Dominion voting machines wins key court ruling in suit against FOX

Reporting usually calls for certain qualifiers being used: “Fox has learned that experts have found some questionable results in the voting calling into question the Dominion Boting Machines” is one thing (if it had been “reported” that way). But if it was “reported” as “Fox has found that Dominion Voting Machines were flawed and it wasn’t accidentally” then the legal discussion would be very different.

Another significant factor: in a defamation type suit, even aside from the elevated protections currently in place for the media, the old maxim is true. Truth is a perfect defense. Accordingly, the discovery which the Fox News legal team will demand from Dominion Voting Machines as well as from the various disputed electoral jurisdictions MIGHT AT LONG LAST lead to airing out what really happened. All the prior cases which declined to entertain the controversies on procedural or standing grounds yielded no such exploration of the evidence.

This could get interesting.
There have been over 50 cases brought to the courts and dismissed.
So...sure...bring the discovery.
Maybe your election expert The Pillow Guy will finally bring something out.
Rejected on flimsy procedural pretexts, with no evidence heard.

Speaking of Mike Lindell, when does the discovery in Dominion's suit against him begin?
Rejected on flimsy procedural pretexts, with no evidence heard.

Speaking of Mike Lindell, when does the discovery in Dominion's suit against him begin?
Rejected because the cases were laughable and embarrassing.
The Kraken was a damp squid.
It needs to see a courtroom, where rules of evidence are in play.

Let's get Dominion into a courtroom under oath.
Isn't it kind of expected that Dominion's lawsuit involves getting both parties into a court room under oath?

Oh, I see now. You're still butthurt over the fact that the scoundrels of magaturdland failed so badly in court of laws all across the land that at the end of the day your Big Lie conspiracies are all you are left with.

Rejected with cheap-assed excuses like "why didn't you file this before the election?"

As though you're supposed to charge bank robbers before they commit the robbery.
Look up Bower v Ducey.
Powell was was so embarrassingly inept that the judgement said;
III. Conclusion

Not only have Plaintiffs failed to provide the Court with factual support for their extraordinary claims, but they have wholly failed to establish that they have standing for the Court to consider them. Allegations that find favor in the public sphere of gossip and innuendo cannot be a substitute for earnest pleadings and procedure in federal court. They most certainly cannot be the basis for upending Arizona’s 2020 General Election. The Court is left with no alternative but to dismiss this matter in its entirety.
Dominion Voting wins key decision in lawsuit against Fox News

"Inaccurate" is a kind word to describe FOX news. How about "blatantly false?" Hope the Murdochs have a large liability insurance policy.

Great news. Thanks.
Look up Bower v Ducey.
Powell was was so embarrassingly inept that the judgement said;
III. Conclusion

Not only have Plaintiffs failed to provide the Court with factual support for their extraordinary claims, but they have wholly failed to establish that they have standing for the Court to consider them. Allegations that find favor in the public sphere of gossip and innuendo cannot be a substitute for earnest pleadings and procedure in federal court. They most certainly cannot be the basis for upending Arizona’s 2020 General Election. The Court is left with no alternative but to dismiss this matter in its entirety.
The flimsy "standing" dodge......Also irrelevant to the fact that, outside of WI, no evidence has ever been heard in an open courtroom.

Now Dominion is the plaintiff....Bring on the discovery phase or STFU.
Isn't it kind of expected that Dominion's lawsuit involves getting both parties into a court room under oath?

Oh, I see now. You're still butthurt over the fact that the scoundrels of magaturdland failed so badly in court of laws all across the land that at the end of the day your Big Lie conspiracies are all you are left with.

No, you dolt. Nobody is butthurt except you morons who are indignant that the Plugs Brandon “win” is in any way disputed.

The numerous lawsuits weren’t even properly considered. Maybe you couldn’t grasp what Oddball correctly noted: they by and large never even got to the fact finding function.

Don’t be such a pussy, Fumbling Dumbleweed.
Dominion Voting wins key decision in lawsuit against Fox News

"Inaccurate" is a kind word to describe FOX news. How about "blatantly false?" Hope the Murdochs have a large liability insurance policy.
Good, let it move forward. Foxes lawyer's will be awaiting on them, otherwise with the ability to ask for and then gain discovery about things in which everyone has been waiting on with baited breath. Yes good deal, let's get the ball rolling.
Dominion Voting wins key decision in lawsuit against Fox News

"Inaccurate" is a kind word to describe FOX news. How about "blatantly false?" Hope the Murdochs have a large liability insurance policy.
Fox News is a joke. It's more like entertainment for pseudo-conservatives. I've never heard anything on it that could be called news.
There have been over 50 cases brought to the courts and dismissed.
So...sure...bring the discovery.
Maybe your election expert The Pillow Guy will finally bring something out.
Were they brought to the courts that had a political tyranny possibility being dealt with on their hand's ? Otherwise were they afraid to do right by Trump, and this because they felt that a majority of power holder's/broker's and/or certain celebrities and the citizen's would chastise them bad if they were to entertain the thought that an election could actually be rigged, and worse might even be reversed while the hot potato was laid upon their hands, otherwise if they allowed anything to go forward in that way ?
Sure they were. The courts even looked at the 'evidence' magaturd Nation vomited up 60+ times. They all found it sucked out loud. Even judges appointed by Mr. Trump. Wonder why? Weird, huh? Must be a conspiracy, right retard? No other reason.
Your claim is — not surprisingly — completely false. The cases were effectively non-suited prior to substantive hearings of any kind.
No retard. It’s simple English noting that you were wrong. Again. Or more succinctly: you lied.
Yeah, It STILL kinda sounds like REPUBS LOST. You're free to try and prove me wrong, but that's REALITY champ. :dunno:

Best of luck. You've got a ton of work ahead. Don't envy your Qult45 'crusade'.
Yeah, It STILL kinda sounds like REPUBS LOST. You're free to try and prove me wrong, but that's REALITY champ. :dunno:

Best of luck.
It doesn’t sound like that —even to an asshole like you. You’re just lying some more.

Ho hum.

I wouldn’t expect integrity from an established liar such as you. So, it ain’t no thang, you stupid turd.

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