Donald Has High Negatives?,Then Why Does He Fill 20 to 25,000 Seat Stadiums?

The Donald is not on blood thinner medication. He is not a certain stroke patient, as she will soon be. She will be hidden from public.

That can't get her up on a big stage, unless they carry her up there way before crowd arrives. They have been lucky with small crowds, hence ashe can walk in level to a lower stage.

If Clinton dropped dead right now, Trump would still never be president. He doesn't want to be.

.. grow up

If she dropped dead. Trump still wouldn't win... Who ever Democrats put up with in reason would walk it...
The Donald is not on blood thinner medication. He is not a certain stroke patient, as she will soon be. She will be hidden from public.

That can't get her up on a big stage, unless they carry her up there way before crowd arrives. They have been lucky with small crowds, hence ashe can walk in level to a lower stage.

If Clinton dropped dead right now, Trump would still never be president. He doesn't want to be.

.. grow up

If she dropped dead. Trump still wouldn't win... Who ever Democrats put up with in reason would walk it...
Could the GOP allow Trump to win? Imagine the shambles the Republican party
would be in after a Trump presidency; probably the end of the Republican party. The GOP would be on pins and needles for the next four years.
Trump is a million laughs, while I wouldn't go beyond the TV remote to watch him, my kids howl when Trump puts on his pouty face. Unfortunately Trump's people must have gotten to about the pouty face because he doesn't use it much anymore. His Mussolini look just doesn't do it.
he has a babies mouth. It's really weird.
Trump is a million laughs, while I wouldn't go beyond the TV remote to watch him, my kids howl when Trump puts on his pouty face. Unfortunately Trump's people must have gotten to about the pouty face because he doesn't use it much anymore. His Mussolini look just doesn't do it.
Hillary's new running mate is funnier than Trump will ever be....
View attachment 84801
Open marriage allegations dog Clinton VP pick Kaine as Hillary's health fades

The only "poll" that matters is the one they ram up her fat arse onstage to keep the walking dead upright, and it stinks too.
When she drops...we could get that two-bit milk-toast cornballed goofy go-along get-along ferret-faced weasly panty-linered fag kaine. Land O' Goshen!

He actually started off DNC speech "let me tell ya sumpin" ? Are you kidding America? that ignorant dope? We doomed.
Trump is a million laughs, while I wouldn't go beyond the TV remote to watch him, my kids howl when Trump puts on his pouty face. Unfortunately Trump's people must have gotten to about the pouty face because he doesn't use it much anymore. His Mussolini look just doesn't do it.
Hillary's new running mate is funnier than Trump will ever be....
View attachment 84801
Open marriage allegations dog Clinton VP pick Kaine as Hillary's health fades


Well, is that an Aussie with a "bush-man"? She seems so happy to go out. Must be hot, rather scantially clad. Real hot. Good thing her husband is so understanding. He will wonder what happened next time "he hit dat", fall in.
:2up: :clap2: :dunno: Anyone find this puzzling? Hillary has about a 70% dissaproval rate and no one wants to go to her rallies, yet the MSM has given The Donald a 60% Dissproval rate, yet people stand in line to see him at these huge stadiums/arenas, while maybe a thousand or so had to be told that they couldnt come in cause the arena was full.
Well? can anyone explain this?
:dunno: :eek-52:

You have to ask yourself, how many people are interested in seeing a T.V. Reality star up close and personal. Then how many people are interested in seeing someone who is considered a billionaire up close and personal, and how many people are there to see who he insults, and then how many are there that actually support his candidacy?

The truth is there are a lot of ignorant people that vote in this country, and I suspect the vast majority that go to a Trump rally are just that.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

:2up: :clap2: :dunno: Anyone find this puzzling? Hillary has about a 70% dissaproval rate and no one wants to go to her rallies, yet the MSM has given The Donald a 60% Dissproval rate, yet people stand in line to see him at these huge stadiums/arenas, while maybe a thousand or so had to be told that they couldnt come in cause the arena was full.
Well? can anyone explain this?
:dunno: :eek-52:

You have to ask yourself, how many people are interested in seeing a T.V. Reality star up close and personal. Then how many people are interested in seeing someone who is considered a billionaire up close and personal, and how many people are there to see who he insults, and then how many are there that actually support his candidacy?

