DOMA ruled unconstitutional

And aids?

Please explain how two married people can get AIDS.

Your logic is so totally fucked. Millions of heteros died over the course of CENTURIES from syphilis. So we should ban hetero marriage!

Syphilis is still going strong, even though there is a cure for it. Otherwise, millions more Americans would still be dying from it.

AIDS will one day be cured, too.

Gay married people, gay people were the first people in America to be attacked by aids.


Worldwide, it is a hetero disease, by far.

And like I said, heteros are spreading syphilis and gonorrhea and herpes like there's no tomorrow.

Millions of heteros died from syphilis. So by all rigths you should be demanding a ban on heteros.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.
I am convinced it is a special form of mental retardation. "Duuuhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhhh...AIDS!" "Duhhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhh...AIDS!"

No matter how many times you smack them down, they repeat it as though for the first time.

Their brains have the mental capacity of a bumper sticker. Any new information just doesn't fit in there.

"Because incest!"

What they really mean to say is


No? Stevie was born with (a) female sex organs (naturally), and (b) is living her life as a woman. She is also married to a woman, which would make their relationship... gay...

Not sure I understand where you're coming from...

You really think you can make him understand gender is a social construct?
If neither partner has AIDS, they're not going to magically contract it from being gay.

Don't try to confuse it with science! I tried communicating facts and hit a wall.
If only Hollywood and MTV conditioned the masses more frequently with the homosexual agenda there might be more "acceptance"
Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

A few comments in response:

1.) Gay people can have & raise children. Happens all of the time.
2.) It's not just gay people who support gay marriage. Do you think it was only the slaves who supported the abolition movement?

Also, the fact is that the trend is moving in the direction of MY SIDE vs YOUR SIDE. To illustrate my point, I'd like you to ponder on the following question...

Which group do you think would be more likely to support same-sex marriage?

1.) All United States 30-somethings in 1956
2.) All United States 30-somethings in 2012
Gay couples cannot have children if you can name one gay couple that can have children I will kiss your ass and give you 30 minutes to get a crowd.
Relevance to Civil Marriage?
I am convinced it is a special form of mental retardation. "Duuuhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhhh...AIDS!" "Duhhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhh...AIDS!"

No matter how many times you smack them down, they repeat it as though for the first time.

Their brains have the mental capacity of a bumper sticker. Any new information just doesn't fit in there.

"Because incest!"

Talk about having no capacity to fit new information into your tiny little pinhead...

There will have to be a legal basis for creating a federal right for homos like you to marry. such a basis will stand as..... get this..... foundation that will not only apply to you homos. You are not special, any more than us regular folks are. you consider yourself pretty high and mighty, but you are pretty thick about considering the consequences of enacting new, broad legal standards.
So marriage is not a right? Glad you clear that up what's your bitch again?
Marriage is a contract. Contracts are validated and protected by laws of the state. Access to the protections afforded by the state is a right enjoyed by law abiding citizens of the age of majority.

Marriage is a bond between a man and woman. Are you saying brother and sisters are not law abiding citizens and should afford the same rights as gay couples?
In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Some contracts can result in bad outcomes. That's why each and every contract is not protected by law. If you contract me to spray your orchard with DDT, we would enter into a contract which would have bad results for more than both you and I. If, on the other hand, you contract me to spray your orchard with a safe and effective pesticide and I follow all the manufacturer's instructions and all state and federal laws concerning pesticides, our contract would then have the protection of law.

If a contract is beneficial to those parties in the contract and the greater society, there is no problem. What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect the greater society? What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect you personally? What harm is wrought to you?
If only Hollywood and MTV conditioned the masses more frequently with the homosexual agenda there might be more "acceptance"

I get it now. You adopted the username "LogikAndReazon" as a sense of irony!

If only Hollywood and MTV conditioned the masses more frequently with the negro agenda there might be more "acceptance"

If only Hollywood and MTV conditioned the masses more frequently with the **** agenda there might be more "acceptance"

If only Hollywood and MTV conditioned the masses more frequently with the Wop agenda there might be more "acceptance"

People like you have been around a long time. And just like homosexuality, natural selection does not breed them out.

I wonder where the bigot gene is.
Marriage is a contract. Contracts are validated and protected by laws of the state. Access to the protections afforded by the state is a right enjoyed by law abiding citizens of the age of majority.

Marriage is a bond between a man and woman. Are you saying brother and sisters are not law abiding citizens and should afford the same rights as gay couples?
In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Some contracts can result in bad outcomes. That's why each and every contract is not protected by law. If you contract me to spray your orchard with DDT, we would enter into a contract which would have bad results for more than both you and I. If, on the other hand, you contract me to spray your orchard with a safe and effective pesticide and I follow all the manufacturer's instructions and all state and federal laws concerning pesticides, our contract would then have the protection of law.

