Donald is living his worst fear

Most of our presidents have had enormous egos. I suspect Donald’s is almost as big as Obama’s, who likely had the largest of all time.
Obama wasn't impeached, won two.terms, isn't divorced twice... Had no scandals or indictments. Maybe you're just drawn to loud mouth trash.
Obama wasn't impeached, won two.terms, isn't divorced twice... Had no scandals or indictments. Maybe you're just drawn to loud mouth trash.

Christopher Steven's, Obama's Ambassador to Libya was not murdered in Libya????

You are a lousy filthy liar
Christopher Steven's, Obama's Ambassador to Libya was not murdered in Libya????

You are a lousy filthy liar
Actually no, he wasn't murdered. He fled to the roof and got separated from the others. He died of smoke inhalation and cardiac arrest. Benghazi had no consulate. No Marine guard, no consular officers. It was just a rented villa without security.
During the Bush years 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed. You are an idiot. You don't know anything about Libya or Benghazi.
Donald Trump has made clear many times that the worst thing that can happen to a person is to be judged a “loser.” In the 2020 presidential election he was, in fact, a loser
Because fraudulent votes were counted.
Actually no, he wasn't murdered. He fled to the roof and got separated from the others. He died of smoke inhalation and cardiac arrest. Benghazi had no consulate. No Marine guard, no consular officers. It was just a rented villa without security.
During the Bush years 13 US embassies were attacked and 60 people were killed. You are an idiot. You don't know anything about Libya or Benghazi.
Obama allowed our highest ranking government official to go to the most dangerous place in libya without security? No marines? Just a rented villa without security. Certainly sounds like Democrat Obama was 100% incompetent. Yep, we can certainly see that is smoke inhalation and cardiac arrest.
Donald Trump has made clear many times that the worst thing that can happen to a person is to be judged a “loser.” In the 2020 presidential election he was, in fact, a loser, but his narcissism and the incredibly fragile self-esteem that undergirds it won’t allow him to accept that reality. Trump’s mind has no room to entertain any other thoughts, at least not for long. His defeat is now his obsession; it has pulled him into such a deep, dark place, even his most trusted confidants (Ivanka and Jarred) have left him to deal with his own demons.

Political leanings aside, this country cannot afford to have a man in the White House whose ego is so fragile that he creates alternate realities for himself because he can't handle the truth. o_O

His father and grandfather are probably laughing at him, in his dreams... :abgg2q.jpg:
Obama allowed our highest ranking government official to go to the most dangerous place in libya without security? No marines? Just a rented villa without security. Certainly sounds like Democrat Obama was 100% incompetent. Yep, we can certainly see that is smoke inhalation and cardiac arrest.
View attachment 620680
The Republican Congress refused to fund any additional security for any embassies except for Afghanistan and Baghdad. The locals carried the Ambassador to a car and rushed him to Benghazi hospital where they tried to resuscitate him for 2 hours. Obama didn't send him to Benghazi. He was there overnight to dedicate a joint venture in emergency services between Mass General hospital and Benghazi hospital. You are an ignorant, vicious bitch.
The Republican Congress refused to fund any additional security for any embassies except for Afghanistan and Baghdad. The locals carried the Ambassador to a car and rushed him to Benghazi hospital where they tried to resuscitate him for 2 hours. Obama didn't send him to Benghazi. He was there overnight to dedicate a joint venture in emergency services between Mass General hospital and Benghazi hospital. You are an ignorant, vicious bitch.
Benghazi was not an embassy so funding would of not made a difference.

Obama did send him, ambassadors work for the president.

Stevens was there for a week, not overnight

Obama should of pulled the Ambassador out, especially if there was no funding for security. Hell if there was no funding, no American should of been there and the arrogant asshole Obama knew that, but being arrogant, he figured nobody would dare kill one of Obama's own.
Benghazi was not an embassy so funding would of not made a difference.

Obama did send him, ambassadors work for the president.

Stevens was there for a week, not overnight

Obama should of pulled the Ambassador out, especially if there was no funding for security. Hell if there was no funding, no American should of been there and the arrogant asshole Obama knew that, but being arrogant, he figured nobody would dare kill one of Obama's own.
He was there overnight. presidents don't micromanage the ambassador's schedules, you moron.
Obama should of pulled the Ambassador out, especially if there was no funding for security.

Almost every other civilized country pulled their ambassadors in advance of the Benghazi incident.

The Failed Obama Regime, under the pathetic Secretary of State Hitlery, was almost alone there during the Libyan war.
Almost every other civilized country pulled their ambassadors in advance of the Benghazi incident.

The Failed Obama Regime, under the pathetic Secretary of State Hitlery, was almost alone there during the Libyan war.
You idiot. That was a year earlier. You have the wrong year.
Dems don't need to.
Perennial excuse used by the Left because they NEVER CAN justify their policies.

Even I can see Biden is markedly better than The Orange Virus.
Only markedly better for you shitferbrains leftists because all you care about is party over country. If Biden looks better to you than Trump in running things then you need serious evaluation by a psychiatric ward.

Donald is living his worst fear​

Every American is now living their worst fear: living in a post-Trump presidency where America has been taken from a shining city on the hill with our best economy ever, lowest crime, secure borders, and peaceful world suddenly to Biden's globalistic world of $10.00/gallon gasoline, hyperinflation, a worthless dollar, an economy and job market on the verge of collapse, people unable to find food, millions of degenerates flooding across our border, cities filling with crime and lawlessness everywhere, war with Russia and soon probably China as well.
Donald Trump has made clear many times that the worst thing that can happen to a person is to be judged a “loser.” In the 2020 presidential election he was, in fact, a loser, but his narcissism and the incredibly fragile self-esteem that undergirds it won’t allow him to accept that reality. Trump’s mind has no room to entertain any other thoughts, at least not for long. His defeat is now his obsession; it has pulled him into such a deep, dark place, even his most trusted confidants (Ivanka and Jarred) have left him to deal with his own demons.

Political leanings aside, this country cannot afford to have a man in the White House whose ego is so fragile that he creates alternate realities for himself because he can't handle the truth. o_O


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