Dominion Must Be Hurting.

I am so sick of people arguing about this topic, as if the results will change. They will not.

I believe 2020 was stolen because of the irregular behavior of MULTIPLE swing jurisdictions at about 11:00 PM on election day, the completely fucked up new junk-mail voting laws, AND the unprecedented increase in voters from 4 years before.

That's it.

I believe that both parties colluded to get rid of Trump because he was killing off their foreign aid money laundering schemes.

Nobody has made a legitimate effort to investigate any of this shit because BOTH PARTIES were involved.

I just don't want to hear bullshit about preserving democracy when all of these actions AND lack of interest in investigation causes MILLIONS to distrust the process AGAIN.
They do not have enough to win their lawsuit? That is not what the propagandists here say. More abuse of power at the snap of someones fingers.

Trump is such a fucking pussy cuck and the wrong guy going forward! The country will not survive with the unchecked Fascist Progressives much longer. They next President needs to be someone like Michael Franzese, no more Trumps or Bushes or Lindsay Grahams
Trump is such a fucking pussy cuck and the wrong guy going forward! The country will not survive with the uncheck Fascist Progressives much longer. They next President needs to be someone like Michael Franzese, no more Trumps or Bushes or Lindsay Grahams
400 million guns say that we will survive the commies one way or another.
Absence of evidence.
There has been multiple reports by (R) that STATE there was no fraud.

You are creating fake evidence.
Your game is easy to defeat
Did you learn anything in school/life?

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi, shortened from Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat) is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for its position.

See, that's the thing, it is impossible to prove, because the establishment has made that evidence proprietary and protected by copyright laws. I think you know this. So really? Just stop already.

Forget Hanging Chads. Copyright Laws Could be the Next Electoral Quagmire.​

Most election-tech equipment is the intellectual property of the companies that make it — meaning a contested election could get even more complicated.

I just don't want to hear bullshit about preserving democracy when all of these actions AND lack of interest in investigation causes MILLIONS to distrust the process AGAIN.
There were investigations but it didn’t matter. You wouldn’t accept anything that doesn’t confirm what you wanted to believe. Distrust is a coping mechanism. That’s it.

You don’t want democracy. You want to win.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

See, that's the thing, it is impossible to prove, because the establishment has made that evidence proprietary and protected by copyright laws. I think you know this. So really? Just stop already.

Forget Hanging Chads. Copyright Laws Could be the Next Electoral Quagmire.​

Most election-tech equipment is the intellectual property of the companies that make it — meaning a contested election could get even more complicated.

Any private organization given such a monopoly that affects the rights of MILLIONS should NEVER be allowed to hid behind "copyright" laws.
Dominion will win.

They are owned and operated by the DNC. And paying a Nazicrat judge to tilt everything their way is what they do.

So.......just like the "election"........they will win via their corruption, bribery, threats, and tyranny.
They aren't "owned and operated," by the DNC, they are run by the establishment. At such time they decide that they have wrestled control back from Trump populists, they may decide to let the GOP have control again. They are run by the folks that run the establishment agenda.

Don't forget, the corporate RNC & DNC collude on all important issues.

Dominion was created out of Die-bold's assets, which used to do the SAME THING to the Democrat candidates back in 2000 and 2004, and NONE OF THE CONSERVATIVES gave a shit about this issue back then.

When I rang alarm bells? All of the establishment neo-liberals and neo-cons called me a conspiracy nut back then, and I told everyone, it would bite us in the ass back then.

The exit polling showed, George Bush DID NOT win in 2000 or 2004. The war on terror is a false paradigm, just as the bio-security disease paradigm is a false paradigm, to shoe horn in a NWO, and strip the civil liberties and civil rights of every person, and create a global tracking cyber panapticon to control every person on the planet.

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Congress also disenfranchised 75 million voters when they refused to investigate the fraud on J6.
Sorry you don't like the design of our Constitution. That power was vested in the sovereign states where the elections were held, not the federal government which can easily be partisan.
Sorry you don't like the design of our Constitution. That power was vested in the sovereign states where the elections were held, not the federal government which can easily be partisan.
The power in elections is based in the state legislatures. They make the laws that govern them not the Federal government. It is called plenary power.
The power in elections is based in the state legislatures. They make the laws that govern them not the Federal government. It is called plenary power.
Yeah and every single legislature has delegated that decision(Electors) to the popular votes of the citizens of the state in their general elections complete with all the safe guards and appeals processes to decide contested outcomes. The states, not the feds.
Yeah and every single legislature has delegated that decision(Electors) to the popular votes of the citizens of the state in their general elections complete with all the safe guards and appeals processes to decide contested outcomes. The states, not the feds.
The 2020 election had no integrity. That has been proven over and over.
What investigations?

They didn't do JACK SHIT and you know it.
I was going to ask “what irregular behavior at 11 PM” but I stopped because we both know that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

It’s like with Hunter Biden. You know there’s something wrong but you’re not sure what.

There were many investigations.

How many do you want me to post?

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