Donald blames Dems for the 1500 missing children

America is becoming a NAZI Nation. We now take children away from their mothers by men in uniform and take them each to separate holding cells, concentration camps, prisons, whatever. No communications or visitations provided. Nightmares provided free of charge by the leader.
This policy has been in place since way before Trump. Because Trump is using it as a deterrent doesn't mean he came up with it. It's not just the Dems who are responsible for "fixing it," of course, but I'm just trying to reassure you that this is not some new scheme cooked up by Trump.
We lost 1500 children before? When did that happen? When were kids denied sponsors and instead housed by the hundreds and hundreds under prison like conditions? Why are these kids not give the option of living with supporting families?
America is becoming a NAZI Nation. We now take children away from their mothers by men in uniform and take them each to separate holding cells, concentration camps, prisons, whatever. No communications or visitations provided. Nightmares provided free of charge by the leader.
This policy has been in place since way before Trump. Because Trump is using it as a deterrent doesn't mean he came up with it. It's not just the Dems who are responsible for "fixing it," of course, but I'm just trying to reassure you that this is not some new scheme cooked up by Trump.
There is no fucking law.
I used the word "policy." The Obama administration didn't allow children to be held in adult detention facilities, either. I suppose there is some sense in that. I heard there are family detention centers, but maybe they're full? Who knows what is really going on.
I hate Trump's attitude toward illegal immigrants and refugees, but let's not lose track of the facts. That's all I'm saying.
Send the parents back then look for the children and send them back too. Going forward, send them all back.
You are an uneducated and unaware person. They are in the process of being sent back if they do not meet asylum standards. They, and all refugees get the opportunity to present their cases in front of a judge. It is not their faults that there are not enough judges or lawyers to push their cases through the system. The controversy is how they are mistreated while they await their hearings and due process.
They never had a basis for asylum. No government is persecuting them. The only complaint they have is that a rival gang is retaliating.

If they are mistreated they can stay home.
Liberals wanted these children here, Republicans said no. Now democrats messed up, you blame republicans. Lol, just like you're trying to blame republicans for the failure of Obama care.

No, asshole. We think to use children as a deterrent is disgusting. It is cowardly. It is gutless.

When you need to resort to hurting children, you have failed as a leader, as a President and as a human being.
They never had a basis for asylum. No government is persecuting them. The only complaint they have is that a rival gang is retaliating.

If they are mistreated they can stay home.

Because they ain't white? That seems to be the determining factor in allowing people into this country. That must be it because you have NO clue what these people have experienced.
America is becoming a NAZI Nation. We now take children away from their mothers by men in uniform and take them each to separate holding cells, concentration camps, prisons, whatever. No communications or visitations provided. Nightmares provided free of charge by the leader.
This policy has been in place since way before Trump. Because Trump is using it as a deterrent doesn't mean he came up with it. It's not just the Dems who are responsible for "fixing it," of course, but I'm just trying to reassure you that this is not some new scheme cooked up by Trump.
We lost 1500 children before? When did that happen? When were kids denied sponsors and instead housed by the hundreds and hundreds under prison like conditions? Why are these kids not give the option of living with supporting families?
That has NOT happened, yet. Who knows if we've "lost track" of kids placed with sponsors before.
And your point is what Dr. Lutz?

My point is made DarkAssole - Please do duhfend his policy
what's to defend? It's not like I give a fuck IF they were lost. If they STAYED home would they be lost?
If the parents were doing LEGAL shit would they be lost? Fuck em.

Wow, what kind of panty waisted POS blames the children for the actions of their parents.

Trump has turned a wide swath of formerly compassionate Americans into soulless, mean-spirited ghouls.

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Who Said It: Mr. Burns or Donald Trump?

They never had a basis for asylum. No government is persecuting them. The only complaint they have is that a rival gang is retaliating.

If they are mistreated they can stay home.

Because they ain't white? That seems to be the determining factor in allowing people into this country. That must be it because you have NO clue what these people have experienced.
In their own words they have experienced the same gang warfare that they bring with them. If you are trying to say that white immigrants do not bring poverty. Illiteracy and gang crime when they come here, we can have that discussion. If you mean to say that whites do not drag third world problems with them we should have that discussion. It's just not this discussion.
America is becoming a NAZI Nation. We now take children away from their mothers by men in uniform and take them each to separate holding cells, concentration camps, prisons, whatever. No communications or visitations provided. Nightmares provided free of charge by the leader.
This policy has been in place since way before Trump. Because Trump is using it as a deterrent doesn't mean he came up with it. It's not just the Dems who are responsible for "fixing it," of course, but I'm just trying to reassure you that this is not some new scheme cooked up by Trump.
We lost 1500 children before? When did that happen? When were kids denied sponsors and instead housed by the hundreds and hundreds under prison like conditions? Why are these kids not give the option of living with supporting families?
That has NOT happened, yet. Who knows if we've "lost track" of kids placed with sponsors before.
The sponsors are gangs increasing their ranks.