If a contract is beneficial to those parties in the contract and the greater society, there is no problem. What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect the greater society? What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect you personally? What harm is wrought to you?

why limit the exclusion of marriage to only related partners? There are plenty of straight people with predispositions to unhealthy offspring.
I am convinced it is a special form of mental retardation. "Duuuhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhhh...AIDS!" "Duhhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhh...AIDS!"

No matter how many times you smack them down, they repeat it as though for the first time.

Their brains have the mental capacity of a bumper sticker. Any new information just doesn't fit in there.

"Because incest!"

Talk about having no capacity to fit new information into your tiny little pinhead...

There will have to be a legal basis for creating a federal right for homos like you to marry. such a basis will stand as..... get this..... foundation that will not only apply to you homos. You are not special, any more than us regular folks are. you consider yourself pretty high and mighty, but you are pretty thick about considering the consequences of enacting new, broad legal standards.

Damn those "uppity" gays! Don't they know their place?
I am convinced it is a special form of mental retardation. "Duuuhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhhh...AIDS!" "Duhhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhh...AIDS!"

No matter how many times you smack them down, they repeat it as though for the first time.

Their brains have the mental capacity of a bumper sticker. Any new information just doesn't fit in there.

"Because incest!"

Talk about having no capacity to fit new information into your tiny little pinhead...

There will have to be a legal basis for creating a federal right for homos like you to marry. such a basis will stand as..... get this..... foundation that will not only apply to you homos. You are not special, any more than us regular folks are. you consider yourself pretty high and mighty, but you are pretty thick about considering the consequences of enacting new, broad legal standards.

Damn those "uppity" gays! Don't they know their place?

They used to before our society began degrading and promoting filth and vulgarity.
I am convinced it is a special form of mental retardation. "Duuuhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhhh...AIDS!" "Duhhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhh...AIDS!"

No matter how many times you smack them down, they repeat it as though for the first time.

Their brains have the mental capacity of a bumper sticker. Any new information just doesn't fit in there.

"Because incest!"

Talk about having no capacity to fit new information into your tiny little pinhead...

There will have to be a legal basis for creating a federal right for homos like you to marry. such a basis will stand as..... get this..... foundation that will not only apply to you homos. You are not special, any more than us regular folks are. you consider yourself pretty high and mighty, but you are pretty thick about considering the consequences of enacting new, broad legal standards.

Damn those "uppity" gays! Don't they know their place?

I don't know about "those upity gays" but you sure do know your place. And it rests on the very bottom of intelligent debate. Hence these meaningless asides you throw out.
Marriage is a bond between a man and woman. Are you saying brother and sisters are not law abiding citizens and should afford the same rights as gay couples?
In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Some contracts can result in bad outcomes. That's why each and every contract is not protected by law. If you contract me to spray your orchard with DDT, we would enter into a contract which would have bad results for more than both you and I. If, on the other hand, you contract me to spray your orchard with a safe and effective pesticide and I follow all the manufacturer's instructions and all state and federal laws concerning pesticides, our contract would then have the protection of law.

If a contract is beneficial to those parties in the contract and the greater society, there is no problem. What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect the greater society? What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect you personally? What harm is wrought to you?

why limit the exclusion of marriage to only related partners? There are plenty of straight people with predispositions to unhealthy offspring.
The probability of incestuous off spring suffering from genetic problems is far greater than some unknown or yet undiscovered genetic problem between non-related people.

Some states require blood tests to alert couples of potential problems.
Marriage is a contract. Contracts are validated and protected by laws of the state. Access to the protections afforded by the state is a right enjoyed by law abiding citizens of the age of majority.

Marriage is a bond between a man and woman. Are you saying brother and sisters are not law abiding citizens and should afford the same rights as gay couples?
In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Some contracts can result in bad outcomes. That's why each and every contract is not protected by law. If you contract me to spray your orchard with DDT, we would enter into a contract which would have bad results for more than both you and I. If, on the other hand, you contract me to spray your orchard with a safe and effective pesticide and I follow all the manufacturer's instructions and all state and federal laws concerning pesticides, our contract would then have the protection of law.

If a contract is beneficial to those parties in the contract and the greater society, there is no problem. What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect the greater society? What parts of same sex marriage adversely effect you personally? What harm is wrought to you?

In the case of incest, the progeny suffers from lack of genetic diversity. Although one outcome of marriage is the probability of off spring, in cases of incest and the resulting suffering, incestuous marriage should not be permitted.

Talk about double standards. So marriage is not a right or is it?

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