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Donald Trump Backing Off On Immigration??

Several people who met with Trump on Saturday told NBC that the Republican nominee seems to be easing his stance on illegal immigration. “He definitely was seeking input from this group of Latinos in terms of immigration reform,” Jesus Marquez, a Nevada political analyst and Latino outreach strategist, told the news outlet. “He is expecting for us to lay out points of a future plan for immigration.”

Trump is scheduled to speak in Colorado on Thursday, where he’s expected to lay out details for his updated immigration policy. A path to citizenship will certainly be on the table.

Is this the same Donald Trump who less than a year ago told us Mexico is sending over rapist and criminals into the US, the same Donald Trump who proposed deporting all 11 million illegal immigrants, the same Donald Trump who promised to build a 2000 mile wall to separate Mexico and the US and to force Mexico to pay for it?

Yes, this is the same Donald Trump, version 2 or maybe version 22. Anyone who has followed the career of Trump should not be surprised. Trump is famous for his huge exaggerations and promises that he never seems to remember like his wedding vows, a sports stadium in the Bronx, the tallest building in the world in Midtown, his promises to his students in Trump University, his promise of an art gallery to the city of NY, Trump Towers in New Orleans to open in 2011, and his promise to his supporters, "I will never lie to you".

Donald Trump's Immigration Reform May Be Less Severe Than We Thought

What did anyone expect Flopper?
The Presidential position is NOT dictatorship.
You cannot just issue mandates and edicts and demand this or that.

That's not how it works, totally unrealistic.

What he's saying now makes more sense.
Rules can be specified and enforced
rejecting applicants who do not respect equal rights
(ie in Constitutional language "14th Amendment or 1st Amendment equal protections")
of gays, women, other citizens, taxpayers, etc.

Then you shouldn't pass the test for citizenship. Simple!
Either agree to follow the rules of the club, or you can't be a member.

On that note, maybe all leaders and members of ALL political
parties should sign onto that same requirement. For citizenship and voting rights.

Political conspiracy to violate the rights and beliefs of others would be BANNED.
Maybe we SHOULD expand on what Trump offered and enforce it for
all Citizens and Corporations that want Constitutional rights.
Well folks (patting self on the back....) I never believed
that Trump would-----when push came to shove-----do the
DEPORTATION thing------Mexicans are kinda part of the
WORK FORCE AND ECONOMY in the USA and----the
Donald is a PRAGMATIST above all------and underneath---
a liberal humanitarian. He would not do it-----because it
wouldn't work out well------and because--under the skin---he
is actually a moderately soft touch. HILDEGARD on the
other hand will do anything which is to the advantage of
HILDEGARD--------IMHO. I expect the Donald to try to
improve the Mexican economy as a LONG TERM solution
to the WHOLE problem-----between the USA and Mexico.
----which btw--IS A CONSIDERABLE PROBLEM----Mexico
serves as a conduit not only for drugs but for islamo terrorists-------so Mexicans (both documented and undocumented) have
told me. My Spanish is very rudimentary-----but even I could
figure out that islamo propaganda has somehow crept into
Donald Trump is a salesmen and his product is Donald Trump. Immigration is nothing more than an issue he's using to get to the presidency which he believes will enhance his name and his brand. Understanding Trump is easy as long as you remember there are only two things in his life that are important to him, winning the race, the contract, the bid or whatever and his name and thus his brand. That's it. This is at the heart of everything he says and does and has been every since the day he started working for his Dad over 50 years ago.

Despite everything DJT said I was was going to vote for him...
What helped me there was his speech to the home builders group.
Talking about being in his Dad's office paying attention to his father...
I was going to vote for him.....

Then Trump went on this attack against Obama and Hillary about founding ISIS
and they were the MVP.....

It hit me so hard....

He's either crazy or he wants no part of winning this election....
This is about something else...

I know people are saying to me Fuck you.
No one cares what you think....

I think differently.
I think there will be many who are tired of this Trump nonsense.
The Trump for President 2016 will hold the record for the most reboots in election history....
You know to make Hispanics happy he will blame the misunderstanding all on the evil corrupt media
that distorts his words.....