U.S. Arrests 99 MS-13 Gangsters Who Entered as ‘Unaccompanied Minors’
Could that be because of the obama administration’s failures to address the illegal immigration problem?

I’m glad we finally have a president willing to fix the mistakes of previous administrations. A president who cares about these children.

Donald cares about 1500 missing children who were yanked out of their parents arms about as much as you do.
Maybe those 1500 kids and their sponsors don't want to be found. Maybe the parents that threw them away had a change of heart and they're back where they belong.

Maybe you should have been outraged when Obama/Democrats were responsible and created a rotten policy for the kids that Trump is legally stuck with...

Yes, and MAYBE you're a Lumpy Trumptardian idiot.
Run on missing kids10% of which are likely in the hands of child sex traffickers.
TOTAL winner Dotardo :rolleyes:
Once again, a problem created by Democrats being blamed on Republicans.
Obama policies set this mess up.
Yet you want to blame Trump.
Every time Trump tries to do something about it some GD Hawaiian judge stops him.

Only DEMS-13 has phony compassion for the children. Can they be used as tools is the sole question
Liberals wanted these children here, Republicans said no. Now democrats messed up, you blame republicans. Lol, just like you're trying to blame republicans for the failure of Obama care.

No, asshole. We think to use children as a deterrent is disgusting. It is cowardly. It is gutless.

When you need to resort to hurting children, you have failed as a leader, as a President and as a human being.
I went to the O.R.R. policies searching "minors in adult detention facilities" and everything was for unaccompanied minors arrested at the border. I'm not great at searching this stuff, though. I'd love to cut through all the partisan hyperbole and get to the facts of what is going on. From there, we can advocate on "fixing" it.
America is becoming a NAZI Nation. We now take children away from their mothers by men in uniform and take them each to separate holding cells, concentration camps, prisons, whatever. No communications or visitations provided. Nightmares provided free of charge by the leader.
Thanks Obama!
Thanks for the bump and attention to my post.
Just letting you know how this problem started, so you liberals need to fix it, instead of whining about it.
Trump was lying when he told you that nonsense. You believe everything that compulsive liar tells you. There is no legal reason for trump to separate those kids from their mothers and force them to live the way he is forcing them to live. None. Trump can't even explain his bullshyt so I know you can't.
I just found something out, check the date on the article your crying about. Hint, it's dated 2014. Now it's Obama's doings, so is it a terrible thing now? lol, quit relying on talking points.
Liberals wanted these children here, Republicans said no. Now democrats messed up, you blame republicans. Lol, just like you're trying to blame republicans for the failure of Obama care.

No, asshole. We think to use children as a deterrent is disgusting. It is cowardly. It is gutless.

When you need to resort to hurting children, you have failed as a leader, as a President and as a human being.
The article and pictures are dated 2014. So continue your outrage.
Once again, a problem created by Democrats being blamed on Republicans.
Obama policies set this mess up.
Yet you want to blame Trump.
Every time Trump tries to do something about it some GD Hawaiian judge stops him.


Obama did not have a policy of yanking children away from their parents as a deterrent and then losing them.
Seriously you Fucking Orange Idiot?

General Kelly and Jeff Session BOTH claimed your ill-advised policy was a winner because it'd be a "DETERRENT" and then you invoke MS-13 and Dems???

Really? As in OMFG :rolleyes-41:

SOOO, Donald has NO CLUE where 1500 innocent kids are -- or honestly? About anything else .. Nope - He's a Fucking inhumane ASSHOLE and bet the so called "vetting" of adoptive families likely put many of many of these kids in the hands of child traffickers.

US lost track of 1,500 undocumented children, but says it's not 'legally responsible' - CNNPolitics

Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from there parents once they cross the Border into the U.S. Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUG
7:59 AM - May 26, 2018
I'm sure liberals have them somewhere turning them into queers.
If you want to find these 'kids' look at the bars in downtown S.F.
The gangs the LIBs love so much bought these kids and 'turned them out'.

I see you were duped by your orange God into thinking this is about gangs.

Now if we do not support ripping chilren from families, we are supporting gangs.

If we don't want the stupid wall, we are for gangs.

If we don't want a militarized border, we are for gangs.

If we don't want border patrol to shoot & kill those crossing the border, we are for gangs.

This is how Trump lies to dupe his ignorant, feeble minded base.

It really isn't rocket science - Is it Dave?

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