Donald McGahn MUST TESTIFY the Ex- White House counsel . MORE PELOSI WINNING! Poor MAGA team.

President Trump has already said he will be appealing.

In actuality, he has pointed out that he would LOVE to have Mr. McGahn testify. However, to protect future Presidents from this kind of pointless witchhunt, he has no alternative but to appeal. He doesn't want to screw Ivanka, Don Jr. , Jared or anyone else who might succeed him in office.
yeah, just like he would love to release his taxes, but they are under audit...

and he would love to testify before Mueller, but refused and only relied to questions in writing of which him falsely claimed, 'he could not recall' over 30 times...

when is enough, enough, with you? How many times are you going to believe his bull crap before you realize you might/are actually being played a fool, by him? :(

If President Trump said he could not recall, he could not recall.

He signed the interrogatory under oath, you know.

If the libs could prove he lied, they would have.
Not recalling is worth teats.

If you can't recall, you can't recall. Should he have said he did recall? That would be a lie.
Good day for the survival of the USA and the rule of law!! Whew! Thank the good Lord for the courts still being for we the people!

The likely appeal will not ever make it to the SC.... this case is a no brainer....

You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.

They remind me of whidbe island peckerwoods. Just so angry!
Good day for the survival of the USA and the rule of law!! Whew! Thank the good Lord for the courts still being for we the people!

The likely appeal will not ever make it to the SC.... this case is a no brainer....

What's to keep it from going to the Supreme Court? This has been heading there for quite sometime.
I don't think it is likely, the WH defense was written in crayon... it is not a thought out argument on the WH side... which is basically, the President IS A KING.

There is nothing in our Constitution or Federalist Papers, that supports their Notion....that the President is King.

Trump is no more a KING than Barack Obama was! Were you here calling for Barry's impeachment when he used Executive Privilege to stonewall the Fast & Furious investigation?

We have a system that has checks and balances that prevents any one branch of our government from trying to bully the others. To be quite blunt...Trump has bullied the other branches far less than his predecessor did. Do you remember Obama criticizing the Supreme Court judges who voted against something he wanted when he gave his State of the Union address? Do you remember his Attorney General being found in contempt of Congress for ignoring Congressional subpoenas?

Adam Schiff has no more proof that Trump committed a crime when he negotiated with the Ukraine than he does that Trump colluded with Russia in the elections. He's using the power of Congressional subpoenas to bully the opposing political party...which isn't why Congressional subpoenas were created in the first place.

Asking things to be judged by the Supreme Court isn't the act of a "KING"'s the act of a President who abides by our Constitution! When Barack Obama declared that he had a pen and a phone and he'd be continuing his agenda through Executive Actions despite the Democrats getting shellacked in a mid term election...THAT is the act of a KING!
Schiff has multiple witnesses who testified against Trump. Trump admitted it himself what went on. And there are the transcripts. Living in your alternate universe of facts doesn't change any of that.

Multiple witnesses that provided second and third hand testimony, BWK! Adam Schiff would have been laughed out of court if he'd ever tried to present what he's given us in this "investigation" to a real judge! Schiff tried to bullshit us about what was in that phone call but Trump short circuited that by releasing the transcript of the call. Schiff has been scrambling ever since trying to come up with something that even vaguely resembles an "impeachable offense"!

The Democratic narrative has now become "We don't actually NEED a crime...we can impeach just because we don't think he's nice!" Good luck selling that to the voters next year!
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
Yes, and it doesn't exist with McGhan.

Who told you that?
Katyal: Bolton testimony would be like gravy. Helpful, but you don't need it

Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

McGahn hasn't been forced to do a dam thing, except file an appeal.

Even if the courts eventually rule that he has to appear, he can plead the 5th.

And that covers answering questions in regards to the Muller probe.
You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
Yes, and it doesn't exist with McGhan.

Who told you that?
Katyal: Bolton testimony would be like gravy. Helpful, but you don't need it

Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

You are basing your legal proclamations on what talking heads that appear on MSNBC tell you?
Good day for the survival of the USA and the rule of law!! Whew! Thank the good Lord for the courts still being for we the people!

The likely appeal will not ever make it to the SC.... this case is a no brainer....

You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

Um, all he has to do is show up and say nothing. This is nothing but a peanut your masters tossed you dumb monkeys to keep you interested.
If he shows up and says nothing, then there is something to hide.

Lol, they always do. Just ask Erick Holder what he said when they asked him about all those guns he and token half negro sold to Mexico drug dealers. Mr. M will do the same. By the way, this case your talking about is in relation th the Muller thing.
Trump put a gag order on all of his officials. By law, that gag order doesn't exist. If Congress decides to call all these folks in, by law they have to. What is Trump hiding?

So Executive Privilege doesn't exist? Funny how it DID when the Obama Administration used it to stone wall the Fast & Furious investigation!
He will be there telling Jaba Nadless "Sorry, that is covered by Executive Privilege."
He can do that, except for the obstruction of justice parts, because nothing criminal has executive privilege....or attorney client privilege... ask Nixon, he had to turn over the tapes he claimed were executive privilege.
What obstruction of justice? Be specific.

10 obstruction of justice trump Mueller report McGahn

I'm on my Kindle and it isn't user friendly, on searches or I would do it

Got to my laptop... here is a link

10 times Trump may have obstructed justice, according to Mueller
You bring a CBS opinion piece from a lefty hack that claims Mueller "may" have said there was obstruction?


Mueller would have charged people with obstruction if there was any.
it gives you enough info to actually go to the Mueller report volume 2, to read it for yourself!!! Why take any news paper's word? READ THE MUELLER REPORT, they have a search function, search OBSTRUCTION.