The truth is there are a lot of ignorant people that vote in this country, and I suspect the vast majority that go to a Trump rally are just that.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Yes, and what's your point?
:2up: :clap2: :dunno: Anyone find this puzzling? Hillary has about a 70% dissaproval rate and no one wants to go to her rallies, yet the MSM has given The Donald a 60% Dissproval rate, yet people stand in line to see him at these huge stadiums/arenas, while maybe a thousand or so had to be told that they couldnt come in cause the arena was full.
Well? can anyone explain this?
:dunno: :eek-52:

You have to ask yourself, how many people are interested in seeing a T.V. Reality star up close and personal. Then how many people are interested in seeing someone who is considered a billionaire up close and personal, and how many people are there to see who he insults, and then how many are there that actually support his candidacy?

The truth is there are a lot of ignorant people that vote in this country, and I suspect the vast majority that go to a Trump rally are just that.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Yes, and what's your point?

If you read the above linked article it states this regarding Trumpkins:

"The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them."

This is why you have loyal Trump supporters, that no matter what he does or says, they will excuse it as, he was just joking, or he was being sarcastic, "as if they knew him personally."

The entire article is very interesting.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Trump has his own mental disability that is even more attractive to a Trumpkin.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


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:2up: :clap2: :dunno: Anyone find this puzzling? Hillary has about a 70% dissaproval rate and no one wants to go to her rallies, yet the MSM has given The Donald a 60% Dissproval rate, yet people stand in line to see him at these huge stadiums/arenas, while maybe a thousand or so had to be told that they couldnt come in cause the arena was full.
Well? can anyone explain this?
:dunno: :eek-52:

You have to ask yourself, how many people are interested in seeing a T.V. Reality star up close and personal. Then how many people are interested in seeing someone who is considered a billionaire up close and personal, and how many people are there to see who he insults, and then how many are there that actually support his candidacy?

The truth is there are a lot of ignorant people that vote in this country, and I suspect the vast majority that go to a Trump rally are just that.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Yes, and what's your point?

If you read the above linked article it states this regarding Trumpkins:

"The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.

Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning puts it in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.

And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.

Out of immense frustration, some of us may feel the urge to shake a Trump supporter and say, “Hey! Don’t you realize that he’s an idiot?!” No. They don’t. That may be hard to fathom, but that’s the nature of the Dunning-Kruger effect — one’s ignorance is completely invisible to them."

This is why you have loyal Trump supporters, that no matter what he does or says, they will excuse it as, he was just joking, or he was being sarcastic, "as if they knew him personally."

The entire article is very interesting.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Trump has his own mental disability that is even more attractive to a Trumpkin.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


What is it you fear he will do?

I'm a dumb person who knows that i am dumb.
:2up: :clap2: :dunno: Anyone find this puzzling? Hillary has about a 70% dissaproval rate and no one wants to go to her rallies, yet the MSM has given The Donald a 60% Dissproval rate, yet people stand in line to see him at these huge stadiums/arenas, while maybe a thousand or so had to be told that they couldnt come in cause the arena was full.
Well? can anyone explain this?
:dunno: :eek-52:
It very easy to explain. Clinton rallies tend be predictable in nature. Emblematic of the candidate, her town halls and rallies are controlled, substantive, and almost never veer off script. The audiences leave impressed by her knowledge but there's little excitement, no fights, no clowning around on the stage. Like most voters, I'll vote for Clinton but I won't go to her rallies. There're just not that much fun.

