Dominican prostitute: Sen. Bob Menendez ‘likes the youngest and newest girls’

You are wasting your time. You will never get the Press, or Liberals on this board, to treat Democrat Scumbags the same way they treat GOP scum bags. They will ignore you, attack you, and defend him. After all he is Liberal, and that makes up for being a scum bag. In their eyes that is.
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats (the bad news keeps coming)​

By Jordy Yager

A cloud of scandalous allegations is rapidly growing over Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), putting Democratic leaders in a difficult position as the integrity of their immigration point man in the Senate falls under question at a critical time. The bad news keeps coming: a Senate Ethics probe, allegations involving underage prostitutes, an FBI investigation of a key campaign donor, undisclosed flights on the donor’s private plane, and now, reports linking Menendez to a multi-million dollar contract he helped obtain for the disgraced donor. Menendez denies nearly all of it. But it couldn’t come at a worse time for the new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who, as the only Hispanic Democrat in the upper chamber, has led the way on his party’s recent all-out push to revamp the country’s immigration laws.


Read more:
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats - The Hill

Obviously not fast enough for you. What is this, 7 or 8 threads on Menendez now?

The gift that keeps on giving.

'They threatened those girls'

In Menendez saga, prostitute fingered wealthy Dominican politician as sex-party participant

A Dominican prostitute’s firsthand account of sex parties allegedly attended by New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez refers specifically to another participant: Vinicio “Vinicito” Castillo Seman, the scion of a prominent Dominican political family who serves as a lawyer for his cousin, Dr. Salomon Melgen, in the Caribbean nation.

Vinicito, she wrote, “invents things [to do] with the young girls, and then forces them to do the same things with the doctor’s friend” — Sen. Menendez.

Read more: In Menendez saga, prostitute fingered wealthy Dominican politician as sex-party participant | The Daily Caller

'They threatened those girls'

In Menendez saga, prostitute fingered wealthy Dominican politician as sex-party participant

A Dominican prostitute’s firsthand account of sex parties allegedly attended by New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez refers specifically to another participant: Vinicio “Vinicito” Castillo Seman, the scion of a prominent Dominican political family who serves as a lawyer for his cousin, Dr. Salomon Melgen, in the Caribbean nation.

Vinicito, she wrote, “invents things [to do] with the young girls, and then forces them to do the same things with the doctor’s friend” — Sen. Menendez.

Read more: In Menendez saga, prostitute fingered wealthy Dominican politician as sex-party participant | The Daily Caller

Jon Lovitz? Really?

Wait -- you're running yet another undocumented innuendo as if it's a real story ... and you wanna talk "moral values"?

Did O'bama ban your breakfast again?
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats (the bad news keeps coming)​

By Jordy Yager

A cloud of scandalous allegations is rapidly growing over Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), putting Democratic leaders in a difficult position as the integrity of their immigration point man in the Senate falls under question at a critical time. The bad news keeps coming: a Senate Ethics probe, allegations involving underage prostitutes, an FBI investigation of a key campaign donor, undisclosed flights on the donor’s private plane, and now, reports linking Menendez to a multi-million dollar contract he helped obtain for the disgraced donor. Menendez denies nearly all of it. But it couldn’t come at a worse time for the new chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who, as the only Hispanic Democrat in the upper chamber, has led the way on his party’s recent all-out push to revamp the country’s immigration laws.


Read more:
Menendez allegations growing rapidly, creating headache for Democrats - The Hill

Obviously not fast enough for you. What is this, 7 or 8 threads on Menendez now?

The guy screws children and you are upset about 8 or mor ethreads? Hell, the asshole should be in PRISON, not in the fucking senate.


'They threatened those girls'

In Menendez saga, prostitute fingered wealthy Dominican politician as sex-party participant

A Dominican prostitute’s firsthand account of sex parties allegedly attended by New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez refers specifically to another participant: Vinicio “Vinicito” Castillo Seman, the scion of a prominent Dominican political family who serves as a lawyer for his cousin, Dr. Salomon Melgen, in the Caribbean nation.

Vinicito, she wrote, “invents things [to do] with the young girls, and then forces them to do the same things with the doctor’s friend” — Sen. Menendez.

Read more: In Menendez saga, prostitute fingered wealthy Dominican politician as sex-party participant | The Daily Caller

Jon Lovitz? Really?

Wait -- you're running yet another undocumented innuendo as if it's a real story ... and you wanna talk "moral values"?

Did O'bama ban your breakfast again?

Yeah, its all about RACISM, isnt it you fucking moral whore?
If he had sex with a 16 year old, he broke the law and should suffer accordingly. However I'd like to wait for more than the anonymous word of a DR prostitute before having the man drawn and quartered.
If he had sex with a 16 year old, he broke the law and should suffer accordingly. However I'd like to wait for more than the anonymous word of a DR prostitute before having the man drawn and quartered.

Sure, but if not drawn and quartered they can tar and feather him.

