Dolphins players take a knee

The same way the vast majority of people in societies have though the vast majority of history.

And those societies that failed at that, were conquered by those that succeeded.

Then what binds you to your fellow citizens? Or motivates you to sacrifice for the common good, or work towards common goals?

What you are describing is what a society looks like, in it's late decline, when the very idea of loyalty to the society, is considered passe.

Future museums will have posts like yours to show how your culture died.



And do you even consider it vilifying? YOu have no patriotism. Do you even consider it an insult to say that someone has no patriotism?

You have no patriotism. Hell, you turn it down when your anthem comes on the radio. That is more that just no patriotism, that is antipathy.
You misunderstand me. I am Welsh not British. I have no loyalty to the English hierarchy.

Yeah, I knew that.

And you have no loyalty to your fellow citizens.
You are insane. You have spent several days on this thread assertiing that some of your fellow citizens are more ciminally inclined than others because of their skin colour. Where is your loyalty ?

I've said nothing like that, every. YOu are a filthy race baiting lying piece of shit. FUck you.

I am judging the kneelers, who are not all black, and league who's races I don't care about, as anti-American assholes based on their actions.

Address my point if you want. Don't lie about what I have said, asshole.
Ok, I apologise. I am happy to accept your belief that skin colour has no relevance to criminality.

Good, now back to the topic.

Do you think it is relevant that those who support the kneelers are those who do NOT personally feel much, if any patriotism, while those who oppose the kneelers ARE patriotic?
What am I lying about exactly?

That you claim to support the kneelers because their message is so important, and that their intent is NOT to disrespect the flag and the nation for which it stands.
Not only a patriot but also telepathic, impressive. :113:

Note the liberal did not deny my point, just implied that it was not accurate, to some level.

Standard evasive tactic for libs.

If you had a position that you were serious about, you would have offered it in that post.

Instead, you just play games, because you don't want to offer your pathetic and weak excuse for what you are doing, because you know I will demolish it, in seconds.
I have already explained myself. You called me a liar. What more is there to be said.

No, you didn't. You danced around the point for a while, and then starded pretended that the discussion was over.

Now we waste time on word games.

Standard behavior in a liberal who has lost an argument.

You support anti-Americans because you are one.

And you lie about that, because you are a liberal.
^ Logical fallacy.

Appeal to motive - Wikipedia
You misunderstand me. I am Welsh not British. I have no loyalty to the English hierarchy.

Yeah, I knew that.

And you have no loyalty to your fellow citizens.
You are insane. You have spent several days on this thread assertiing that some of your fellow citizens are more ciminally inclined than others because of their skin colour. Where is your loyalty ?

I've said nothing like that, every. YOu are a filthy race baiting lying piece of shit. FUck you.

I am judging the kneelers, who are not all black, and league who's races I don't care about, as anti-American assholes based on their actions.

Address my point if you want. Don't lie about what I have said, asshole.
Ok, I apologise. I am happy to accept your belief that skin colour has no relevance to criminality.

Good, now back to the topic.

Do you think it is relevant that those who support the kneelers are those who do NOT personally feel much, if any patriotism, while those who oppose the kneelers ARE patriotic?
No. People love their country in different ways.Scoundrels wrap themselves in the flag.The dumb fucks think its some sort of kryptonite that will facilitate their judging of their fellow citizens.
Don't concern yourself with what I read and HOW I read it. That is really none of your business. And as far as your obsession over whether or not I am a liberal, you do not know that for certain.

Now. Go away.

if you are reading between my lines, and holding me responsible for your hallucinations, then it is my business.

ANd most "liberals" today are not liberals, they are simply State worshiping socialists. But, I don't mince words.

Neither do I. There is nothing that you say that I believe has any substance or makes sense. I hold YOU responsible for nothing, nor would I waste any time doing so.

I am not reading between YOUR lines. So don't flatter yourself to the point of absurdity.

There are no hallucinations on my part as it relates to the legions of fools out there like you who attempt to shove their interpretation of what patriotism is down the throats of other citizens.

You do not get to set that standard for others in a free society, and to assume that you do, exceeds any level of arrogance and ignorance.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.
Last edited:
if you are reading between my lines, and holding me responsible for your hallucinations, then it is my business.

ANd most "liberals" today are not liberals, they are simply State worshiping socialists. But, I don't mince words.

Neither do I. There is nothing that you say that I believe has any substance or makes sense. I hold YOU responsible for nothing, nor would I waste any time doing so.

I am not reading between YOUR lines. So don't flatter yourself to the point of absurdity.

