Dominion wins Big League against Fox

Actually, I do know what was ruled on ….Fox loses

Check mate and a half
Knowing that it got ruled on is beside the point, as you know.

I asked you for a link to the evidence of what Fox News did or didn’t present.

You can’t answer because — even though you’re the dipshit who made the claim — You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The game ended with checkmate prior to your last post, too. Sucks to be you.
Grounds for a mistrial.

Great! Because the same thing can be said of leftwing media at least 130 million times. Every time I catch them on TV, the leftwing media is lying through its teeth while holding themselves out as absolute accurate sources of factual information.

Not really. It is called a summary judgment. Both Fox and Dominion asked for one. Fox was denied. Their arguments actually canceled each other out. Dominion want a partial victory. The Judge ruled that Fox had made defamatory statements on air they knew to be untrue.

Now the trial is set to decide if Fox is liable, and how much if any harm Dominion suffered as a result of the factually untrue statements made on air.
Knowing that it got ruled on is beside the point, as you know.

I asked you for a link to the evidence of what Fox News did or didn’t present.

You can’t answer because — even though you’re the dipshit who made the claim — You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The game ended with checkmate prior to your last post, too. Sucks to be you.
How the Fuk am I supposed to know what evidence they presented

All I know is they gave their best shot and the judge ruled it was CRYSTAL clear that their claims were false

Exactly correct. You don’t know. But you made a claim about it all the same. :itsok:

Yes I did
That is why we have a legal system
They get to decide such things, not morons on the interweb
The judge reviewed what was submitted. You don’t have the slightest clue about how much he saw from Fox News.

You lied. And you got caught.

What else is new, ya libturd?
The judge saw everything, that fox news submitted into evidence, and based on his reading of everything submitted, he came to the legal opinion that fox news deliberately lied on the air to the detriment of dominion.
The judge in response for motions for summary judgement granted dominion a finding of fox news false statements.
The judge also summarily dismissed the fox news request for dismissal of the lawsuit, or any of its parts.

It makes no difference what the public knows, the judge knows every argument and piece of evidence that each side submitted, and rendered a judgement based on the evidence.

It's how the legal system works. Judges make all legal judgements.
The judge in the case says otherwise

You lose again Skippy
He's arguing that the judge didn't read the evidence. That's the same claim they made after Trump lost over 60 election lawsuits.

They just can't believe that election fraud claims had no evidence to back them up.
The judge reviewed what was submitted. You don’t have the slightest clue about how much he saw from Fox News.

This is where you're absolutely wrong. The judge by law has to review everything that Fox News submitted.

Rule 56. Summary Judgment

(a) Motion for Summary Judgment or Partial Summary Judgment. A party may move for summary judgment, identifying each claim or defense — or the part of each claim or defense — on which summary judgment is sought. The court shall grant summary judgment if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. The court should state on the record the reasons for granting or denying the motion.

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