Trump rallies are often entertaining and extemporaneous with Trump himself acting more like a stand up comedian than a candidate. There are occasional fights breaking out, and Trump offers some the most politician incorrect and amazing statements. Trump puts on a better show than any politician I have every seen. He's coming to my area soon, I will certainly try to go to his rally, but vote for him, not a chance.
:2up: :clap2: :dunno: Anyone find this puzzling? Hillary has about a 70% dissaproval rate and no one wants to go to her rallies, yet the MSM has given The Donald a 60% Dissproval rate, yet people stand in line to see him at these huge stadiums/arenas, while maybe a thousand or so had to be told that they couldnt come in cause the arena was full.
Well? can anyone explain this?
:dunno: :eek-52:
It very easy to explain. Clinton rallies tend be predictable in nature. Emblematic of the candidate, her town halls and rallies are controlled, substantive, and almost never veer off script. The audiences leave impressed by her knowledge but there's little excitement, no fights, no clowning around on the stage. Like most voters, I'll vote for Clinton but I won't go to her rallies. There're just not that much fun.

Trump rallies are often entertaining and extemporaneous with Trump himself acting more like a stand up comedian than a candidate. There are occasional fights breaking out, and Trump offers some the most politician incorrect and amazing statements. Trump puts on a better show than any politician I have every seen. He's coming to my area soon, I will certainly try to go to his rally, but vote for him, not a chance.

Interesting perspective there, but I think there's enough phyco babble on this board to keep me well entertained lol. I don't need to see it from a Trump rally--(it's right here.)--LOL
cording to a number of top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardner, Donald Trump is a “textbook” narcissist. In fact, he fits the profile so well that clinical psychologist George Simon told Vanity Fair, “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops.” This puts Trump in the same category as a number of infamous dictators like Muammar Gaddafi, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Saddam Hussein. And although there are narcissists out there who entertain us, innovate, or create great art, when a narcissist is given immense power over people’s lives, they can behave much differently. As the 2016 presidential election grows nearer we must ask ourselves, if elected president would Donald Trump act on the behalf of the will of the people, or would he behave more like a dictator—silencing any dissenting voices, perpetually refusing to compromise, and being oppressive to certain groups? To answer that, we should ask a little bit more about what makes a narcissist tick, and how they tend to behave when given free rein.

That's what we want. We want someone who will represent the voter instead of listening to the cronies and special interest groups.

WE decide to vote him out in four years if he doesn't do what he says he will. That's democracy.

What is it exactly that makes someone a certifiable narcissist and not simply a person who has a healthy amount of confidence and a burning desire to achieve great goals? According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissistic personality disorder is “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.”

He's been waiting for someone else to step up for a loooong time...

...He was consistently reluctant to be to be the one to stop this downfall.

Trump’s shortage of empathy can be seen clearly by his stances on topics like immigration. Instead of recognizing that the data shows that most Mexican immigrants are not violent, but instead people simply looking for a place where actual opportunity exists, with a broad brush he claims that they are “criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.” In a similar vein, Trump has vowed to ban all Muslims from entering the country should he be elected. It appears that his lack of empathy has distorted his mind’s ability to grasp the fact that the refugees he speaks of are actually seeking safety from the same murderous maniacs that he wants to keep out. Perhaps if Trump had relatives in countries like Syria and Iraq, he might understand the constant fear that most live under, and in turn become more willing to welcome them with open arms rather than leaving them to be slaughtered.

And yet he's outlined empathy for ordinary working Americans who are directly affected from using America as the world's life boat. He has empathy for the people who won't be able to afford to live above the misery as America sinks into the third world.

But a lack of empathy is just one part of narcissistic personality disorder. Just beneath the surface layer of overwhelming arrogance lies a delicate self-esteem that is easily injured by any form of criticism. We have all seen Trump unjustifiably lash out at a number of people with harsh and often extremely odd personal attacks. When he thought he had been treated unfairly by Fox News host and Republican debate moderator Megyn Kelly, he responded by calling her a “bimbo” and later saying that she had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.” In response to the strange, misogynistic comments Kelly said that she “may have overestimated his anger management skills.” If the news host would have pegged him as a bona fide narcissist from the beginning she might have expected such shamelessly flagrant behavior.