Face it....

you either really do not want to know the truth...? or are just too damn lazy... reading is just too much work! :doubt:
Nice dodge
You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

And, I am back to - You don't understand the law.
You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

I'm amused by you on the left that think you've won some major legal argument when you get a liberal Federal judge to rule against Trump. As soon as that ruling was made...a stay was requested by the Trump Administration and the case will end up going to the Supreme Court to decide. THAT will be the only court decision that matters!
Good day for the survival of the USA and the rule of law!! Whew! Thank the good Lord for the courts still being for we the people!

The likely appeal will not ever make it to the SC.... this case is a no brainer....

You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
DO YOU know what the separations of power are...?
DO YOU know why the founders created three equal branches of gvt..?
Do you know what oversight on the executive is for...?
Do you know what executive Privilege actually is...?
Do you know that in our near 250 years there has never been anything called, ''BLANKET IMMUNITY'' for the executive branch... before Trump's illegal use of it?
DO YOU know what a subpoena is...?
DO YOU KNOW we the people have a right to know what is going on in our own gvt?
You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

You aren't arguing a point though. Yeah, McGhan has to show up. Big deal. So why is it such a whipping for Trump?
Good day for the survival of the USA and the rule of law!! Whew! Thank the good Lord for the courts still being for we the people!

The likely appeal will not ever make it to the SC.... this case is a no brainer....

You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
DO YOU know what the separations of power are...?
DO YOU know why the founders created three equal branches of gvt..?
Do you know what oversight on the executive is for...?
Do you know what executive Privilege actually is...?
Do you know that in our near 250 years there has never been anything called, ''BLANKET IMMUNITY'' for the executive branch... before Trump's illegal use of it?
DO YOU know what a subpoena is...?
DO YOU KNOW we the people have a right to know what is going on in our own gvt?

Do you know what a Congressional subpoena is supposed to be used for, Care?
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

You aren't arguing a point though. Yeah, McGhan has to show up. Big deal. So why is it such a whipping for Trump?

Sure, they can make McGahn show up, but they can't make him lie about his President.

So the libs will fight this as part of a pyrrhic battle that will give them nothing.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
Yes, and it doesn't exist with McGhan.

Who told you that?
Katyal: Bolton testimony would be like gravy. Helpful, but you don't need it

Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

You are basing your legal proclamations on what talking heads that appear on MSNBC tell you?
No, I'm basing everything on a court case with Harriett Myers that the judge ruled on. A Republican judge by the way. She had to testify, therefore why shouldn't McGhan? There is no such thing as absolute immunity in a criminal investigation. It wont go to the SC because it'
s an open and shut case.Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment
Last edited:
Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?

No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

You aren't arguing a point though. Yeah, McGhan has to show up. Big deal. So why is it such a whipping for Trump?

Sure, they can make McGahn show up, but they can't make him lie about his President.

So the libs will fight this as part of a pyrrhic battle that will give them nothing.
Sworn testimony shouldn't include lies. Why would McGhan need to lie? You aren't making any sense.

Um, all he has to do is show up and say nothing. This is nothing but a peanut your masters tossed you dumb monkeys to keep you interested.
If he shows up and says nothing, then there is something to hide.

Lol, they always do. Just ask Erick Holder what he said when they asked him about all those guns he and token half negro sold to Mexico drug dealers. Mr. M will do the same. By the way, this case your talking about is in relation th the Muller thing.
Trump put a gag order on all of his officials. By law, that gag order doesn't exist. If Congress decides to call all these folks in, by law they have to. What is Trump hiding?

A gag order? Explain please.
Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment Trump made absurd claims that his officials were immune to testimony. They are not.
Good day for the survival of the USA and the rule of law!! Whew! Thank the good Lord for the courts still being for we the people!

The likely appeal will not ever make it to the SC.... this case is a no brainer....

You dont understand the rule of law.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
Yes, and it doesn't exist with McGhan.
Then the answer is “no”, you don’t know.
What is not understood?

Do you know what Executive Privilege is?
Do you know what separation of powers is?
Do you know what the Supremacy of each Branch it it's own area of Proper Constitutional Activity means?
Yes, and it doesn't exist with McGhan.

Who told you that?
Katyal: Bolton testimony would be like gravy. Helpful, but you don't need it

Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

McGahn hasn't been forced to do a dam thing, except file an appeal.

Even if the courts eventually rule that he has to appear, he can plead the 5th.
he's not being charged with anything, he can't plead the 5th... also, he already confessed all to Mueller on Trump's Obstruction attempts... 30 hours of grand jury testimony...

he wouldn't need to testify at all before congress, if the proper oversight committees could get his grand jury testimony...
No they don't because it's not about facts for them, it's about being pissed that red won, not blue. It's sad how they can't just let it go and go do thanks giving or something.

I am aware that the most vocal leftists on this site are either full blown retards or trolls or some combination.
But some of the honest people may actually learn something if given clues as to where to look.
Only a retard fails to counter the argument. The argument that you go to is that your shoes are ugly, therefore you are wrong. That's all you offer. Attack the other side with ad hominem and the obvious is crystal clear. Dems win court fight forcing key Trump aide to testify on impeachment

You aren't arguing a point though. Yeah, McGhan has to show up. Big deal. So why is it such a whipping for Trump?

Sure, they can make McGahn show up, but they can't make him lie about his President.

So the libs will fight this as part of a pyrrhic battle that will give them nothing.
Sworn testimony shouldn't include lies. Why would McGhan need to lie? You aren't making any sense.

The liberals want to press McGahn to lie about President Trump, because their goal is to get rid of Trump.

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