Dominion voting machines wins key court ruling in suit against FOX

Why is FOX news trying to stay out of court, if you think court might reveal some crazy voter machine fraud? The answer is easy. FOX news lied for trump. Now they will pay through the nose. Murdoch is not going to be happy.
Give it a rest, and get some help for your terminal TDS. Maybe Biden has a vaccine for that to by now. It will turn your attention to Biden's job, and give Trump some relief. You got it worse than anyone here I believe, and that's saying something.
Who cares, the point is, is that left leaning networks lie like rugs just as bad as any other. Where's Cuomo today, and where is all the other's that have since been put in the unemployment lines for lying, and were caught up in the #metoo movement ? What about oh Matt Lowery, and the list just goes on and on. What about the cover ups or gag orders going on in the Gislane Maxwell case now ?

Yeah, you all got a real better than thou attitude coming from a bunch of hypocrites. lol
How much did he get?

Go away money?
Dominion Voting wins key decision in lawsuit against Fox News

"Inaccurate" is a kind word to describe FOX news. How about "blatantly false?" Hope the Murdochs have a large liability insurance policy.

And if they don't settle, they will have to expose emails, and other documents in court.

They'll settle.
Fox exploited Dominion with election lies for the purpose of higher ratings

They will pay
Fox exploited Dominion with election lies for the purpose of higher ratings

They will pay

And don't forget Smartmatic has a billion dollar suit against them also, and each individual host that spread the libel, is also open to individual suit as well.

This isn't over by a long shot, and the damages will be overwhelming to most if not all of them, if a judgement is entered against them.
No, that's what you're saying. Apparently Dominion has a case and that I am right. The only fascists are in the republican party.
Actually, since their machines have issues and had an issue in Michigan with a swap of figures, a past history of complaints, a giant lie about their ties with a company they bought and merged, along with their failure to be transparent and hand over data, and conflicts of interest with politician (and family) investors that could draw them into campaign finance frauds and kickback scandals, I would conclude their suit will dig them a deeper hole as any concerns are valid.
Unlike the false and defamation the polititians and news had done to Rittenhouse that had no rhyme or reason.
And don't forget Smartmatic has a billion dollar suit against them also, and each individual host that spread the libel, is also open to individual suit as well.

This isn't over by a long shot, and the damages will be overwhelming to most if not all of them, if a judgement is entered against them.
This will allow the right to call upon politician investors (conflicts of interest) which might squash the suits out of concern for these politician's own corrupt illegal activities or court costs.
And if they don't settle, they will have to expose emails, and other documents in court.

They'll settle.
Then Dominion will have to answer all the lies about their machines not being connected to the internet, and their felonious destroying of election records....

And don't forget Smartmatic has a billion dollar suit against them also, and each individual host that spread the libel, is also open to individual suit as well.

This isn't over by a long shot, and the damages will be overwhelming to most if not all of them, if a judgement is entered against them.
I think they will want to settle

But if I were Dominion or Smartmatic, I would demand a full admission that they know their claims were false
This is so stupid

Are we to believe that Fox News people don't have a clue how to word things on air by now, after they have been in business some 20 + years? They have no lawyers wroking for them? give me a break. I will be the stories are laden with "allegedly"s... galore

As per usual, there is far more to this story than meets the eye..

All the court decision said was that the suit can move forward


[no yawning smiliey???? :(]
This is so stupid

Are we to believe that Fox News people don't have a clue how to word things on air by now, after they have been in business some 20 + years?

As per usual, there is far more to this story than meets the eye..

All the decision said was that the suit can move forward


[no yawning smiliey???? :(]
Evidently, they don’t.

They allowed their hosts to make wild, unqualified and untrue claims about Dominion
Actually, since their machines have issues and had an issue in Michigan with a swap of figures, a past history of complaints, a giant lie about their ties with a company they bought and merged, along with their failure to be transparent and hand over data, and conflicts of interest with politician (and family) investors that could draw them into campaign finance frauds and kickback scandals, I would conclude their suit will dig them a deeper hole as any concerns are valid.
Unlike the false and defamation the polititians and news had done to Rittenhouse that had no rhyme or reason.
They might think that they've had time to cover up their alleged tracks by now, so we'll have to see what kind of gun's their packing. Will be interesting, but let's see if it drags out till the midterms, then we'll know what's in play. Keep your eyes on the midterms, and everything they can come up with, and what kind of distractions they engage in.
A judge in Delaware
Gee! What a coincidence! The judge is from Biddum's tiny state!

has found that Fox News' coverage of election fraud after the 2020 election may have been inaccurate.
EVERY network's coverage was inaccurate. Let's sue them all.

the company may be able to interview the network's top names under oath.
I think not. They won't be able to recall a thing, just like Hillary Clinton.