There are no hallucinations on my part as it relates to the legions of fools out there like you who attempt to shove their interpretation of what patriotism is down the throats of other citizens.

You do not get to set that standard for others in a free society, and to assume that you do, exceeds any level of arrogance and ignorance.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.
Neither do I. There is nothing that you say that I believe has any substance or makes sense. I hold YOU responsible for nothing, nor would I waste any time doing so.

I am not reading between YOUR lines. So don't flatter yourself to the point of absurdity.

There are no hallucinations on my part as it relates to the legions of fools out there like you who attempt to shove their interpretation of what patriotism is down the throats of other citizens.

You do not get to set that standard for others in a free society, and to assume that you do, exceeds any level of arrogance and ignorance.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.

All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

Indeed. It requires a "special" kind of "something" to be the first to express outrage at any perception of THEIR own rights being marginalized, and on the other hand, character assault a group of individuals who choose to exercise their rights in a manner that is not "personally" acceptable to you.

Anyone who actually believes in and practices what the flag supossedly represents, may not agree with the method of protest, but would also support the fact that it is their right as citizens, as long as the law is not being broken.
That you claim to support the kneelers because their message is so important, and that their intent is NOT to disrespect the flag and the nation for which it stands.
Not only a patriot but also telepathic, impressive. :113:

Note the liberal did not deny my point, just implied that it was not accurate, to some level.

Standard evasive tactic for libs.

If you had a position that you were serious about, you would have offered it in that post.

Instead, you just play games, because you don't want to offer your pathetic and weak excuse for what you are doing, because you know I will demolish it, in seconds.
I have already explained myself. You called me a liar. What more is there to be said.

No, you didn't. You danced around the point for a while, and then starded pretended that the discussion was over.

Now we waste time on word games.

Standard behavior in a liberal who has lost an argument.

You support anti-Americans because you are one.

And you lie about that, because you are a liberal.
^ Logical fallacy.

Appeal to motive - Wikipedia

I'm not challenging your position based on your lack of patriotism.

I've already addressed your position, repeatedly and demolished it, over and over again.

Kneeling during the National Anthem is active disrespect and anti-Americanism.

Now it is time to move on to why you are so committed to this false position.

Your evasiveness on my point, looks like someone stonewalling, because they know they have lost the argument, but without the honor to admit it.
Yeah, I knew that.

And you have no loyalty to your fellow citizens.
You are insane. You have spent several days on this thread assertiing that some of your fellow citizens are more ciminally inclined than others because of their skin colour. Where is your loyalty ?

I've said nothing like that, every. YOu are a filthy race baiting lying piece of shit. FUck you.

I am judging the kneelers, who are not all black, and league who's races I don't care about, as anti-American assholes based on their actions.

Address my point if you want. Don't lie about what I have said, asshole.
Ok, I apologise. I am happy to accept your belief that skin colour has no relevance to criminality.

Good, now back to the topic.

Do you think it is relevant that those who support the kneelers are those who do NOT personally feel much, if any patriotism, while those who oppose the kneelers ARE patriotic?
No. People love their country in different ways.Scoundrels wrap themselves in the flag.The dumb fucks think its some sort of kryptonite that will facilitate their judging of their fellow citizens.

Don't you mean that SOME "scoundrels wrap themselves in the flag"?

Or are you serious, that you consider ANYONE AND EVERYONE, who expresses any patriotism to be a "scoundrel"?
if you are reading between my lines, and holding me responsible for your hallucinations, then it is my business.

ANd most "liberals" today are not liberals, they are simply State worshiping socialists. But, I don't mince words.

Neither do I. There is nothing that you say that I believe has any substance or makes sense. I hold YOU responsible for nothing, nor would I waste any time doing so.

I am not reading between YOUR lines. So don't flatter yourself to the point of absurdity.

There are no hallucinations on my part as it relates to the legions of fools out there like you who attempt to shove their interpretation of what patriotism is down the throats of other citizens.

You do not get to set that standard for others in a free society, and to assume that you do, exceeds any level of arrogance and ignorance.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

This is a discussion forum. You have over 5 thousand posts, so you dismissing my posting of my opinion is not credible. Dismissed.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

During an unity ritual, where standing is done to show Patriotism, they instead do the exact opposite of standing.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.

When their employers, decided to back them on this, then indeed, they were well within their rights to "say" what they are saying.

This is no longer in contention. That you lefties keep bringing it up, is because you know that your claim that their actions do not reveal their anti-Americanism is so absurd that constantly hurling strawmen is the only way you can defend their actions.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.
Neither do I. There is nothing that you say that I believe has any substance or makes sense. I hold YOU responsible for nothing, nor would I waste any time doing so.

