DOMA ruled unconstitutional

Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?
Incestuous relationships are a straw man argument, aren't they? Feeble and ham handed.

So marriage is not a right? Glad you clear that up what's your bitch again?
Marriage is a contract. Contracts are validated and protected by laws of the state. Access to the protections afforded by the state is a right enjoyed by law abiding citizens of the age of majority.
Who told you gay couples can't have children?

As much as you try to poison your children and grandchildren against gay couples, they will eventually realize, like most Americans, that it is no big deal

Name one gay couple that can have children with out the help of the opposite sex?

That is a requirement of marriage? Show that to us in a legal marriage contract.

They seem to think the "married tax rates" say "married with children tax rates".
Well, I’ll tell you what – pal – in fifty years when the young generation of America has taken over, and the old have passed on, gay marriage acceptance WILL BE the norm.

People with your view will technically be considered “abnormal”.

I assure you this WILL be the case…

Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

A few comments in response:

1.) Gay people can have & raise children. Happens all of the time.
2.) It's not just gay people who support gay marriage. Do you think it was only the slaves who supported the abolition movement?

Also, the fact is that the trend is moving in the direction of MY SIDE vs YOUR SIDE. To illustrate my point, I'd like you to ponder on the following question...

Which group do you think would be more likely to support same-sex marriage?

1.) All United States 30-somethings in 1956
2.) All United States 30-somethings in 2012
Gay couples cannot have children if you can name one gay couple that can have children I will kiss your ass and give you 30 minutes to get a crowd.
You do realize that all the Court has really done is made this a Federal issue and taken it away from the states, right?

That is exactly how the crowd that believes any two consenting adults have a civil right to be married (well, not any two, just the ones they see as special) want it.
Brothers and sisters have a right to marry and have inbred children don't they?

No, but that's because that causes an actual social harm (deformed children).

And aids?

Please explain how two monogamous married people can get AIDS. Please show that married people have a HIGHER level of STDs.

Your logic is so totally fucked. Millions of heteros died over the course of CENTURIES from syphilis. So we should ban hetero marriage!

Syphilis is still going strong, even though there is a cure for it. Otherwise, millions more Americans would still be dying from it.

And then there is herpes. What is it, one in five Americans now? I guess heteros are CHASTE inside and outside of marriage, amiright?


AIDS will one day be cured, too.
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Incestuous relationships are a straw man argument, aren't they? Feeble and ham handed.

So marriage is not a right? Glad you clear that up what's your bitch again?
Marriage is a contract. Contracts are validated and protected by laws of the state. Access to the protections afforded by the state is a right enjoyed by law abiding citizens of the age of majority.

Marriage is a bond between a man and woman. Are you saying brother and sisters are not law abiding citizens and should afford the same rights as gay couples?
Not if my children and grand children have anything to do with it. I wonder how those gay couples children will handle it? Wait gay couples can't have children.

A few comments in response:

1.) Gay people can have & raise children. Happens all of the time.
2.) It's not just gay people who support gay marriage. Do you think it was only the slaves who supported the abolition movement?

Also, the fact is that the trend is moving in the direction of MY SIDE vs YOUR SIDE. To illustrate my point, I'd like you to ponder on the following question...

Which group do you think would be more likely to support same-sex marriage?

1.) All United States 30-somethings in 1956
2.) All United States 30-somethings in 2012
Gay couples cannot have children if you can name one gay couple that can have children I will kiss your ass and give you 30 minutes to get a crowd.

Here's one...

Man finds out he’s a woman after ultrasound scan – BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News | Largest English Daily In Borneo

But I'll pass on the ass kissing, as I'm straight and already married.

No, but that's because that causes an actual social harm (deformed children).

And aids?

Please explain how two married people can get AIDS.

Your logic is so totally fucked. Millions of heteros died over the course of CENTURIES from syphilis. So we should ban hetero marriage!

Syphilis is still going strong, even though there is a cure for it. Otherwise, millions more Americans would still be dying from it.

AIDS will one day be cured, too.

Gay married people, gay people were the first people in America to be attacked by aids.
A few comments in response:

1.) Gay people can have & raise children. Happens all of the time.
2.) It's not just gay people who support gay marriage. Do you think it was only the slaves who supported the abolition movement?

Also, the fact is that the trend is moving in the direction of MY SIDE vs YOUR SIDE. To illustrate my point, I'd like you to ponder on the following question...

Which group do you think would be more likely to support same-sex marriage?

1.) All United States 30-somethings in 1956
2.) All United States 30-somethings in 2012
Gay couples cannot have children if you can name one gay couple that can have children I will kiss your ass and give you 30 minutes to get a crowd.

Check out the link below.

Man finds out he’s a woman after ultrasound scan – BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News | Largest English Daily In Borneo


That's not a gay couple.
Also, the whole idea that opponents of gay marriage are defending "traditional marriage" makes no sense. Traditional marriage is between two people of the same race, with the woman being the chattel of her husband.

That's why they like it
I am convinced it is a special form of mental retardation. "Duuuhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhhh...AIDS!" "Duhhhhh...incest!" "Duhhhh...AIDS!"

No matter how many times you smack them down, they repeat it as though for the first time.

Their brains have the mental capacity of a bumper sticker. Any new information just doesn't fit in there.

"Because incest!"
And aids?

Please explain how two married people can get AIDS.

Your logic is so totally fucked. Millions of heteros died over the course of CENTURIES from syphilis. So we should ban hetero marriage!

Syphilis is still going strong, even though there is a cure for it. Otherwise, millions more Americans would still be dying from it.

AIDS will one day be cured, too.

Gay married people, gay people were the first people in America to be attacked by aids.

If neither partner has AIDS, they're not going to magically contract it from being gay.
Gay couples cannot have children if you can name one gay couple that can have children I will kiss your ass and give you 30 minutes to get a crowd.

Check out the link below.

Man finds out he’s a woman after ultrasound scan – BorneoPost Online | Borneo , Malaysia, Sarawak Daily News | Largest English Daily In Borneo


That's not a gay couple.

No? Stevie was born with (a) female sex organs (naturally), and (b) is living her life as a woman. She is also married to a woman, which would make their relationship... gay...

Not sure I understand where you're coming from...

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