Dominion in Georgia Hacked in Real Time

Then when will the DOJ, FBI and so on bring this stuff to the courts and why are the courts tossing it including the USSC?
Its all supposition based on ignorance.

They don't learn their lesson, EVER. They don't know the explanation for something and boom, cult-spiracy continues. I actually feel kind of bad for how simple minded some dolts really are.

The fact is they have to believe it was stolen because if they accepted the fact Trump is hated by so many, well the suicide hotlines would be overloaded...

In the end Biden will be President and for four long years I will read about how Biden is owned by China and Trump is the legitimate President that lost his place as President because Deep State cheated him...

I really need to go fully in on the Global Cabal Network joke I started and drive these nutters crazier than me!
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I have no idea what to make of this "information". But I'm really really really not liking our collective parties about now. They both push toxic side panders to race rioters and the other wants to build walls out of shadows. Both parties are actively harming us. Let's fix this. I don't know how, but first step is recognizing the problem. Our political system is broken.

There is no "both parties"....There hasn't been since at least FDR...Mainstream republicans stood aside while cities burned too.

And the system isn't "broken", it's working perfectly to get the results that The Swamp wants.....Look at that preposterous "rescue" bill and the NDAA...Smorgasbords of waste, payola, and money laundering, supported by all the usual swamp suspects.

Make no mistake about it; I'm no fan at all of Trump's politics...He's basically a democrat with a big mouth...But, at the very least, he's smoking out the shills for the DNC in the Republican Party like nobody else ever has.

Think what you will...But white hat hackers breaking into a live voting device that's online in real time is a big, big, fucking deal.

You love trump, who the fuck are you kidding?

I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. we need to fix the system.

Please, Cultist.

Really? Ok. I can only hope you grow up and stop the childish name calling.

I call cultists cultists. Basic labeling - its a function of language.

Its a function of your little game playing mindset. You realize I am reputaing, er, condemning Trump as well? You realize that?
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I have no idea what to make of this "information". But I'm really really really not liking our collective parties about now. They both push toxic side panders to race rioters and the other wants to build walls out of shadows. Both parties are actively harming us. Let's fix this. I don't know how, but first step is recognizing the problem. Our political system is broken.

There is no "both parties"....There hasn't been since at least FDR...Mainstream republicans stood aside while cities burned too.

And the system isn't "broken", it's working perfectly to get the results that The Swamp wants.....Look at that preposterous "rescue" bill and the NDAA...Smorgasbords of waste, payola, and money laundering, supported by all the usual swamp suspects.

Make no mistake about it; I'm no fan at all of Trump's politics...He's basically a democrat with a big mouth...But, at the very least, he's smoking out the shills for the DNC in the Republican Party like nobody else ever has.

Think what you will...But white hat hackers breaking into a live voting device that's online in real time is a big, big, fucking deal.

You love trump, who the fuck are you kidding?

I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. we need to fix the system.

Please, Cultist.

Really? Ok. I can only hope you grow up and stop the childish name calling.

He won't...Childishness is his stock in trade.
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I have no idea what to make of this "information". But I'm really really really not liking our collective parties about now. They both push toxic side panders to race rioters and the other wants to build walls out of shadows. Both parties are actively harming us. Let's fix this. I don't know how, but first step is recognizing the problem. Our political system is broken.

There is no "both parties"....There hasn't been since at least FDR...Mainstream republicans stood aside while cities burned too.

And the system isn't "broken", it's working perfectly to get the results that The Swamp wants.....Look at that preposterous "rescue" bill and the NDAA...Smorgasbords of waste, payola, and money laundering, supported by all the usual swamp suspects.

Make no mistake about it; I'm no fan at all of Trump's politics...He's basically a democrat with a big mouth...But, at the very least, he's smoking out the shills for the DNC in the Republican Party like nobody else ever has.

Think what you will...But white hat hackers breaking into a live voting device that's online in real time is a big, big, fucking deal.

You love trump, who the fuck are you kidding?

I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. we need to fix the system.

Please, Cultist.

Really? Ok. I can only hope you grow up and stop the childish name calling.

I call cultists cultists. Basic labeling - its a function of language.

Its a function of your little game playing mindset. You realize I am reputaing, er, condemning Trump as well? You realize that?

I dont care how many sides of your face you need to talk out of to feel better about being in a Cult.
Then when will the DOJ, FBI and so on bring this stuff to the courts and why are the courts tossing it including the USSC?
Its all supposition based on ignorance.

They don't learn their lesson, EVER. They don't know the explanation for something and boom, cult-spiracy continues. I actually feel kind of bad for how simple minded some dolts really are.