After all he's been accused. What else do we need?
[ame=]She's a witch! - YouTube[/ame]
Jon Lovitz? Really?

Wait -- you're running yet another undocumented innuendo as if it's a real story ... and you wanna talk "moral values"?

Did O'bama ban your breakfast again?

Yeah, its all about RACISM, isnt it you fucking moral whore?

umm............................huh?? "Racism"?? :confused:

Ooooo....... kaaayyyy....... :cuckoo:
What's wrong with liking them young and tight?

More libtard pedophilia humor. How quaint....and blatantly evil.

Only if you are sexually repressed like you apparently are...

Laws against pedophilia are not oppression, jack ass.

Seriously, dude, maybe you should fly down to the DR and get laid once in a while. Might help your disposition.

So you recomend underage girls like Menendez abuses?

You are sick.
More libtard pedophilia humor. How quaint....and blatantly evil.

Only if you are sexually repressed like you apparently are...

Laws against pedophilia are not oppression, jack ass.

Seriously, dude, maybe you should fly down to the DR and get laid once in a while. Might help your disposition.

So you recomend underage girls like Menendez abuses?

You are sick.

A professional prostitute is not a "child", guy. If Menedez broke the laws of the DR, then it's up to them to prosecute him.

If he did. I'm hearing a lot of accusastions, most of which are already being recanted, and not a whole lot of evidence.
Only if you are sexually repressed like you apparently are...

Laws against pedophilia are not oppression, jack ass.

Seriously, dude, maybe you should fly down to the DR and get laid once in a while. Might help your disposition.

So you recomend underage girls like Menendez abuses?

You are sick.

A professional prostitute is not a "child", guy.

If that prostitute is under 18 she is a child by the laws of this country. And that makes Menendez a criminal, if true, but if this things got enough to it to get through the MSM boycott to protect scumbags that are Democrats, then the evidence ahs got to be strong.

If Menedez broke the laws of the DR, then it's up to them to prosecute him.

If he did. I'm hearing a lot of accusastions, most of which are already being recanted, and not a whole lot of evidence.

The evidence must be especially strong to compell the FBI to go after a sitting Democrat Senator. Just because you didnt read it on MSNBC doesnt mean it isnt out there.

You are just a partisan hack too stupid to know when he is making an ass out of himself.
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Laws against pedophilia are not oppression, jack ass.

So you recomend underage girls like Menendez abuses?

You are sick.

A professional prostitute is not a "child", guy.

If that prostitute is under 18 she is a child by the laws of this country. And that makes Menendez a criminal, if true, but if this things got enough to it to get through the MSM boycott to protect scumbags that are Democrats, then the evidence ahs got to be strong.

Um, no, not really. In fact, there are some serious things he's accused of doing, but the bullshit about "prostitutes" will end up drowning that out. It'll be "Oh, illegal campaign contributions... so what?"

But Wingnuts love obsessing about sex.

If Menedez broke the laws of the DR, then it's up to them to prosecute him.

If he did. I'm hearing a lot of accusastions, most of which are already being recanted, and not a whole lot of evidence.

The evidence must be especially strong to compell the FBI to go after a sitting Democrat Senator. Just because you didnt read it on MSNBC doesnt mean it isnt out there.

You are just a partisan hack too stupid to know when he is making an ass out of himself.

Suddenly you love a Federal Agency?

So you are all cool with what the FBI did at Waco now? I mean, if they killed David Koresh, they had a good reason, right? what kind of logic is that?
A professional prostitute is not a "child", guy.

If that prostitute is under 18 she is a child by the laws of this country. And that makes Menendez a criminal, if true, but if this things got enough to it to get through the MSM boycott to protect scumbags that are Democrats, then the evidence ahs got to be strong.

Um, no, not really. In fact, there are some serious things he's accused of doing, but the bullshit about "prostitutes" will end up drowning that out. It'll be "Oh, illegal campaign contributions... so what?"

But Wingnuts love obsessing about sex.

If Menedez broke the laws of the DR, then it's up to them to prosecute him.

If he did. I'm hearing a lot of accusastions, most of which are already being recanted, and not a whole lot of evidence.

The evidence must be especially strong to compell the FBI to go after a sitting Democrat Senator. Just because you didnt read it on MSNBC doesnt mean it isnt out there.

You are just a partisan hack too stupid to know when he is making an ass out of himself.

Suddenly you love a Federal Agency?

So you are all cool with what the FBI did at Waco now? I mean, if they killed David Koresh, they had a good reason, right? what kind of logic is that?

Agreed. I could really give a flying fig if he had sex with a prostitute. Unfortunately, like with many other scandals *cough* Benghazi *cough* the focus is on the salacious instead of the real issues.
Another elected criminal.

Yup, indicted, tried and convicted in the Court of Message Board Opinion (COMBO).

It was a speedy trial; abolishing the outdated concepts of "evidence" and the archaic "innocent until proven guilty" really helped move things along to a final verdict.
In a matter of daze it was innuendo and out the other. So that's that. Off with his head.

.... next!?
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