Either that, or time wasters make him wrathful.

To be fair, it is certainly true that not all narcissists are terrible people. Some of our most beloved celebrities and musicians have been suspected narcissists, including Elvis Presley, Marlon Brando, Kanye West, and even Alec Baldwin.

Why are these people any good?

Not only are these decent people, some have also done a lot of good through philanthropic work.

well the BEST form of "giving back to the community" is..... to not take it away in the first place.

Surely Donald Trump has more in common with these individuals than he does with a psychopath like Saddam Hussein.

There is no doubt that this has been true of the past, yet there is one critical difference between those people and Trump or Saddam. Only the latter two were in or are pursuing positions as heads of state—a role that grants enormous power over world affairs and people’s lives. While a narcissistic personality might be one of the traits that allowed Trump to be such a successful businessman and reality TV star, it is also the trait that makes him potentially dangerous as a political leader.

And able to put down resistance from cronies and special interest groups who seek to subvert the will of the people, by preventing him from carrying out what us and him have agreed upon.

What happens when another world leader who is a loose cannon doesn’t give Trump the admiration that he feels he deserves? We can be sure that notoriously anti-American dictators like Kim Jong-un of North Korea or Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei aren’t going to give him any respect, let alone praise. How would a President Trump react when he feels he is being put down or undermined? Will we see the start of World War III because the leader of the most important nation in the world doesn’t feel that others are kissing his ass as much as they should be? Narcissistic personality disorder is known to have strong negative effects on relationships, and when it comes to being an effective and responsible world leader, diplomacy is everything.

Kim jong il and Qaddafi managed to stay out of wars, unlike the wars the conservatives and progressives have got us into with their fine sensibilities.

Trump wants to go MORE isolationist, not less.

If it is not clear how the promise of great power can change an essentially harmless narcissist into someone oppressive,

How much worse do you want it to get???

You got ex cons working for 5 dollars an hour!!!! no wonder they have to turn to crime again.

You have an entire new generation, the majority of will never own their own home.

You are hopelessly bankrupt so that you will never pay it off, whether Trump is elected or not.

i could sit here for hours rattling off the top of my head about the dire situation you are in. When you are in quicksand and someone throws you a branch, you don't worry about whether he's going to do something worse to you. You don't scorn him and follow the advice of the surrounding crowd who tell you to sit tight (after they have a committee about it, of course).

let’s see how Donald Trump’s political views have changed thus far. Prior to this presidential race, most of us knew Donald Trump as a charismatic, cheeky, highly entertaining figure that seemed like anything but a bigot. Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York told CNN that the Trump he knew, and the Trump New York knew, was nothing like the intolerant xenophobe he appears to be today. It is a well-known fact that in the past Trump was a registered democrat who was in favor of liberal causes like abortion rights and pals with the Clintons. But since the promise of power has consumed him, he has become the poster boy for ultra-right wing intolerance. This change in personality and core values perfectly illustrates how the promise of power can transform narcissists. And as the race for the Republican nominee progresses, it has become increasingly obvious that Trump’s yearning to rule greatly exceeds his desire to “Make America Great Again,” as his slogan says.

He's not a xenophobe, just because he's not a suicidal xenophilic...and it's not his suicide he's seeking to prevent, but the suicide of America, which shows he is empathetic

The position of President of the United States is one that requires great empathy, a certain amount of humility, the ability to preserve relationships, and a willingness to establish new ones. These are all qualities that the narcissist lacks, and with their absence comes danger. Do we really want to put all Americans, and even the entire world, at great risk by giving a narcissist the nuclear code? Donald Trump is very much like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, and the presidency is his “one ring to rule them all.” In this case we do not have the option of destroying the ring. The best we can strive for is keeping it out of the possession of those who cannot resist abusing its power.

Like Hillary?:puke3:
oh yeah and nice one for shitting up your lord of the rings metaphor by replacing "sauron" with "gollum".

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