Donald: This is how democracies work...."McAuliffe concedes to Youngkin"

Real men don't whine like a baby FOR OVER A YEAR.

Donald, the jig is up. More and more people are realizing what a Huge Liar you are. I talked with a devoted trumpster today who, after Youngkin won keeping trump at arms length, said..."trump is water over the damn." "He will probably be in a nursing home by 2024."

It is over Donald. Shut up and Sit Down....
take your own advice jim.....

He did not assert that there was "massive voter fraud" (which there wasn't)....he did not ask for a forensic audit (which changed nothing) and he will not fly around the country for over a year and claim that he actually won in a landslide.

Donald, stop being a baby and whining like a little girl....oh and quit play the Serial Lair role.
Another Trump tantrum by a moron that lets Trump live in his head for free. It doesn’t get more pathetic than this. Jimmy has no life.

This is how democracies work...."McAuliffe concedes to Youngkin"​

You better believe it. Youngkin TRIPLED the number of poll watchers from last year, this time nipping as much leftist cheating in the bud as possible before it could get started.

America pounded you idiots a new mudhole rejecting EVERYTHING the DNC, Pelosi, BLM, and Biden stand for.

Your logic is not more than conjecture and some facts and you won't be told what you are obviously full of.
McAuliffe made a strange appearance when the results were around 75% and his audience was disappearing. He thanked his wife and family and did a funny little dance and refused to concede until the very end. You can probably bring it up on google. Va. has a voter I.D. law that works pretty well and democrats thought McAuliffe was a shoe in. How much of that was conjecture?
I get a kick out of you fucking Dimocrats.

All's we heard out of you guys back in 2000, was how Bush stole the election. You pointed to Florida.
In 2004 you did it again, pointing to Ohio. Then in 2016, same thing again with Trump, as you pointed to Russia.

You guys act as though it's only Republicans who challenge election results. Stop with the holier than thou bullshit.
Sure he conceded cause didn't have a stolen election like Trump did. Hell Trump still hasn't conceded and won't.
WHere is the Democrat outrage aout Stacy Abrams? She is STILL saying the election was stolen.

Hillary Clinton. For years was telling everyone who would listen that Trump stole the 2016 election.

Threat to democracy?

Only when a Republican complains...

Honestly, people like the OP should just be ignored.

It is impossible to have an honest discussion with someone that dishonest.
There’s nothing more confident than people who don’t care what others think about them.
Or insecure, depends on the person. People will often claim they don’t care what other think about them but deep down, it is not the case.
Jimmy lives in a Looneyville. I think he experimented with way too many drugs in his life, thus is strange obsession of wanting Trump to love him.
its almost like trump stole jimmies girlfriend at one time....the guy not only hates him....he knows every fucking thing the does...

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