Dominion in Georgia Hacked in Real Time

Betcha your MAGA hat the Demcrats had the support and backing of the Establishment DS in all of this.

Your TAX dollars paying for corruption and stolen elections.

The US Federal government has devolved into a pure criminal enterprise.
You mean establishment (R)s?....Without question....Kemp, Raffensperger, Doucey, McTrutle, Graham, Toomey, the Bushbots, ad nauseum.

Not a dime's worth of difference.
Yet when they are in charge you support them Whole heartedly. You knew the difference when it was gore v bush right? You even defended the bush brothers when they stole florida
You're even more senile than Biden.
I sound a lot like trump. All the ways he thinks we stole this election, the bush’s stole Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 using the tactics trump thinks were done to him
No you sound like the lying demorat leaders who pay you to troll this site.
I can see why you love the demorat party so much,you have the same double standards and hypocrisy they do,the dem leaders constantly expose their hypocrisy not following the guildlines they make for us having large gatherings without masks .you are the biggest fucking hypocrite liar at this site.while those elections of 2000 and 2004 were indeed stolen by Bush,you being the biased dnc paid troll you are,ignore that the overwhelming evidence and facts presented to you that there was massive election fraud ten times more obvious than those election frauds were that took place in this election.

you mr biased hypocrite troll,only admit that the elections of 2000 and 2004 were stolen because your hero’s the dems were the victims,but when the shoe is on the other foot and the dems steal the election from a Republican,even though there is much more massive irrefutable evidence that election fraud took place in this election than in those years,you LIE like the lying shill you are and claim no election took place ending up with shit all over in your face after you post your lies.hope you enjoy your place in hell in the future when you pass on,that’s where liars go all the time.
Because we all know trump and his claims of rigged elections is bullshit. He was going to claim it in 2016 if he didn’t win. We see all his tactics aren’t working. You see deep state conspiracy theory you kook
Imagine being as gullible as a Trump Cultist...fuckin YIKES

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Imagine being as gullible as a Trump Cultist...fuckin YIKES

And all the ways trump says democrats cheated, republicans used those very tactics to steal florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. And trump this year is trying to use some of the tactics bush used in 2000 to steal the election. Trump wants the Supreme Court to give him the victory just like the supremes gave it to bush in 2000. Trump wants to throw out votes in black communities Just like jeb did in 2000
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I hope Dominion goes after you too. They certainly have enough money to go after you now.

$787 million.

My buddy is a partner in this company. Or he was. I know he still works there. I wonder what this will mean for him? His wife spends a lot. That's why she didn't marry me. I didn't make the kind of money he did. NOW he's super rich I'm assuming.

Dominion is going after Rudy, Sidney Powell, and anyone else who blatantly went on Fox and purposely knowingly spread lies about their company. Who wants to do business with Dominion now? Fox and Trump's spokespeople can't ruin companies with their lies. And they knew they were busted which is why they settled. Will Rudy settle?

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