The fact is they have to believe it was stolen because if they accepted the fact Trump is hated by so many, well the suicide hotlines would be overloaded...

In the end Biden will be President and for four long years I will read about how Biden is owned by China and Trump is the legitimate President that lost his place as President because Deep State cheated him...

I really need to go fully in on the Global Cabal Network joke I started and drive these nutters crazier than me!
Address the fact that the white hats hacked a voting machine that was connected to the internet, today, in real time, please.
Then when will the DOJ, FBI and so on bring this stuff to the courts and why are the courts tossing it including the USSC?
The same FBI that ran interference for the violent mobster Whitey Bulger?...The same FBI that ignored the Florida school shooter?...The same FBI that sat on Hunter's laptop for a year?

You really can't be that fucking daffy, can you?
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I have no idea what to make of this "information". But I'm really really really not liking our collective parties about now. They both push toxic side panders to race rioters and the other wants to build walls out of shadows. Both parties are actively harming us. Let's fix this. I don't know how, but first step is recognizing the problem. Our political system is broken.

There is no "both parties"....There hasn't been since at least FDR...Mainstream republicans stood aside while cities burned too.

And the system isn't "broken", it's working perfectly to get the results that The Swamp wants.....Look at that preposterous "rescue" bill and the NDAA...Smorgasbords of waste, payola, and money laundering, supported by all the usual swamp suspects.

Make no mistake about it; I'm no fan at all of Trump's politics...He's basically a democrat with a big mouth...But, at the very least, he's smoking out the shills for the DNC in the Republican Party like nobody else ever has.

Think what you will...But white hat hackers breaking into a live voting device that's online in real time is a big, big, fucking deal.

You love trump, who the fuck are you kidding?

I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. we need to fix the system.

Please, Cultist.

Really? Ok. I can only hope you grow up and stop the childish name calling.

I call cultists cultists. Basic labeling - its a function of language.

Its a function of your little game playing mindset. You realize I am reputaing, er, condemning Trump as well? You realize that?

I dont care how many sides of your face you need to talk out of to feel better about being in a Cult.

Hmm, OK. I have said some stupid shit here on this board. Amazingly dumb stuff. Its your turn.
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I have no idea what to make of this "information". But I'm really really really not liking our collective parties about now. They both push toxic side panders to race rioters and the other wants to build walls out of shadows. Both parties are actively harming us. Let's fix this. I don't know how, but first step is recognizing the problem. Our political system is broken.

There is no "both parties"....There hasn't been since at least FDR...Mainstream republicans stood aside while cities burned too.

And the system isn't "broken", it's working perfectly to get the results that The Swamp wants.....Look at that preposterous "rescue" bill and the NDAA...Smorgasbords of waste, payola, and money laundering, supported by all the usual swamp suspects.

Make no mistake about it; I'm no fan at all of Trump's politics...He's basically a democrat with a big mouth...But, at the very least, he's smoking out the shills for the DNC in the Republican Party like nobody else ever has.

Think what you will...But white hat hackers breaking into a live voting device that's online in real time is a big, big, fucking deal.

You love trump, who the fuck are you kidding?

I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. we need to fix the system.

Please, Cultist.

Really? Ok. I can only hope you grow up and stop the childish name calling.

I call cultists cultists. Basic labeling - its a function of language.

Its a function of your little game playing mindset. You realize I am reputaing, er, condemning Trump as well? You realize that?

I dont care how many sides of your face you need to talk out of to feel better about being in a Cult.

Hmm, OK. I have said some stupid shit here on this board. Amazingly dumb stuff. Its your turn.

Thats OK, I'll just watch you dolts carry water for a President that retweets conspiracy theories about a Secretary of State's brother...that doesn't even HAVE a brother...

Because we are not supposed to ASSUME you support a jackass without the class, integrity or ability to properly vet information so that he's not tweeting conspiracy theories from the highest office on earth...

No, we cannot assume it...he has to continue to prove it.

And by proxy, you "election was stolen" morons prove how gullible and stupid you are...which is amusing.
Derpa derp derp derp, derpitty derp is all the Cult has to say. Stand for nothing and fall for everything because their idol lost an election. Boo fuckin hoo
Yeah, don't believe my own lying eyes and ears....Nothing to see here.

Go fuck yourself with cactus, peckerhead.
You are gullible and angry because I don't follow along like the lemming you are? Boo fuckin hoo, cultist :itsok:
...and then, at 3 AM on Election Eve, the Vote Fairy magically dropped millions of votes for CCP Joe into the swing states!
Derpa derp derp derp, derpitty derp is all the Cult has to say. Stand for nothing and fall for everything because their idol lost an election. Boo fuckin hoo
Yeah, don't believe my own lying eyes and ears....Nothing to see here.