When small hands DJT is asked about the Mexican wall after this reach out to Blacks and Hispanics
Trump will say he never said anything about a wall....

The way Trump handles his broken promises is to ignore them. If his polling indicates that the Hispanic vote can be swayed by restating his immigration plan (scraping the old one), he certain will do so, claiming it will accomplish not just what he has already promised but much more. So in Trump's mind, he never broke a promise or ever deviated from his course. This is Trump.
LOL hilarious that you morons pretend that Hillary doesn't alter her stances just the same way.

IF Trump has figured out that attempting to deport 11M is a collosally stupid plan. Good for him.
Well let's hope he does his damn job as president and ENFORCES THE LAW. That is the DUTY of the president, and Obama has failed miserably at the job, even going as far as tying the hands of our border agents. It's a thankless and pointless job under Obama. Hopefully that will change with President Trump.
If you believe that, you know nothing about Trump.
More ignorant Leftist rants

Senator Jeff Sessions Refutes Recent Media Reports of Trump Immigration Position Reversal…

here you go Flopper and all the rest that want to kiss illegal alien azz . --- Sessions Refutes Buzzfeed Trump Immigration 'Reversal' Report: 'He Has Not Changed His View' - Breitbart --- I think that the TRUMP is staying on track . I didn't listen to Sen , Jeff Sessions but I did glance at the short article , Anyway , check it out Ladies and Gents and Flopper . Correct me if I am mistaken please .

Jeff Session is lying. And the Link came from Breibart?

Actually his new campaign manager Conway just told CNN today that force deportation of illegals is TBD..... I'm could be TO BE DISREGARD. Read the link.

Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD
Trump campaign manager: A deportation force TBD - CNNPolitics.com
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LOL hilarious that you morons pretend that Hillary doesn't alter her stances just the same way.

IF Trump has figured out that attempting to deport 11M is a collosally stupid plan. Good for him.
But how many other colossally stupid plans does he have? The man knows absolutely nothing about foreign policy, yet he claims he's ready to walkout on nearly every major trade agreement. He threatens to lessen US support for NATO, without knowing the impact on the US military or Homeland Security. He suggest Japan and other countries consider acquiring nuclear weapons without consulting with our military and security leadership.
If you believe that, you know nothing about Trump
Well, we KNOW Hillary isn't on friendly terms with the law -- any more than Obama. Trump loves this country. Hillary is all about Hillary.
And Trump isn't all about Trump? If Trump really loved this country so much, why did he hide behind student deferments for 3 years while other young men his age were fighting and dying in Vietnam. Over the years, he's had ample opportunities for public service, yet he had no interest. Now at age 70, he's decided it's time to serve his country, in the highest and most power office in the land.

If Trump wanted to serve the people of this country he could have been paying his employees a fair wage and they shouldn't have had to take him to court to get paid what he owed them. If he was really interested in education, he could have made real contributions, not creating a University whose sole intent was to scan the students out of millions of dollars. He's promised art museums, road improvements, public gardens, public spaces when selling his projects to communities and when they were done, Donald always found a loophole to delay or totally renege on his promises.

No, it's not love Donald feels for this country, if anything it's guilt.
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Trump is alright , at the worse he is like all the rest , the bushes , clintons , kasich yada , yada , yada . Difference with TRUMP is that he may have wised up as he sees the USA going down the tubes or circling the drain . I see Trump as being n American , heard him described as an America first Nationalist and i like that Flopper .
Trump is alright , at the worse he is like all the rest , the bushes , clintons , kasich yada , yada , yada . Difference with TRUMP is that he may have wised up as he sees the USA going down the tubes or circling the drain . I see Trump as being n American , heard him described as an America first Nationalist and i like that Flopper .
It's a common misconception to think Trump is no worse than Clinton, Bush or the rest of the politicians in Washington. Unlike Washington politicians, Trump creates "facts" to support his agenda, not an occasionally Whooper but lies in nearly every speech and at every rally. To investors in Scottish property developments, the northern Scottish coast is just like Florida. The "Art of the Deal" is one of the most read books in the world. Mexicans are pouring across our southern boarders. Syrian refugees are flooding the country. This is all nonsense. The Scottish coast is certainly not like the Florida coast and Trump's book is certain not one of the most read books in world. The Boarder Patrol reported sharp declines in illegal crossing while Trump said they were pouring across the boarder. 1700 Syrian refuges in a year is hardly a flood. As Trump says in his books and seminars, discover what your audience wants and give it to them. P.T. Barnum said the same thing.