Fox News may have slanted its coverage to push election fraud, knowing the accusations were wrong.
Impossible. How could they positively know that there was no fraud in a national election?

Dominion alerted the network's anchors and executives to information that disproved accusations of widespread vote-switching
OH MY! The accused told Fox they were innocent and Fox didn't believe them?! :omg:
I think they will want to settle

But if I were Dominion or Smartmatic, I would demand a full admission that they know their claims were false

If I'm Dominion or Smartmatic, Any judgement or settlement will not be based upon any gag order as part of the settlement. It must be open, very public, and as embarrassing as possible for Fox, That is the only thing they should agree to.

After that, each loud mouth host that spread the BS, will be next on the court docket, one by one, and bleed each one of them dry in attorney fees.

It should be a full court press, with no let up, until Fox personally begs for mercy on national television.

Thats my final offer.
If anyone followed my original post to follow the money to find connections they'd know I mentioned the lesser known company bought out by Dominion=SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS
Sidney Powell was correct to state the connection to Chavez and The software
The software at the time was called

2004 Venezuelan recall referendum - Wikipedia

On August 26, 2005, Sequoia Voting Systems announced[20] that Mr. Jack Blaine would serve in the dual role as President of Sequoia Voting Systems and President of Sequoia's parent company, "Smartmatic".

In April 2008, competitor Hart InterCivic attempted a hostile takeover of Sequoia[21]. Court documents unearthed at this time revealed that Smartmatic still retained some financial control over several aspects of Sequoia.

On June 4, 2010 Dominion Voting Systems, acquired Sequoia Voting Systems.

So Dominion under it's bought out system is tied to Smartmatic.

They DID INDEED have access to the same software used in Venezuela (and the Phillipines) that it purchased and Smartmatic's denial of being connected to Dominion or MSM seperation of Smartmatic from Dominion is false through word play and semantics. Smartmatic was still part of SEQUOIA VOTING SYSTEMS which is owned by Dominion.
If they are claiming not to be associated then they comitted perjury and manipulated the judge and court.

Now why is Venezuela important and why are they lying to disconnect the dot?
Because Meduro who Bernie supports promised revenge on Trump as did the drug cartels. (ENOUGH TO BRING ABOUT VALID CONCERNS AND REPORTING- WHICH MEANS Dominion is using threats to obstruct invedtigations and violate the rights of the victimized politicians and taxpayers.

A defiant Maduro threatens 'cowboy' Trump after drug charge | AP News

An equal act in Meduros eyes who thought we interfered with his election thus would be returned in kind, however if anyone interfered it would have been our rogue CIA and not Trump.

Enough to warrant concern and investigation, where there's smoke there's fire thus to call it conspiracy is for Dems and MSM to inadvertantly admit they were throwing Rusia conspiracy nonsense against the wall for almost 4 years and as Obama himself said would have been undermining democracy in using it to DELIGITIMIZE the 2016 election.​
Give it a rest, and get some help for your terminal TDS. Maybe Biden has a vaccine for that to by now. It will turn your attention to Biden's job, and give Trump some relief. You got it worse than anyone here I believe, and that's saying something.
I will tell you like I have told everyone else. We will continue to call out trump as long as he is around spreading the big lie. COUNT ON IT.

He is a Cancer on this nation. Mitch has signaled that the Senate GOP has given up on him. If you had half a brain, you would do the same...but we know that isn't possible. Your orange tongue gives you away.
They might think that they've had time to cover up their alleged tracks by now, so we'll have to see what kind of gun's their packing. Will be interesting, but let's see if it drags out till the midterms, then we'll know what's in play. Keep your eyes on the midterms, and everything they can come up with, and what kind of distractions they engage in.
You know, Dominion might want to talk to you. I expect that can easily find your IP address. Keep talking Chief.

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