Go fuck yourself with cactus, peckerhead.
You are gullible and angry because I don't follow along like the lemming you are? Boo fuckin hoo, cultist :itsok:
...and then, at 3 AM on Election Eve, the Vote Fairy magically dropped millions of votes for CCP Joe into the swing states!
There, there Cultist. Show us where the election hurt you :itsok:

:lol: ohhh shit, this thread ended up in the kook section of the board rather quickly
I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. WE (all of us) need to fix the system.
I haven't voted at all since 2000.

It's bad enough that you can't tell the two parties apart with an electron microscope -making the notion of elections a dubious notion from the jump- but when you watch one team cheat their asses off right in front of our faces, while a significant number of the alleged "opponents" just stand around picking their noses, the scam is now blown wide open.
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

Diebold electronic voting machines were hacked in 2000. So what are you saying that proves about the 2000 election?
I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. WE (all of us) need to fix the system.
I haven't voted at all since 2000.

It's bad enough that you can't tell the two parties apart with an electron microscope -making the notion of elections a dubious notion from the jump- but when you watch one team cheat their asses off right in front of our faces, while a significant number of the alleged "opponents" just stand around picking their noses, the scam is now blown wide open.
Reminds me of how republicans sent lots of operatives to Florida and they won. Democrats said nothing. Luckily it’s not even close this year trump lost bad. He can’t believe it? you can’t believe it? Thats not enough reason to not conceed.
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I have no idea what to make of this "information". But I'm really really really not liking our collective parties about now. They both push toxic side panders to race rioters and the other wants to build walls out of shadows. Both parties are actively harming us. Let's fix this. I don't know how, but first step is recognizing the problem. Our political system is broken.

There is no "both parties"....There hasn't been since at least FDR...Mainstream republicans stood aside while cities burned too.

And the system isn't "broken", it's working perfectly to get the results that The Swamp wants.....Look at that preposterous "rescue" bill and the NDAA...Smorgasbords of waste, payola, and money laundering, supported by all the usual swamp suspects.

Make no mistake about it; I'm no fan at all of Trump's politics...He's basically a democrat with a big mouth...But, at the very least, he's smoking out the shills for the DNC in the Republican Party like nobody else ever has.

Think what you will...But white hat hackers breaking into a live voting device that's online in real time is a big, big, fucking deal.

You love trump, who the fuck are you kidding?

I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. we need to fix the system.

Please, Cultist.

Really? Ok. I can only hope you grow up and stop the childish name calling.

I call cultists cultists. Basic labeling - its a function of language.

In the same spirt of your well thought out post..nanny nanny neeneer! Democrats kinda actually feed this anti police/ anti white hysteria and they are so GREAT? Enough. What has Trump that has done that was worse? Its proof our entire political system is broken. Admit it.
During the committee hearing in Georgia today, the propeller heads for Team Trump hacked a Dominion device in Fulton County.

Go ahead dickweeds, move this to Conspiracy Theories....Why should the democrats and the media get to do all the gaslighting?

I have no idea what to make of this "information". But I'm really really really not liking our collective parties about now. They both push toxic side panders to race rioters and the other wants to build walls out of shadows. Both parties are actively harming us. Let's fix this. I don't know how, but first step is recognizing the problem. Our political system is broken.

There is no "both parties"....There hasn't been since at least FDR...Mainstream republicans stood aside while cities burned too.

And the system isn't "broken", it's working perfectly to get the results that The Swamp wants.....Look at that preposterous "rescue" bill and the NDAA...Smorgasbords of waste, payola, and money laundering, supported by all the usual swamp suspects.

Make no mistake about it; I'm no fan at all of Trump's politics...He's basically a democrat with a big mouth...But, at the very least, he's smoking out the shills for the DNC in the Republican Party like nobody else ever has.

Think what you will...But white hat hackers breaking into a live voting device that's online in real time is a big, big, fucking deal.

You love trump, who the fuck are you kidding?

I voted for Trump, I am not kidding anyone here. So YOU support creeps destroying our cities, race riots and divisiveness? Please, our political system is broken. It shouldn't ever come down to this, admit it. we need to fix the system.

Please, Cultist.

Really? Ok. I can only hope you grow up and stop the childish name calling.

I call cultists cultists. Basic labeling - its a function of language.

In the same spirt of your well thought out post..nanny nanny neeneer! Democrats kinda actually feed this anti police/ anti white hysteria and they are so GREAT? Enough. What has Trump that has done that was worse? Its proof our entire political system is broken. Admit it.

I don't read much into your riots blah blah, Mary. The cult has lost its ever loving fucking mind. "But but Look at the other guy!" Doesn't work on me.

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