Dominican prostitute: Sen. Bob Menendez ‘likes the youngest and newest girls’

Who doesn't?

As long as they are legal, lol. I mean seriously, if I'm going to pay for a prostitute, I want a young one, legal but young. Why would I want to pay for a woman my own age. I can pick them up any time for free.
In a little-noticed email published online Wednesday by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a young Dominican woman wrote nine months ago that she slept with 59-year-old New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez at a series of sex parties organized by Dr. Salomon Melgen, a longtime Menendez campaign donor.

“That senator also likes the youngest and newest girls,” the woman wrote on April 21, 2002, according to an English translation provided to The Daily Caller by a native Spanish speaker.

Read more: Dominican prostitute details sex parties with Sen. Menendez | The Daily Caller

In all honesty, I am not offended by what Senator Menendez did. The prostitute he had sex with is 16, she knows what she is doing so it is not like this is some innocent victim being taken advantage of. What I find offensive is the double standard of the Democrat Party's SuperPacs, aka the media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times etc.). Menendez will get a free pass for only one reason, a one letter reason, in that he has the letter "D" in front of his name. If Menendez was a Republican, the media would be going with this until he resigned from office. But no, Menendez is a Democrat, and being a Democrat automatically gives you the get out of jail free card with the media and fellow Democrats.

If Menendez was a Repubican, Republicans would want him to resign. But, as you can see, it is the medias job to defend Democrats, and promote their agenda and Menendez is a Democrat.

This is a perfect example of why when anyone in this forum posts a link to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC or any of the other Democrat/Marxist/Collectivist propaganda machines, I will not even waste my time clicking the link, because I already know these forms of media are nothing more than stenographers for the Democrat party, and their circling the wagons around Menendez is just one more piece of evidence to prove that point. And if any of you think you are going to counter my points by bringing up Anthony Weiner, well...if it were not for Andrew Breitbart bringing the Weiner scandal to FOX News first, the Democrat Party's SuperPacs in the media would have never covered it. If Andrew Breitbart never was born, Anthony Weiner would still be in office.

Hmmm, 16? If that's the case, then I've got a problem with Mr. Menendez. There is a difference between young adult and child. Sixteen is still a child, whether in the US or in some other country.l
In a little-noticed email published online Wednesday by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a young Dominican woman wrote nine months ago that she slept with 59-year-old New Jersey Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez at a series of sex parties organized by Dr. Salomon Melgen, a longtime Menendez campaign donor.

“That senator also likes the youngest and newest girls,” the woman wrote on April 21, 2002, according to an English translation provided to The Daily Caller by a native Spanish speaker.

Read more: Dominican prostitute details sex parties with Sen. Menendez | The Daily Caller

If he were Republican, Menendez would've already been kicked out of the Senate.


Did they kick out David Vitter yet?

But, but look at what somebody else did.

No, not really.

Someone made a claim that if a REPUBLICAN Senator had been implicated in a prostitution scandal, he'd have been driven out of the Senate.

Vitter was not only not driven out, he was easily re-elected.

That's not the case.

Frankly, I think prostitution laws are a little silly, and frankly, if a guy does his job, what he does in his private life is his own business, whether he's Newt or Clinton.

But your buddy made a blanket statement that there is a double standard.

Nope. Vitter got a pass. Menendez will probalby get a pass.
“That senator also likes the youngest and newest girls,” the woman wrote on April 21, 2002, according to an English translation provided to The Daily Caller by a native Spanish speaker.

As opposed to those who ask for an old prostitute with saggy breasts
I've read where some advocate the elimination of the Ethics Committee altogether, specifically because once ethics violations are uncovered, nothing is ever done about them.

Congress is an old boys club where no one wants to punish another because they don't want similar treatment, GOP included.
Because he is under investigation? Hasn't been actually charged with anything? Because Republicans rush to judge and are desperately hoping something is there? I've heard reports that Rush was doing the same thing. No right winger "demanded" he be investigated.
All you need to know is the last name.....


Because he is under investigation? Hasn't been actually charged with anything? Because Republicans rush to judge and are desperately hoping something is there? I've heard reports that Rush was doing the same thing. No right winger "demanded" he be investigated.

Rush doesn't spend my tax dollars. Nor does he make laws I must follow. Instead of pointing at rush why don't you just stick your head back in the sand like the rest of the democrats
Because he is under investigation? Hasn't been actually charged with anything? Because Republicans rush to judge and are desperately hoping something is there? I've heard reports that Rush was doing the same thing. No right winger "demanded" he be investigated.

Holy fuck! When did Rush become a US Senator? Shit I missed it.
All you need to know is the last name.....

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their parents deserved what they got, keeping them in the basement and paying their way for 26 years. hell they had a sense of entitlement about dad's money so they redistributed the wealth early. just like a damn rich demon crap.
Senator Menendez is a prominent Democrat in the federal Senate, and is under investigation for hiring underage prostitutes by the FBI.

So why is the main stream press ignoring this story?
FBI Investigating Menendez Use of Underage Dominican Prostitutes

String of emails reveal FBI investigation into claims that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez 'hired underage prostitutes' | Mail Online

The MSM ignores scandals by Democrats that are not conservative and they wont shut up when the scandal involves someone like Senator Craig.

Larry Craig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this has been going on for quite some time. Anyone remember how the MSM ignored claims of rape against Senator Inoue and Senator Kennedy, but went apeshit over SEnator Packwood for kissing a female staffer under a mistletoe at Christmas making her feel uncomfortable?

Thank God we are finally getting around the Lame Stream Media blockade.


Who had the worst week in Washington? Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.). - The Washington Post
Menendez: Prostitution allegations ?manufactured? by ?right-wing blog?
Bob Menendez Reimbursed Donor $58,500 for Trips to Dominican Republic |
Bob Menendez Denies He Was With Prostitutes In Dominican Republic
Bob Menendez Pays $58,500 for Private Jet Rides -- Daily Intelligencer

Why do you guys lie so fucking much?
Senator Menendez is a prominent Democrat in the federal Senate, and is under investigation for hiring underage prostitutes by the FBI.

So why is the main stream press ignoring this story?
FBI Investigating Menendez Use of Underage Dominican Prostitutes

String of emails reveal FBI investigation into claims that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez 'hired underage prostitutes' | Mail Online

The MSM ignores scandals by Democrats that are not conservative and they wont shut up when the scandal involves someone like Senator Craig.

Larry Craig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this has been going on for quite some time. Anyone remember how the MSM ignored claims of rape against Senator Inoue and Senator Kennedy, but went apeshit over SEnator Packwood for kissing a female staffer under a mistletoe at Christmas making her feel uncomfortable?

Thank God we are finally getting around the Lame Stream Media blockade.


Who had the worst week in Washington? Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.). - The Washington Post
Menendez: Prostitution allegations ?manufactured? by ?right-wing blog?
Bob Menendez Reimbursed Donor $58,500 for Trips to Dominican Republic |
Bob Menendez Denies He Was With Prostitutes In Dominican Republic
Bob Menendez Pays $58,500 for Private Jet Rides -- Daily Intelligencer

Why do you guys lie so fucking much?

did ya find anything at MSNBC CBS, NBC? Fox?
If he were Republican, Menendez would've already been kicked out of the Senate.

Well no.

New Woes For Senator Caught In Sex Scandal - CBS News
David Vitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still in office. No worries.

Repubs never pay for their indiscretions. Sick Santorum even ran for president and the rw's never said a word about the sex scandal and money laundering he did.

Do we have FACTS about Menendez yet? Or is this just a smear campaign?

If its true he "diddled a 16yo", he should go to jail.

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