Dominion continues to defy subpoenas in AZ audit

I know you know better than the people in control of the information..Why are you not leading the election commission if you are so knowledgeable and able and know more than the people in charge?
Experts said the information is in no danger. They are just not your experts. Everything is being done to hide the obvious fraud. Admit it weasel.
Face facts, Dominion has way too many issues out there to ever be trusted again, defying a subpoena only fuels the fire

At some point common sense has to over ride partisan BS
Again, that’s simply not true. This is a new subpoena. It’s never been adjudicated. There is no court order for this material.
What happens when there is? What happens when they still will not cooperate? That just means there was fraud. It is more than obvious now.
But they do cyber security. That's why they were chosen for the audit. Its their specialty.

To bad you aren't smart enough to know that.
So cyber security includes looking for bamboo in paper? :lol: Do y’all even hear yourselves?
So cyber security includes looking for bamboo in paper? :lol: Do y’all even hear yourselves?
Democracy is being destroyed by blocking investigations and political persecution and censorship. All that crap comes from the illegitimate government. Those two know nothing about a real system and equal justice. They are propagandists that twist everything patriotic into some sort of crime.

No one should listen to a thing they or you have to say.
They are, and will. Fraud happened and these attempts to block information the people have a right to prove it.

The BIGLIE is the fraud. The new round of subpoena's is indicative of their failed attempt to justify their new Fascist election laws giving the Legislature the means to over turn the vote of the people based on nothing but hearsay.
Democracy is being destroyed by blocking investigations and political persecution and censorship. All that crap comes from the illegitimate government. Those two know nothing about a real system and equal justice. They are propagandists that twist everything patriotic into some sort of crime.

No one should listen to a thing they or you have to say.
The House Oversight Committee is investigating Cyber Ninja's audit.

Cyber Ninja's is refusing to comply.

Yeah, you know everything in the world except the truth. Corporations and you do not go around exposing yer most sensitive data because some dork cries that an election was stolen.

But, according to you I need to see all your private personal info to see that you have nothing to hide...I can tell you were a cheerleader for the urinalysis test for employment.
What sensitive data?
No because all you ever bring up is Trump. You waste no time lying about him.

CyberNinjas is a cyber security company which is the kind of company they needed to do the audit.
They do internet security, or profess to. Nothing at all to do with the ballots had any connection to the internet.
You'd do well to let this one go.

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