Dominican prostitute: Sen. Bob Menendez ‘likes the youngest and newest girls’

The 'Obamedia' Ignore Major Events, Fabricate Others​


Media Bias?
Establishment media outlets disregard major story after major story, meanwhile a phony story gets made up. A constant diet of disinformation and outright lies does not a free, informed America make.

Have we become "AmeriKa"? Viewers of B-grade 1980s TV miniseries fare might remember that as the title of a more than 14-hour-long dramatization of life in the Land of the Free under Soviet control.

Would Communist Russia's TASS news agency or Pravda newspaper have been any more subservient to the party in power, the chief executive who leads it, or the ideology at their foundation than America's major media outlets are being to Barack Obama, the Democratic Party and their socialist-style liberalism?

How else to explain a virtual media blackout on allegations that a just-re-elected U.S. senator repeatedly patronized underage prostitutes on foreign visits?

If New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez were a conservative Republican, there would be a daily drumbeat of stories updating the latest revelations — the FBI confirming that four hookers admit attending a sex party with Menendez; the shamed senator reimbursing a big campaign donor for nearly $60,000; the thousands of dollars in contributions from that donor, Miami ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen, to Al Gore, New York Sen. Charles Schumer, Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other Democrats; plus a prostitute's e-mail stating that Menendez "likes the youngest and newest girls."

If Menendez were a Republican, the media hurricane would dwarf what drove Rep. Mark Foley from office — whose crime was sending smutty computer messages to underage congressional pages. As then, the media would insist the GOP was tainted.

It's only thanks to web-based sources like Breitbart, Daily Caller and Gateway Pundit that this story has stayed on the screen.

But how about the Obama economy sinking into negative territory for the first time since the last recession? As NewsBusters points out, the fourth-quarter GDP decline "was completely ignored by NBC Nightly News, carefully danced around on ABC World News and downplayed on CBS Evening News" on Wednesday.

The far-left MSNBC, meanwhile, is "reviewing" its tendentiously edited clip of testimony from a father of a Newtown victim, which falsely made it seem gun-rights advocates were disrupting his answers.

This has been quite a week. It started off with Steve Kroft outdoing his 1992 "60 Minutes" "Stand By Your Man" interview of Bill and Hillary Clinton, saving his candidacy from the Gennifer Flowers scandal, with a fawning session with Hillary and Obama last Sunday.


Read More:
'Obamedia' Ignore Major Events, Fabricate Others -
Breitbart, Daily Caller and Gateway Pundit?? Newsbusters?? Seriously?? :lmao:

Hey, don't leave out Jim Hoft and Whirled Nuts Daily. They're even more fun.

You seem to be obsessed here with a sex scandal. Could it be that sex scandals are just not that important? I mean that's what I kept wondering when the Lewinsky bullshit was all over the media making our country a laughingstock to the rest of the world.

However that plays out, declaring "if Menéndez had been a Republican..." is absolutely worthless as debate. It's a strawman. And it's easily torn down with not just Clinton/Lewinsky but Spitzer, McGreevey, Weiner and so forth.

I think your complaint is that major media isn't covering what you want them to cover. Again, why are you going to known wacko sites like Dimbart and Gateway Plunderit to tell you what you want covered? If what they did was actually news, who would do the muckraking?
Breitbart, Daily Caller and Gateway Pundit?? Newsbusters?? Seriously?? :lmao:

Hey, don't leave out Jim Hoft and Whirled Nuts Daily. They're even more fun.

You seem to be obsessed here with a sex scandal. Could it be that sex scandals are just not that important? I mean that's what I kept wondering when the Lewinsky bullshit was all over the media making our country a laughingstock to the rest of the world.

However that plays out, declaring "if Menéndez had been a Republican..." is absolutely worthless as debate. It's a strawman. And it's easily torn down with not just Clinton/Lewinsky but Spitzer, McGreevey, Weiner and so forth.

