Dominion Software Scandal

I agree. Do away with the machines. Hands on every ballot from now on.

This vote people are suspicious because of this hacked Dominion software that was used in most of the country. Last presidential election Hillary had a recount in three states suspecting Russians were hacking the machines. In GW's second term the accusation was thrown out that Bush's buddy was a CEO of the Diebold voting machine company and rigged the machines in his favor. Prior to that the dreaded hanging chads because Democrats are too stupid to punch a hole in a card.

It's ridiculous already. I mean, if neither party trusts technology to do the job, then do it by hand. We can't go through this every election because people are distrusting the voting process.
Dominion software was not hacked. You deplorables have been so utterly and thoroughly defeated in this election, all you can do is lie. It's sad, really. :(

Well explain how 6,000 Trump votes got given to Biden?? They caught that one. Wonder how may they didn't catch.
That was a clerical mistake which didn't actually affect the ballots. It was merely a tabulation error which would have been caught during canvassing even had it not been detected during their initial count.

Regardless, Dominion software was not hacked.
I don't think it was hacked either.

Texas researched Dominion and from what they learned they refused them in Texas. They were smart. Lots of gliches. Every State should have researched Dominion.

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