criminality.



Organic Comedy


ROBOT: Life is comprised of transfer of light energy (e.g., images).
ORGANISM: Life is a decadent presentation of anarchy.
ROBOT: Would you change the manner of schooling?
ORGANISM: I would change nutrition first; state-regulated diets for citizenry.
ROBOT: There is good value in the Food and Drug Administration.
ORGANISM: It is good fertilization agriculture-oriented movements towards industrialization/consumerism.
ROBOT: Do Earthlings care if there is water on Mars?
ORGANISM: Everything is connected.
ROBOT: I'm a big fan of Planet Hollywood.
ORGANISM: I like Facebook.
ROBOT: The Internet is changing photography.
ORGANISM: Countless mobile phones are camera-equipped...
ROBOT: Let's sing a tune for umpires.
ORGANISM: I'll get my flute.


The Entropy Joke

Here's a mock-dialogue between Jane Austen and Eddie Nash about social activity. What if mass cyber-highway spam traffic changes the 'quality' of journalism?


JANE AUSTEN: Germans like predicates.
EDDIE NASH: You're a lovely romantic.
JANE AUSTEN: What's wrong with ornamenting Easter?
EDDIE NASH: Vodka and Catholicism are not incompatible.
JANE AUSTEN: Are atheists abstinent?
EDDIE NASH: Atheists drink or don't drink with little consideration of metaphysics.
JANE AUSTEN: Everyone smokes tobacco...
EDDIE NASH: Yes, it's very sensual activity.
JANE AUSTEN: And social too it seems.
EDDIE NASH: Unless you're an addict.
JANE AUSTEN: Are you camera-shy?
EDDIE NASH: I live life for the masses.
JANE AUSTEN: There should be museums of photographs.
EDDIE NASH: Will there be happy hour?
JANE AUSTEN: The Roman urge never changes.
EDDIE NASH: Do you enjoy cooking (culinary arts)?
JANE AUSTEN: I like perusing recipes.
EDDIE NASH: There are countless cookbooks these days.


Batman vs. Leatherface

Anyone a fan of the recent horror-comedy films --- e.g., Dracula: Dead and Loving It, Scary Movie, Army of Darkness, etc.? "Am I ordering you to laugh or scream?"

Colloquialisms of genres of art (e.g., horror-cinema) perhaps reflect a new age interest in 'mob psychology sarcasm.'


BATMAN: You're a maniac with that chainsaw!
LEATHERFACE: Aaarrrgghhh!!!
BATMAN: I wonder if you can read.
BATMAN: The media is going to turn you into a celebrity!
BATMAN: You'll never get out of Arkham!
LEATHERFACE: Uh-uh-uh!!!
BATMAN: They have clean drinking water here at Arkham.
BATMAN: Maybe if you're not a terror, they'll let you watch movies in your cell (e.g., The Mask).
LEATHERFACE: Cameron Diaz!!!
BATMAN: She's a cool actress. You have motivation to keep quiet.
BATMAN: Don't make Arkham miserable, Leatherface!
BATMAN: Yeah, I can see the headline: "Leatherface goes on Facebook!"
LEATHERFACE: Computer!!!



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