Donald: This is how democracies work...."McAuliffe concedes to Youngkin"

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure, kid...
Oh they tried.....At the last minute but even those cheating Democrats could not stop the rising tide of hatred toward McAuliffe's anti parent comments. Let's Go Brandon! Had a lot to do with it too.
Not even the Yankees win every game.
Normal people have seen McAliffe, going back to the Clinton days. Yankees are a lot more deserving.
McAuliffe knew the election was lost when he went before the cameras and introduced his family and did that strange little dance when 75% of the votes were in but he didn't concede until the bitter end. Virginia has a voter I.D. law that works and everyone (including the V.P.) assumed that McAuliffe was a shoe in. You can't compare the tightly run Virginia elections to criminal events that sometimes happen in other states.
real men dont wear dresses lefty .
Real men don't whine like a baby FOR OVER A YEAR.

Donald, the jig is up. More and more people are realizing what a Huge Liar you are. I talked with a devoted trumpster today who, after Youngkin won keeping trump at arms length, said..."trump is water over the damn." "He will probably be in a nursing home by 2024."

It is over Donald. Shut up and Sit Down....
McAuliffe knew the election was lost when he went before the cameras and introduced his family and did that strange little dance when 75% of the votes were in but he didn't concede until the bitter end. Virginia has a voter I.D. law that works and everyone (including the V.P.) assumed that McAuliffe was a shoe in. You can't compare the tightly run Virginia elections to criminal events that sometimes happen in other states.
Except you are just guessing...with no evidence....not proof....and full of shit.
That's because the Democrats failed to steal the election. He had no choice but to concede.
Oh. So Younkin didn't win because voters liked his policies. He won because Dems couldn't steal the election.

Who's side you on?

repubs win and declare the election fair!
I respond with a logical argument and lefties respond with "full of shit". I rest my case.
Your logic is not more than conjecture and some facts and you won't be told what you are obviously full of.
Trump is no longer President. Dems won in ‘20. It’s time for the Democrats to be accountable. Move On.
November 2 was a good day for conservatives.

The best example of that was the governor's race in Virginia.

Republican Glenn Youngkin won the race by sidelining Trump, the Republican party leader. He paid lip service to Trump to keep the farmers and rural shop keepers in line, but he made clear he was not interested in campaigning with Trump and Trump was not invited to Virginia. Mercifully, Trump stayed away, an aberation for the headline hunting former President.

I was a Republican for a quarter of century, but Trump drove me out. I officially became a California conservative Independent in 2020.

That said, Youngkin is my kind of Republican, very much unlike Trump and his followers in Congress, some of whom are trying to avoid being subpoenaed because they wanted to overturn the votes of 81 million Americans.

The AP reports, "A former private equity executive, Youngkin presented himself as a nonthreatening suburban dad in a fleece vest. He embraced Trump just enough to win the GOP primary and rev up the party base but was also able to target more moderate voters by talking about fiscal management and investing in schools and campaigning without the former president at his side.

"According to AP VoteCast, a survey of voters, it paid off. While a majority of voters held an unfavorable view of Trump, about half had a favorable view of Youngkin.

"Youngkin’s arm’s-length approach to Trump didn’t seem to hurt him with GOP voters.
Most Youngkin voters, about 8 in 10, said the candidate supports Trump the right amount."

Look for more Republicans next year try to model themselves after Youngkin in swing areas — refusing to disavow Trump but not hugging him too closely, and tailoring their messages to both the former president’s most hardcore voters and persuadable suburbanites, the AP

Here's hoping Youngkin is the Republican of the future, a Reagan/Bush Republican. My kind of Republican.

In addition, conservatives, and maybe even some Democrats, rejected an absolutely ludicrous proposal to replace the city’s police department with a new Department of Public Safety.

All in all, a good day for conservatives.
Look for more Republicans next year try to model themselves after Youngkin in swing areas — refusing to disavow Trump but not hugging him too closely, and tailoring their messages to both the former president’s most hardcore voters and persuadable suburbanites, the AP

Here's hoping Youngkin is the Republican of the future, a Reagan/Bush Republican.
Screw Trump and the horse he rode in on.

Perhaps even Trump's base is tired of his baseless lies, and weary of trying to support those lies without a shred of evidence. Perhaps, too, they are tired of the abuse that has been heaped upon them when they try to deal with Trump and his lies.

This would be good for the Republican Party. Indeed, many of its leaders would breathe a sigh of relief. They are tired of being at the mercy of uneducated, uninformed grassroots Trump fans.

Zachary B. Wolf writes, "In Tuesday's elections, Republican candidates surged in blue states, cities rejected major police reform and suburban voters showed their independence. The major takeaways? This is a more moderate and centrist country than activists on either the right or left let on, and Donald Trump fever may be breaking.

"The system is working. Here's one thing everybody can be happy about: The election results, for the most part, are not being questioned. That may have a lot to do with Republicans doing well. But the results should prove to them that Trump's voter fraud myth is in fact a myth.
Real men don't whine like a baby FOR OVER A YEAR.

Donald, the jig is up. More and more people are realizing what a Huge Liar you are. I talked with a devoted trumpster today who, after Youngkin won keeping trump at arms length, said..."trump is water over the damn." "He will probably be in a nursing home by 2024."

It is over Donald. Shut up and Sit Down....
real men dont obsess over a man no longer in office ....
Here are some other things you don’t do. You don’t claim the winner colluded with Russia to steal an election from you, you don’t start a two plus year investigation into collision claims based on a questionable dossier, you don’t sneak around trying to see if you can get the 25 amendment used and you don’t start a partisan impeachment over a phone call. All of this was done because some didn’t like an election outcome.
Real men don't whine like a baby FOR OVER A YEAR.

Donald, the jig is up. More and more people are realizing what a Huge Liar you are. I talked with a devoted trumpster today who, after Youngkin won keeping trump at arms length, said..."trump is water over the damn." "He will probably be in a nursing home by 2024."

It is over Donald. Shut up and Sit Down....
Biden should be in a nursing home now you dumb fuck ...

He did not assert that there was "massive voter fraud" (which there wasn't)....he did not ask for a forensic audit (which changed nothing) and he will not fly around the country for over a year and claim that he actually won in a landslide.

Donald, stop being a baby and whining like a little girl....oh and quit play the Serial Lair role.

Imagine that…no Republican can, because losing with grace has been ripped from their playbook.
Here are some other things you don’t do. You don’t claim the winner colluded with Russia to steal an election from you, you don’t start a two plus year investigation into collision claims based on a questionable dossier, you don’t sneak around trying to see if you can get the 25 amendment used and you don’t start a partisan impeachment over a phone call. All of this was done because some didn’t like an election outcome.
Just a phone call huh?
Just a phone call huh?
Ukraine got the aid they were suppossed to get they got it on time there was no investigation and the President of Ukraine has stated he never felt pressured to start an investigation or that getting the aid was tied to him doing so. So yeah just a phone call you can question the optics of making the call but only the blindest of partisans would seriously claim it was an impeachable offense.
Oh. So Younkin didn't win because voters liked his policies. He won because Dems couldn't steal the election.

Who's side you on?
No, I meant that McAuliffe conceded because he had no choice. The People overwhelmingly voted for Youngkin and the Democrats failed to take those votes away. Go soak your head, your hair is on fire.

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