Dominion voting machines wins key court ruling in suit against FOX

Sucks to be you, it is under 3 bucks here.
Its gonna suck to be you in one year when the GOP takes control of both houses....and then in 24 when Trump wins....wait what am I saying? already must suck to be you with your lack of intelligence...
Its gonna suck to be you in one year when the GOP takes control of both houses....and then in 24 when Trump wins....wait what am I saying? already must suck to be you with your lack of intelligence...

Sorry there little man, I do not base my happiness on any political party, unlike you my life does not begin and end with what party is in power, personally it does not effect me at all when the names change, as the game stays the same
Sorry there little man, I do not base my happiness on any political party, unlike you my life does not begin and end with what party is in power, personally it does not effect me at all when the names change, as the game stays the same
I never said you would be unhappy....I said it would suck to be you dummy....
I never said you would be unhappy....I said it would suck to be you dummy....
He says it doesn't effect him, but he's lying trying to support his vote he probably secretly gave to Biden.

I bet he's crying the blue's secretly, otherwise when he buys gas or groceries at the grocery store now. Heck or when he buys anything or tries to get his parts if ordered, and so on and so forth.

They are damned good at deflecting away that part of it, and therefore giving the idiot's in charge a pass.
Because right-wing claims of fraud have so far proven so accurate.
It was installed in office after the 2020 election that makes no sense. And it proves that when people are not responsible in their voting, then they eventually will lose it. You hate Trump the man. Over and over since he began his run for President we have gotten it. Trump with the agendas was a win for us all. Lies are lies at different levels. Today, most peasants are having a much more difficult time living then a year ago. That is all we have to know. Even if the Progs jury rig the system to make it look better.
Pretty hilarious article coming from CNN, the crowned kings of fake news.
But CNN is not being sued for Lying! FOX admits it is not a news station. It admits to lying to it's listeners.

I wonder how many people have died with COVID after listening to FOX lies about vaccine? I expect that would be a number in the Thousands.
Dominion Voting wins key decision in lawsuit against Fox News

"Inaccurate" is a kind word to describe FOX news. How about "blatantly false?" Hope the Murdochs have a large liability insurance policy.

Fucked Snooze were lying and they knew they were lying. Sue them out of fucking existence.
It can only suck to be me if I am unhappy. Are you really this fucking stupid?
Unhappy or stupid as hell...and you are the latter....anyone that voted against Trump is stupid as hell....proof of that is...
Unhappy or stupid as hell...and you are the latter....anyone that voted against Trump is stupid as hell....proof of that is...
View attachment 576829

I did not vote for Trump or Biden, both suck ass. I am not a partisan sheep like you whose whole life revolves around being a loyal party member. My life goes on just fine no matter who is in the White House. For you I hold nothing but pity.
I did not vote for Trump or Biden, both suck ass. I am not a partisan sheep like you whose whole life revolves around being a loyal party member. My life goes on just fine no matter who is in the White House. For you I hold nothing but pity.
Bullshit...but I don't blame you for not admitting to it....
Bullshit...but I don't blame you for not admitting to it....

My 2020 all just cannot grasp the idea that not everyone a slave to a party in this country. And you will never be able to understand why

So then you are saying Dominion has no case, can't be rules for thee but not for me, least you prove your party are fascists.
No, that's what you're saying. Apparently Dominion has a case and that I am right. The only fascists are in the republican party.

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