I am not reading between YOUR lines. So don't flatter yourself to the point of absurdity.

There are no hallucinations on my part as it relates to the legions of fools out there like you who attempt to shove their interpretation of what patriotism is down the throats of other citizens.

You do not get to set that standard for others in a free society, and to assume that you do, exceeds any level of arrogance and ignorance.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

I am not denying that they have the right to do what they are doing.

I have said that dozens of times in this thread, you moron.

You are using that to cowardly avoid dealing with what I am actually saying.

Also, fuck you.
You are insane. You have spent several days on this thread assertiing that some of your fellow citizens are more ciminally inclined than others because of their skin colour. Where is your loyalty ?

I've said nothing like that, every. YOu are a filthy race baiting lying piece of shit. FUck you.

I am judging the kneelers, who are not all black, and league who's races I don't care about, as anti-American assholes based on their actions.

Address my point if you want. Don't lie about what I have said, asshole.
Ok, I apologise. I am happy to accept your belief that skin colour has no relevance to criminality.

Good, now back to the topic.

Do you think it is relevant that those who support the kneelers are those who do NOT personally feel much, if any patriotism, while those who oppose the kneelers ARE patriotic?
No. People love their country in different ways.Scoundrels wrap themselves in the flag.The dumb fucks think its some sort of kryptonite that will facilitate their judging of their fellow citizens.

Don't you mean that SOME "scoundrels wrap themselves in the flag"?

Or are you serious, that you consider ANYONE AND EVERYONE, who expresses any patriotism to be a "scoundrel"?
In this specific instance those who weaponise the flag and use it to oppress free expression and then impose their version of "patriotism". They are all scoundrels or maybe just easily led by scoundrels.

Hands up who needs a lesson in patriotism from trump ?
They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.

All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

Indeed. It requires a "special" kind of "something" to be the first to express outrage at any perception of THEIR own rights being marginalized, and on the other hand, character assault a group of individuals who choose to exercise their rights in a manner that is not "personally" acceptable to you.

Anyone who actually believes in and practices what the flag supossedly represents, may not agree with the method of protest, but would also support the fact that it is their right as citizens, as long as the law is not being broken.

Since their employers are backing them,

I do support their right to do this. And I have said so, over and over again.

THey are still anti-American pieces of shit. All of them. ANd their employers.
I've said nothing like that, every. YOu are a filthy race baiting lying piece of shit. FUck you.

I am judging the kneelers, who are not all black, and league who's races I don't care about, as anti-American assholes based on their actions.

Address my point if you want. Don't lie about what I have said, asshole.
Ok, I apologise. I am happy to accept your belief that skin colour has no relevance to criminality.

Good, now back to the topic.

Do you think it is relevant that those who support the kneelers are those who do NOT personally feel much, if any patriotism, while those who oppose the kneelers ARE patriotic?
No. People love their country in different ways.Scoundrels wrap themselves in the flag.The dumb fucks think its some sort of kryptonite that will facilitate their judging of their fellow citizens.

Don't you mean that SOME "scoundrels wrap themselves in the flag"?

Or are you serious, that you consider ANYONE AND EVERYONE, who expresses any patriotism to be a "scoundrel"?
In this specific instance those who weaponise the flag and use it to oppress free expression and then impose their version of "patriotism". They are all scoundrels or maybe just easily led by scoundrels.

Hands up who needs a lesson in patriotism from trump ?

So, to be clear, you are NOT arguing, as your previous post implied, that EVERYONE who claims to be Patriotic, is a scoundrel?


And of course, I do not oppose their right to free expression.

All I am doing is judging them on their expressed anti-Americanism.

As is right and proper.

Can we stop wasting time, now, with you lefties pretending to not understand what I am saying, over and over and over again?

Or are you too cowardly to address what I am actually saying?
They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

I am not denying that they have the right to do what they are doing.

I have said that dozens of times in this thread, you moron.

You are using that to cowardly avoid dealing with what I am actually saying.

Also, fuck you.
The only way you can attack their protest is by appealing to motive. That is what you are doing and it is a logical fallacy.
Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

I am not denying that they have the right to do what they are doing.

I have said that dozens of times in this thread, you moron.

You are using that to cowardly avoid dealing with what I am actually saying.

Also, fuck you.
The only way you can attack their protest is by appealing to motive. That is what you are doing and it is a logical fallacy.

Their protest is kneeling, ie the opposite of standing, during the national anthem. That is an expression of disrespect. Obviously.

