Dominion wins Big League against Fox

LIST? Sworn affidavits? Maybe they should be more aboveboard with their product to avoid such problems in the future. Frankly, they are lucky they are still in business at all.
Their product was thoroughly tested by private auditors. And certified accurate and reliable. It's no different than the latest micro-processor from Intel. You can test it for flaws, but you can't demand that Intel tell you the details of how they made it.
I didn’t lose. As you knew when you just lied again.

Your floundering is duly noted, again.

You're proved your point. He hasn't given any proof that Fox's lawyers, submitted any evidence at all to defend the dominion lawsuit.

That their motions were accompanied by reams of blank pages, instead of affidavits.
I didn’t lose. As you knew when you just lied again.

Your floundering is duly noted, again.

Your fail is actually complete, but feel free to continue posting to re-confirm it. :itsok:

You never really had a chance

Your claim that you can’t judge Fox’s defense without reading every piece of evidence was Dead on Arrival

All we need to know is that their case related to facts didn’t make it through discovery

You lose again Skippy
You never really had a chance

Your claim that you can’t judge Fox’s defense without reading every piece of evidence was Dead on Arrival

Not a claim I made. As you knew when you tripled down on your lie. Instead, as you know, what i did was challenge your baseless claim. And as expected, you couldn’t back it up.

Your fail is getting bigger and better.

Hurry back 🤣
Not a claim I made. As you knew when you tripled down on your lie. Instead, as you know, what i did was challenge your baseless claim. And as expected, you couldn’t back it up.
Baseless? His claim was based on the Judge actually following the law when he issued a judgement on motion.

Your claim he didn't read the evidence that Fox News submitted, gets thrown out.
Their product was thoroughly tested by private auditors. And certified accurate and reliable.
That is like me telling you that millions of votes in 2020 were certified illegal by private auditors and certified fraudulent. And they certified themselves 100% accurate!

It's no different than the latest micro-processor from Intel. You can test it for flaws, but you can't demand that Intel tell you the details of how they made it.
Sure you can, they give you all the specs. But a chip is not in question, it is the SOFTWARE that runs these machines.
That’s merely a recapitulation of his determination. It is not even akin to proof that you know what Fox News provided to the court. You keep highlighting the fact that you are a hopeless liar. You’ve been caught and exposed again.

Accept your defeat like the man you’re not.

If Fox presented the information, it was considered by the Judge. If they didn’t present it, the loss on the decision is their own fault.

But it is worse than that for Fox. Again from the 130 page decision. Fox argued that the hosts were merely expressing their opinion. Then Fox claimed they were reporting on newsworthy information. If it is an option show, Fox can’t claim that they are providing newsworthy commentary.
What harm could they possibly suffer? They are not a normal business. The have near exclusive rights with our government to use their software and equipment for counting votes. The only harm they could suffer would be if the government itself decided to stop using them. Why do they refuse to let others examine their code to see if it is aboveboard?

The protect the code for the same reason your automaker does. If the code gets out an exploit could be found. Imagine someone getting the code and actually doing what you accuse them of doing.
If Fox presented the information, it was considered by the Judge. If they didn’t present it, the loss on the decision is their own fault.
Not the point. The point was simply that Leftwhiner lied again. He made a claim but can’t support it because he has no basis of information to support it.
It's no different than the latest micro-processor from Intel. You can test it for flaws, but you can't demand that Intel tell you the details of how they made it.
Sure you can, they give you all the specs. But a chip is not in question, it is the SOFTWARE that runs these machines.
Intel micro-processors run on internal software called "micro-code", And their math units have internal data tables that are like the software they run on.

The pentium chip flaw was software, not silicon.

The Pentium FDIV bug is the most famous (or infamous) of the Intel microprocessor bugs. It was caused by an error in a lookup table that was a part of Intel's SRT algorithm that was to be faster and more accurate.
The protect the code for the same reason your automaker does. If the code gets out an exploit could be found. Imagine someone getting the code and actually doing what you accuse them of doing.

It shouldn't take a secret computer code just to tally up election ballots. The more you complicate something, the more backdoors you create for cheating.
Biden said you wouldn't get covid if you got vaccinated.
well you seem to have forgotten what Trump said

People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine,” he said in an interview with The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens that was released Tuesday.

Where is the criticism when Trump says it?

Still it was known that the vaccination does not stop one from getting the virus. In a perfect work it just helps the body immune system fight the disease.
It shouldn't take a secret computer code just to tally up election ballots. The more you complicate something, the more backdoors you create for cheating.
Actually by knowing exactly how something is made, allows people to exploit any flaw it might have. Whether it's a car, a micro-processor, or a voting machine.

The chapman lock was supposed to make a car unstealable, but they were able to defeat it, knowing how it was made, and you don't see them in use any more because of it.
Actually by knowing exactly how something is made, allows people to exploit any flaw it might have. Whether it's a car, a micro-processor, or a voting machine.

The chapman lock was supposed to make a car unstealable, but they were able to defeat it, knowing how it was made, and you don't see them in use any more because of it.

All I'm asking is for a chance for people to examine and test USING the machines, not do a line by line code analysis.
All I'm asking is for a chance for people to examine and test USING the machines, not do a line by line code analysis.
They already did. By state certified auditors, who testing the machine according to state procedures for certification of equipment.

Your request for line by line code analysis is just like when a defendant asks for TS/SCI information for his defense.

Knowing that there is no justification for it, but denial would be grounds for throwing the case against him out.
They already did. By state certified auditors, who testing the machine according to state procedures
That's the problem. I don't trust the state. So I don't trust who they certify.

Your request for line by line code analysis
I just said above that I wasn't asking for that. I have video of one polling station testing one of these things and finding serious concerns and discrepancies in the counts and outcome.
It shouldn't take a secret computer code just to tally up election ballots. The more you complicate something, the more backdoors you create for cheating.

We protect the code for our encryption software. Even though this code is useless without the daily random key, we still protect it.

Chevrolet protects the code for the computer components in a car.

Coke still hasn’t told anyone the recipe for their signature product.

Now if the software is released and someone figures out how to hack it, the company ceases to exist don’t they? You just detest them and demand that they commit corporate suicide.
We protect the code for our encryption software. Even though this code is useless without the daily random key, we still protect it.

Chevrolet protects the code for the computer components in a car.

Coke still hasn’t told anyone the recipe for their signature product.

Now if the software is released and someone figures out how to hack it, the company ceases to exist don’t they? You just detest them and demand that they commit corporate suicide.

No, I just want disinterested independent parties to test and use the product under simulated or real conditions and see if it is accurate and not corruptible with means to alter or affect the resulting data and protections built in to detect and report tampering or alterations.

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