I think your complaint is that major media isn't covering what you want them to cover. Again, why are you going to known wacko sites like Dimbart and Gateway Plunderit to tell you what you want covered? If what they did was actually news, who would do the muckraking?

hahahahaha, double that.
I say give another month and then do a Google search on "Menendez sex scandals" and see if there is any real explosion compared to today there are About 448 results and most are from NON-MSM sources! "Menendez prostitutes "saw
About 1,400 results..

But About 428,000 results for "Mark Foley scandal"...
Curiously absent from the discussion about Menendez is prominent feminists like his colleague Barbara Boxer, who back in the 1990s led the charge against Sen. Bob Packwood, hounding him out of the Senate after he alegedly made a pass at a woman. That was a national crisis back then. Now one of her buddies was allegedly schtupping 16-year-old girls and he gets a free pass. Also notably silent is feminist icon Sandra Fluke. Funny how their own get a free pass, huh?
I say give another month and then do a Google search on "Menendez sex scandals" and see if there is any real explosion compared to today there are About 448 results and most are from NON-MSM sources! "Menendez prostitutes "saw
About 1,400 results..

But About 428,000 results for "Mark Foley scandal"...
Curiously absent from the discussion about Menendez is prominent feminists like his colleague Barbara Boxer, who back in the 1990s led the charge against Sen. Bob Packwood, hounding him out of the Senate after he alegedly made a pass at a woman. That was a national crisis back then. Now one of her buddies was allegedly schtupping 16-year-old girls and he gets a free pass. Also notably silent is feminist icon Sandra Fluke. Funny how their own get a free pass, huh?

Uhhh... where's the evidence? All I see is an alleged e-mail and a lot of hair-on-fire bloggers parroting the words of Dominican prostitutes. But where's the actual evidence? Could it be that you're not seeing coverage from the MSM because....... there's nothing to cover? :eek:

Or haven't you heard of "innocent until proven guilty"?
This is why there's a maniacally-laughing emoticon sitting next to the exalted "sources". Where's the evidence?

And in any case isn't this what Lush Rimjob was doing when he got busted for Viagra?
The media has always ignored stupid and uniteresting things, and it has ALWAYS had a hand in making up a few rumors and spreading others now and than. I think you are overreacting.
A man's sexual discretions are only abominable if that man is a conservative, according to Democrats.

Democrat ass bungers like Barney Franks, philanderers like John Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and John Edwards get free pass from like-minded Democrats and adoring press. Pedophilia is OK as long as the deviant is a Democrat, like Menendez. OK by the like-minded press.

A man's sexual out of marriage activities are a clear reflection of the man's character. If he can't respect his wife, how can he respect his constituents?
Last edited:
Menendez denies prostitution allegations, says charges are 'politically motivated'

Menendez denies prostitution allegations, says charges are 'politically motivated' |

Of course the media is not a legal venue, we will have to wait to see what the investigations find and if there will be a hearing.

That's all true, but the contrast between the way the MSM goes after the Menendez story as compared to the Senator Craig and Packwood story is just night and day.
It's that name menendez. All browns and blacks (except OJ) get their crimes swept under the rug by the establishment media.
Uhhh... where's the evidence? All I see is an alleged e-mail and a lot of hair-on-fire bloggers parroting the words of Dominican prostitutes. But where's the actual evidence? Could it be that you're not seeing coverage from the MSM because....... there's nothing to cover? :eek:

Or haven't you heard of "innocent until proven guilty"?
This is why there's a maniacally-laughing emoticon sitting next to the exalted "sources". Where's the evidence?

And in any case isn't this what Lush Rimjob was doing when he got busted for Viagra?
I say give another month and then do a Google search on "Menendez sex scandals" and see if there is any real explosion compared to today there are About 448 results and most are from NON-MSM sources! "Menendez prostitutes "saw
About 1,400 results..