I am not attacking their protest. I am attacking THEM, for being anti-American pieces of shit.
I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

I am not denying that they have the right to do what they are doing.

I have said that dozens of times in this thread, you moron.

You are using that to cowardly avoid dealing with what I am actually saying.

Also, fuck you.
The only way you can attack their protest is by appealing to motive. That is what you are doing and it is a logical fallacy.

Their protest is kneeling, ie the opposite of standing, during the national anthem. That is an expression of disrespect. Obviously.

I am not attacking their protest. I am attacking THEM, for being anti-American pieces of shit.
Henry David Thoreau, was he an anti-American piece of shit? Clearly you think anyone who sympathizes with a person's right to refuse allegiance to the government is.
Neither do I. There is nothing that you say that I believe has any substance or makes sense. I hold YOU responsible for nothing, nor would I waste any time doing so.

I am not reading between YOUR lines. So don't flatter yourself to the point of absurdity.

There are no hallucinations on my part as it relates to the legions of fools out there like you who attempt to shove their interpretation of what patriotism is down the throats of other citizens.

You do not get to set that standard for others in a free society, and to assume that you do, exceeds any level of arrogance and ignorance.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

This is a discussion forum. You have over 5 thousand posts, so you dismissing my posting of my opinion is not credible. Dismissed.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

During an unity ritual, where standing is done to show Patriotism, they instead do the exact opposite of standing.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.

When their employers, decided to back them on this, then indeed, they were well within their rights to "say" what they are saying.

This is no longer in contention. That you lefties keep bringing it up, is because you know that your claim that their actions do not reveal their anti-Americanism is so absurd that constantly hurling strawmen is the only way you can defend their actions.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

So you're a "master of the obvious"? Anyone who posts here knows that it is a discussion forum, Einstein.

I did not "dismiss" your posting your opinion(no matter how absurd), about anything.

It's part of the right to free speech, just like the NFL players are exercising.

Rather than continue a futile attempt to make sense to the likes of you, the following is a statement by the court, regarding a case where draconian thinking individuals like you were unfortunately responsible for the administration of a school district, These school officials actually threatened students who did not salute the flag with expulsion and other punitive actions. And the students knew their rights.

"True patriots welcome dissent and protest, even when it touches the flag. To the Court, true patriots recognize that the U.S. is strong enough to appeal to people on its own, without mandates from above: “To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous, instead of a compulsory routine, is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds.”

So based on that observation by legal professionals, this has nothing to do with one leaning left or right, as you often foolishly attempt to illustrate.

The glaring fact here is that YOU are sure as hell no "patriot" and are far more "Anti American" than those who choose not to stand and salute the flag.
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Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

I am not denying that they have the right to do what they are doing.

I have said that dozens of times in this thread, you moron.

You are using that to cowardly avoid dealing with what I am actually saying.

Also, fuck you.
The only way you can attack their protest is by appealing to motive. That is what you are doing and it is a logical fallacy.

Their protest is kneeling, ie the opposite of standing, during the national anthem. That is an expression of disrespect. Obviously.

I am not attacking their protest. I am attacking THEM, for being anti-American pieces of shit.
Henry David Thoreau, was he an anti-American piece of shit? Clearly you think anyone who sympathizes with a person's right to refuse allegiance to the government is.

1. The flag is not a symbol of the government but the nation as a whole, and all of it's citizens.

2.The kneelers are refusing allegiance to their fellow citizens, while still benefiting from being citizens. They are thus disloyal elements without our nation. That is a problem.

2b If they renounced their citizens ship, to a nation they obviously deplore, that would be fine.

3. But thank you for admitting that this is about refusing allegiance. So many of your fellow libs are lying about that.
They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

This is a discussion forum. You have over 5 thousand posts, so you dismissing my posting of my opinion is not credible. Dismissed.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

During an unity ritual, where standing is done to show Patriotism, they instead do the exact opposite of standing.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.

When their employers, decided to back them on this, then indeed, they were well within their rights to "say" what they are saying.

This is no longer in contention. That you lefties keep bringing it up, is because you know that your claim that their actions do not reveal their anti-Americanism is so absurd that constantly hurling strawmen is the only way you can defend their actions.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

So you're a "master of the obvious"? Anyone who posts here knows that it is a discussion forum, Einstein.

I did not "dismiss" your posting your opinion(no matter how absurd), about anything.

It's part of the right to free speech, just like the NFL players are exercising.

Rather than continue a futile attempt to make sense to the likes of you, the following is a statement by the court, regarding a case where draconian thinking individuals like you were unfortunately responsible for the administration of a school district, These school officials actually threatened students who did not salute the flag with expulsion and other punitive actions. And the students knew their rights.