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you are unlikely to change any minds . The only similarity between both coasts are that they are beautiful . 1700 Syrian refugee invaders is 1700 too many and Hilary will bring more Flopper .

Several people who met with Trump on Saturday told NBC that the Republican nominee seems to be easing his stance on illegal immigration. “He definitely was seeking input from this group of Latinos in terms of immigration reform,” Jesus Marquez, a Nevada political analyst and Latino outreach strategist, told the news outlet. “He is expecting for us to lay out points of a future plan for immigration.”

Trump is scheduled to speak in Colorado on Thursday, where he’s expected to lay out details for his updated immigration policy. A path to citizenship will certainly be on the table.

Is this the same Donald Trump who less than a year ago told us Mexico is sending over rapist and criminals into the US, the same Donald Trump who proposed deporting all 11 million illegal immigrants, the same Donald Trump who promised to build a 2000 mile wall to separate Mexico and the US and to force Mexico to pay for it?

Yes, this is the same Donald Trump, version 2 or maybe version 22. Anyone who has followed the career of Trump should not be surprised. Trump is famous for his huge exaggerations and promises that he never seems to remember like his wedding vows, a sports stadium in the Bronx, the tallest building in the world in Midtown, his promises to his students in Trump University, his promise of an art gallery to the city of NY, Trump Towers in New Orleans to open in 2011, and his promise to his supporters, "I will never lie to you".

Donald Trump's Immigration Reform May Be Less Severe Than We Thought

A round-up was never in the cards because it would be possible but not feasible. What he'll do is get e-verify back up and running and bring charges against employers hiring wetbacks. The visa-overstays will be rounded up and the fence will be built (and Mexico will pay for it). That will satisfy us. There are thousands here who just ran from the drug cartels and have kept their nose clean, learned English and obey the law. They pay taxes, volunteer for our Armed Forces, and are good citizens....they can't vote but they can stay.
looks like it won't connect , still , I read it and about 10,000 have already come to the USA and my thought is that ZERO is the only acceptable number . Hilary will bring in more Flopper . anyway --- Go TRUMP !!
he was, he wasn't, he was ..

he doesn't know what he wants.

other than Trumpbots who really cares?
Trump is alright , at the worse he is like all the rest , the bushes , clintons , kasich yada , yada , yada . Difference with TRUMP is that he may have wised up as he sees the USA going down the tubes or circling the drain . I see Trump as being n American , heard him described as an America first Nationalist and i like that Flopper .
It's a common misconception to think Trump is no worse than Clinton, Bush or the rest of the politicians in Washington. Unlike Washington politicians, Trump creates "facts" to support his agenda, not an occasionally Whooper but lies in nearly every speech and at every rally. To investors in Scottish property developments, the northern Scottish coast is just like Florida. The "Art of the Deal" is one of the most read books in the world. Mexicans are pouring across our southern boarders. Syrian refugees are flooding the country. This is all nonsense. The Scottish coast is certainly not like the Florida coast and Trump's book is certain not one of the most read books in world. The Boarder Patrol reported sharp declines in illegal crossing while Trump said they were pouring across the boarder. 1700 Syrian refuges in a year is hardly a flood. As Trump says in his books and seminars, discover what your audience wants and give it to them. P.T. Barnum said the same thing.

So, Trump's reach was higher than his grasp. At least he was reaching for a solution to the problem, unlike the present guy in the white house who wants to transform america into a third world country. And clinton has said she will outdo obama on bringing more third worlder, mostly muslims here. How is this any good for this country?

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