But About 428,000 results for "Mark Foley scandal"...
Curiously absent from the discussion about Menendez is prominent feminists like his colleague Barbara Boxer, who back in the 1990s led the charge against Sen. Bob Packwood, hounding him out of the Senate after he alegedly made a pass at a woman. That was a national crisis back then. Now one of her buddies was allegedly schtupping 16-year-old girls and he gets a free pass. Also notably silent is feminist icon Sandra Fluke. Funny how their own get a free pass, huh?

You're right... Foley sent an email... Menedez had sex with girls young enough to be his granddaughters.. but of course Foley was GOP/ Menendez (DEM)...!!!
A man's sexual discretions are only abominable if that man is a conservative, according to Democrats.

Democrat ass bungers like Barney Franks, philanderers like John Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton and John Edwards get free pass from like-minded Democrats and adoring press. Pedophilia is OK as long as the deviant is a Democrat, like Menendez. OK by the like-minded press.

-- and the evidence is ...where again?

A man's sexual out of marriage activities are a clear reflection of the man's character. If he can't respect his wife, how can he respect his constituents?

Don't know. Ask David Vitter's constituents.
Uhhh... where's the evidence? All I see is an alleged e-mail and a lot of hair-on-fire bloggers parroting the words of Dominican prostitutes. But where's the actual evidence? Could it be that you're not seeing coverage from the MSM because....... there's nothing to cover? :eek:

Or haven't you heard of "innocent until proven guilty"?
This is why there's a maniacally-laughing emoticon sitting next to the exalted "sources". Where's the evidence?

And in any case isn't this what Lush Rimjob was doing when he got busted for Viagra?
I say give another month and then do a Google search on "Menendez sex scandals" and see if there is any real explosion compared to today there are About 448 results and most are from NON-MSM sources! "Menendez prostitutes "saw
About 1,400 results..

But About 428,000 results for "Mark Foley scandal"...
Curiously absent from the discussion about Menendez is prominent feminists like his colleague Barbara Boxer, who back in the 1990s led the charge against Sen. Bob Packwood, hounding him out of the Senate after he alegedly made a pass at a woman. That was a national crisis back then. Now one of her buddies was allegedly schtupping 16-year-old girls and he gets a free pass. Also notably silent is feminist icon Sandra Fluke. Funny how their own get a free pass, huh?

You're right... Foley sent an email... Menedez had sex with girls young enough to be his granddaughters.. but of course Foley was GOP/ Menendez (DEM)...!!!

-- and the evidence is ...where again?
Vitter was re-elected by his district, not by the Republican Party...

Just as Ted Kennedy was continually re-elected after killing Mary Jo while drunk driving.

The difference being, most Republicans don't like Vitter being in office still while Kennedy was a hero to most Democrats.

Ted Kennedy was a hero to Democrats and Liberals.

Just as Mitt Romney was a hero to Conservatives and Republicans. Even after he killed Leola Anderson while driving recklessly in France and almost killing a Catholic Priest.

LOL Romney was such a "Hero" that millions of Republicans and Conservatives stayed home rather than vote for him.

Like wow.. Another Internet rumor that I never heard of and has no basis in fact Did Mitt Romney Kill Leola Anderson in 1968 Car Crash? We Examine the Conspiracy Theories (PHOTOS) - Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach - News - The Daily Pulp

I think everyone here knows I have no love for Mitt Romney or his whacky cult, but even I admit that he wasn't at fault in the car accident.
In a little-noticed email published online Wednesday by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a young Dominican woman wrote nine months ago that she slept with 59-year-old New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez at a series of sex parties organized by Dr. Salomon Melgen, a longtime Menendez campaign donor.

“That senator also likes the youngest and newest girls,” the woman wrote on April 21, 2002, according to an English translation provided to The Daily Caller by a native Spanish speaker.

