Donald: This is how democracies work...."McAuliffe concedes to Youngkin"

It was simple. So a simpleton like you should have noticed it. They just didn't close the count in those cities. They just kept voting until they were ahead. They kept "finding" more ballots to "count"
1. Bull$hit
2. Evidence?
3. Did you present it in court?
4. Did either the courts or the relevant election commissions - many of them Republican - find that to be a decision-altering factor, or even true at all?
The Democrat way is to concede and then spend the next four years saying how the election was stolen

Whereas the (New-Age) Republican way is to try to bull$hit their way past election results when their Idiot-Savante "Leader" gets clobbered at the polls.

And then to try to physically intimidate and assault the Congress and sissy-whine about how the election was stolen ad infinitum ad nauseum.
He did not assert that there was "massive voter fraud" (which there wasn't)....

News without a story. McAuliffe didn't assert or contest anything finally, reluctantly finally conceding obviously simply because there was nothing there to contest! End of story which there never was a story.
1. Bull$hit
2. Evidence?
3. Did you present it in court?
4. Did either the courts or the relevant election commissions - many of them Republican - find that to be a decision-altering factor, or even true at all?
This is the trump cult's wet dream....
News without a story. McAuliffe didn't assert or contest anything finally, reluctantly finally conceding obviously simply because there was nothing there to contest! End of story which there never was a story.
He had class and dignity...unlike the Liar in Chief this day....says he was cheated....The big, orange POS.
Whereas the (New-Age) Republican way is to try to bull$hit their way past election results when their Idiot-Savante "Leader" gets clobbered at the polls.

And then to try to physically intimidate and assault the Congress and sissy-whine about how the election was stolen ad infinitum ad nauseum.
That will be the playbook for the repub party from now on. "When we win, the election was fair. When we lose, there was massive voter fraud." A seven year old in a elementary school election could do better.
He had class and dignity...unlike the Liar in Chief this day....says he was cheated....The big, orange POS.
Class and dignity? Like the phony “white supremacists”? Saying parents have no say in their kids education? Bringing in Joe Shitshispants, Kamala, and the moron Abrams (who STILL is crying about a stolen election, which Dems accept with no shame at their hypocrisy) to help him? Seems McAuliffe is the true POS.
He had class and dignity...

Is that why he was Clinton's sleazeball hit man for years? And needed Clinton's election lawfirm and attorney to try to win the election? Is that what passes class and dignity to you?

Class and dignity: that is god-fearing Marine Glenn Youngkin, next governor of Virginia.

He did not assert that there was "massive voter fraud" (which there wasn't)....he did not ask for a forensic audit (which changed nothing) and he will not fly around the country for over a year and claim that he actually won in a landslide.

Donald, stop being a baby and whining like a little girl....oh and quit play the Serial Lair role.
You guys tried to get the Electoral College to overrule the Trump win in stop with the pious bullshit........maybe if you stop "Finding" random ballots after the votes have been counted, we'll actually care.
He had class and dignity...unlike the Liar in Chief this day....says he was cheated....The big, orange POS.
Class and dignity from a guy screaming white supremacy, yet not attacking the guy he was running to replace, who was Mr mean that guy or was it the guy showing tons of class telling parents to fuck off and to do what the government wants in teaching their kids......

Man you really like to die on really really dumb hills.
trump the Traitor
1. Bull$hit
2. Evidence?
3. Did you present it in court?
4. Did either the courts or the relevant election commissions - many of them Republican - find that to be a decision-altering factor, or even true at all?

Math is not a leftists friend. The odds that one State flipped is plausible. The fact that all six did is astronomical. So you have math or leftist dogma, and in your typical style, you believe leftist dogma

The drooling moron Kondor3: But kaz, they kept counting to be sure they were accurate. Obviously Trump didn't win, they had to keep finding votes to prove it!
Whereas the (New-Age) Republican way is to try to bull$hit their way past election results when their Idiot-Savante "Leader" gets clobbered at the polls.

And then to try to physically intimidate and assault the Congress and sissy-whine about how the election was stolen ad infinitum ad nauseum.
You didn't say anything
Math is not a leftists friend.
Good thing for me that I'm not a Leftist, then, eh? You idiots conflate Leftism with standing firm against your un-American Orange Piece-of-$hit, and that ain't true.
The odds that one State flipped is plausible.
Odds? PLAUSIBLE? I asked for EVIDENCE. You give us odds and plausibility? What are you... ten years old or sumfin'? Comprehension problems?
The fact that all six did is astronomical.
That's not "FACT", fool, that's unfounded personal opinion... fantasy-land Joseph Goebbels -style BIg Lie hor$e$hit. Learn to tell the difference.
So you have math or leftist dogma, and in your typical style, you believe leftist dogma
Unfortunately for you, you do NOT have "math" on your side. The final "math" was done on January 6, 2021, by Congress. You lose. Your boy lost. Loser.

You lost because the ignorant, arrogant, incompetent, narcissistic, autocratic lying sissy-crybaby you served-up as a candidate as unfit for high office.

And this time around, enough Americans had reached that conclusion after four years of idiotic insane midnight tweets, that they pulled the plug on him.

You losers just can't admit it... in public... amongst yourselves... nor even in your hearts... and you-and-yours are to be pitied (and watched) for your myopia.

The drooling moron Kondor3: But kaz, they kept counting to be sure they were accurate. Obviously Trump didn't win, they had to keep finding votes to prove it!
Don't try to be clever, boy... you don't have it in you.
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Because, apparently, the voter fraud wasn't massive enough to get him elected.

Even the late night ballot stuffers failed to correctly estimate how big a whoopin' he would get.

Wow.. You are cooking ..

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