DOMA ruled unconstitutional

Well, I’ll tell you what – pal – in fifty years when the young generation of America has taken over, and the old have passed on, gay marriage acceptance WILL BE the norm.

People with your view will technically be considered “abnormal”.

I assure you this WILL be the case…

Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

Who told you gay couples can't have children?

As much as you try to poison your children and grandchildren against gay couples, they will eventually realize, like most Americans, that it is no big deal

Name one gay couple that can have children with out the help of the opposite sex?
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their anus. Maybe because that's where their heads are.

No one cares what homosexuals do besides pretend that marriage has anything to do with them.............its the complete opposite a legal civil union serves the same purpose

And here I went and educated you about the 14th amendment a few posts back and you didn't even bother to read it.

Can a gay couple in a "legal civil union" file a federal married tax return?


See my sig.
The point is:

Do you like to have a Federal nanny-sitter making sure that you behave at all time? Do we need to craft laws that prohibit individuals from taking part in an act that in no way infringes on anyone else's rights?

You're a Big Government thug, and I consider folks like you a direct threat to the personal liberties of all who live in this great nation..

Somebody's gotta defend freedom...


You have no point.
Abnormal is not normal.

Lefthanded people are abnormal. They should not might FORCE people to consider them normal.

Abnormal is not normal.
Thinking globally, most people have dark hair, dark complexions and are shorter than European Americans. Fair skin, blue or green eyes and fair hair are abnormal among the human race.

It's isolation and reluctance to learn that is the true fertile soil of bigots. A little learning, a little travel, a little acquaintance with your fellow humans reveals more than a closed mind can possibly ever bear.
The point is:

Do you like to have a Federal nanny-sitter making sure that you behave at all time? Do we need to craft laws that prohibit individuals from taking part in an act that in no way infringes on anyone else's rights?

You're a Big Government thug, and I consider folks like you a direct threat to the personal liberties of all who live in this great nation..

Somebody's gotta defend freedom...


You have no point.
Abnormal is not normal.

Lefthanded people are abnormal. They should not might FORCE people to consider them normal.

Abnormal is not normal.

You get all Smug Feeling you've actually said something when you Regurgitate that Tripe, don't you...

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are Inherently and Naturally Unequal.

One Creates Life and the other does not yet ALL Humans are Designed and Equipped for one over the other.

^Impossible to get by. :thup:


Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

Who told you gay couples can't have children?

As much as you try to poison your children and grandchildren against gay couples, they will eventually realize, like most Americans, that it is no big deal

Name one gay couple that can have children with out the help of the opposite sex?

Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?
Incestuous relationships are a straw man argument, aren't they? Feeble and ham handed.

So marriage is not a right? Glad you clear that up what's your bitch again?
Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

Who told you gay couples can't have children?

As much as you try to poison your children and grandchildren against gay couples, they will eventually realize, like most Americans, that it is no big deal

Name one gay couple that can have children with out the help of the opposite sex?

That is a requirement of marriage? Show that to us in a legal marriage contract.
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their anus. Maybe because that's where their heads are.

No one cares what homosexuals do besides pretend that marriage has anything to do with them.............its the complete opposite a legal civil union serves the same purpose

And here I went and educated you about the 14th amendment a few posts back and you didn't even bother to read it.

Can a gay couple in a "legal civil union" file a federal married tax return?


See my sig.

that would be about like an hourly employee filing as self-employed.
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their anus. Maybe because that's where their heads are.
Maybe if steve would not have had gay sex he would not have ended up with aids and in the ICU.

Maybe if Christopher Columbus had not had straight sex he would not have died from syphilis. Maybe if Vincent van Gogh had not had straight sex he would not have died from syphilis.

I see heteros are still contacting syphilis these days. Lucky for them there is a cure now.

And when AIDS is cured, what will you do then? All you haters will probably cry.
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marriage is regulated, so are gun rights, and the constitution controls, bigreb
You have no point.
Abnormal is not normal.

Lefthanded people are abnormal. They should not might FORCE people to consider them normal.

Abnormal is not normal.
Thinking globally, most people have dark hair, dark complexions and are shorter than European Americans. Fair skin, blue or green eyes and fair hair are abnormal among the human race.

It's isolation and reluctance to learn that is the true fertile soil of bigots. A little learning, a little travel, a little acquaintance with your fellow humans reveals more than a closed mind can possibly ever bear.

True...but LittleReb doesn't think so. But he HAS admitted he is a proud bigot in the past, so we should not be surprised, I guess.
Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?

No, but that's because that causes an actual social harm (deformed children).

no marriage ever caused a pregnancy.
Look! Adam and Steve are filing a federal married tax return! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is visiting Steve in the ICU! BOOGA! BOOGA! BOOGA!

Look! Adam is collecting Steve's Social Security death benefits! BOOGA! BOOGA BOOGA!

When you get right down to it, that's what the opponents of same sex marraige are fighting against.

They are too stupid to realize that is what this is really all about. They think it has something to do with what goes on in their anus. Maybe because that's where their heads are.
Maybe if steve would not have had gay sex he would not have ended up with aids and in the ICU.

Maybe if Christopher Columbus had not had straight sex he would not have died from syphilis.

La De da
If that';s how you and the people you know feel that would make you and them abnormal and is not a good argument.

Well, I’ll tell you what – pal – in fifty years when the young generation of America has taken over, and the old have passed on, gay marriage acceptance WILL BE the norm.

People with your view will technically be considered “abnormal”.

I assure you this WILL be the case…

Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

A few comments in response:

1.) Gay people can have & raise children. Happens all of the time!
2.) It's not just gay people who support gay marriage. Do you think it was just slaves who supported the abolition movement?

Also, the fact is that the trend is moving in the direction of MY SIDE vs YOUR SIDE. To illustrate my point, I'd like you to ponder on the following question...

Which group do you think would be more likely to support same-sex marriage?

a.) All United States 30-somethings in 1956
b.) All United States 30-somethings in 2012
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Speaking for myself, a straight man, I can say that I see marriage equality as a civil right. I'm an American and, as such, I believe that equality and liberty should extend to 100% of the law abiding American citizens. I further believe that denying someone equality just because you feel that what they think or do or believe is icky smacks of the absolute worst aspects of our history~ when people in the racial majority could lord it over any minority just because of race.

If being a homosexual was in itself a crime then I believe that certain rights should be denied. But, that's not the case, is it?

Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?

No, but that's because that causes an actual social harm (deformed children).

And aids?
You do realize that all the Court has really done is made this a Federal issue and taken it away from the states, right?

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