Read more: Dominican prostitute details sex parties with Sen. Menendez | The Daily Caller

In all honesty, I am not offended by what Senator Menendez did. The prostitute he had sex with is 16, she knows what she is doing so it is not like this is some innocent victim being taken advantage of. What I find offensive is the double standard of the Democrat Party's SuperPacs, aka the media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times etc.). Menendez will get a free pass for only one reason, a one letter reason, in that he has the letter "D" in front of his name. If Menendez was a Republican, the media would be going with this until he resigned from office. But no, Menendez is a Democrat, and being a Democrat automatically gives you the get out of jail free card with the media and fellow Democrats.

If Menendez was a Repubican, Republicans would want him to resign. But, as you can see, it is the medias job to defend Democrats, and promote their agenda and Menendez is a Democrat.

This is a perfect example of why when anyone in this forum posts a link to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC or any of the other Democrat/Marxist/Collectivist propaganda machines, I will not even waste my time clicking the link, because I already know these forms of media are nothing more than stenographers for the Democrat party, and their circling the wagons around Menendez is just one more piece of evidence to prove that point. And if any of you think you are going to counter my points by bringing up Anthony Weiner, well...if it were not for Andrew Breitbart bringing the Weiner scandal to FOX News first, the Democrat Party's SuperPacs in the media would have never covered it. If Andrew Breitbart never was born, Anthony Weiner would still be in office.

I think she knows what she is doing over a short span of experience. She sees currently not over the course of her lifetime.
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats (the bad news keeps coming)​

By Jordy Yager

A cloud of scandalous allegations is rapidly growing over Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), putting Democratic leaders in a difficult position as the integrity of their immigration point man in the Senate falls under question at a critical time. The bad news keeps coming: a Senate Ethics probe, allegations involving underage prostitutes, an FBI investigation of a key campaign donor, undisclosed flights on the donor’s private plane, and now, reports linking Menendez to a multi-million dollar contract he helped obtain for the disgraced donor. Menendez denies nearly all of it. But it couldn’t come at a worse time for the new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who, as the only Hispanic Democrat in the upper chamber, has led the way on his party’s recent all-out push to revamp the country’s immigration laws.


Read more:
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats - The Hill
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats (the bad news keeps coming)​

By Jordy Yager

A cloud of scandalous allegations is rapidly growing over Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), putting Democratic leaders in a difficult position as the integrity of their immigration point man in the Senate falls under question at a critical time. The bad news keeps coming: a Senate Ethics probe, allegations involving underage prostitutes, an FBI investigation of a key campaign donor, undisclosed flights on the donor’s private plane, and now, reports linking Menendez to a multi-million dollar contract he helped obtain for the disgraced donor. Menendez denies nearly all of it. But it couldn’t come at a worse time for the new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who, as the only Hispanic Democrat in the upper chamber, has led the way on his party’s recent all-out push to revamp the country’s immigration laws.


Read more:
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats - The Hill

Remember the way the press treated Mark Foley for sending a few text messages?
Menedez is officially becoming a liability. Watch now as Harry Reid tosses him under the bus.
the left will circle the wagons on this creep as well as the press, soon it will die out and
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats (the bad news keeps coming)​

By Jordy Yager

A cloud of scandalous allegations is rapidly growing over Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), putting Democratic leaders in a difficult position as the integrity of their immigration point man in the Senate falls under question at a critical time. The bad news keeps coming: a Senate Ethics probe, allegations involving underage prostitutes, an FBI investigation of a key campaign donor, undisclosed flights on the donor’s private plane, and now, reports linking Menendez to a multi-million dollar contract he helped obtain for the disgraced donor. Menendez denies nearly all of it. But it couldn’t come at a worse time for the new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who, as the only Hispanic Democrat in the upper chamber, has led the way on his party’s recent all-out push to revamp the country’s immigration laws.


Read more:
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats - The Hill

Obviously not fast enough for you. What is this, 7 or 8 threads on Menendez now?

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