"True patriots welcome dissent and protest, even when it touches the flag. To the Court, true patriots recognize that the U.S. is strong enough to appeal to people on its own, without mandates from above: “To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous, instead of a compulsory routine, is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds.”

So based on that observation by legal professionals, this has nothing to do with one leaning left or right, as you often foolishly attempt to illustrate.

The glaring fact here is that YOU are sure as hell no "patriot" and are far more "Anti American" than those who choose not to stand and salute the flag.

Do you think that Patriotism is flourishing in this nation?

Do you think it should flourish?
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

It takes a special kind of asshole ( Correll ) to recognize this right for himself but to deny it to another man for any reason.

I am not denying that they have the right to do what they are doing.

I have said that dozens of times in this thread, you moron.

You are using that to cowardly avoid dealing with what I am actually saying.

Also, fuck you.
The only way you can attack their protest is by appealing to motive. That is what you are doing and it is a logical fallacy.

Their protest is kneeling, ie the opposite of standing, during the national anthem. That is an expression of disrespect. Obviously.

I am not attacking their protest. I am attacking THEM, for being anti-American pieces of shit.
Henry David Thoreau, was he an anti-American piece of shit? Clearly you think anyone who sympathizes with a person's right to refuse allegiance to the government is.

1. The flag is not a symbol of the government but the nation as a whole, and all of it's citizens.

2.The kneelers are refusing allegiance to their fellow citizens, while still benefiting from being citizens. They are thus disloyal elements without our nation. That is a problem.

2b If they renounced their citizens ship, to a nation they obviously deplore, that would be fine.

3. But thank you for admitting that this is about refusing allegiance. So many of your fellow libs are lying about that.
Their "actions" are a choice they have the constitutional right to make. And their "choice" is to NOT stand.

You objecting to them exercising their right to make a choice is YOU setting a standard and dictating what theit choice should be.

Get over it.

I am not objecting to their exercising their right to speech. I am judging them on what they are saying.

The entire defense of these pieces of anti-American shit, rests on lying about what our complaint about them is.

Complain as much as you wish. It changes nothing.

This is a discussion forum. You have over 5 thousand posts, so you dismissing my posting of my opinion is not credible. Dismissed.

They are not anti American. They individually pay more taxes to support this corrupt government than you will earn in two lifetimes.

During an unity ritual, where standing is done to show Patriotism, they instead do the exact opposite of standing.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

The ability to protest peacefully is part of the right of being an American citizen in case you didnt know it. And what they are "saying" is part of the right to free speech. That is not a lie. It 8s a truth that you are too obtuse to comprehend.

When their employers, decided to back them on this, then indeed, they were well within their rights to "say" what they are saying.

This is no longer in contention. That you lefties keep bringing it up, is because you know that your claim that their actions do not reveal their anti-Americanism is so absurd that constantly hurling strawmen is the only way you can defend their actions.

They are anti-American pieces of shit.

They are kneeling at a time when standing is called for to show respect.

THat is not me "setting a standard". but me pointing out the obvious meaning of their actions.

So you're a "master of the obvious"? Anyone who posts here knows that it is a discussion forum, Einstein.

I did not "dismiss" your posting your opinion(no matter how absurd), about anything.

It's part of the right to free speech, just like the NFL players are exercising.

Rather than continue a futile attempt to make sense to the likes of you, the following is a statement by the court, regarding a case where draconian thinking individuals like you were unfortunately responsible for the administration of a school district, These school officials actually threatened students who did not salute the flag with expulsion and other punitive actions. And the students knew their rights.

"True patriots welcome dissent and protest, even when it touches the flag. To the Court, true patriots recognize that the U.S. is strong enough to appeal to people on its own, without mandates from above: “To believe that patriotism will not flourish if patriotic ceremonies are voluntary and spontaneous, instead of a compulsory routine, is to make an unflattering estimate of the appeal of our institutions to free minds.”

So based on that observation by legal professionals, this has nothing to do with one leaning left or right, as you often foolishly attempt to illustrate.

The glaring fact here is that YOU are sure as hell no "patriot" and are far more "Anti American" than those who choose not to stand and salute the flag.

Do you think that Patriotism is flourishing in this nation?

Do you think it should flourish?

A live and let live society that obeys the laws of the land and repects the rights of others, IS patriotic in my opinion.

Rituals do not necessarily define patriotism.

But mutual respect and actions that support the rights that come with being a citizen in this country,does

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