Donald Trump Brings DOW To 20,000 In Five/Six Days!,And How Long Did It Take Obama?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:argue: Well My Conservative Friends, looks like the room goats wont be able to win this argument!, Trump VS Obama VS Stock Market? :laugh2:
Does anyone recall the DOW surging so quickly after Obama was elected? Does anyone recall the DOW surging after he took over in 2009?, Hmm, if we all recall, the DOW CRASHED in 2009!, and yes, we all agree, It Was Obama's Fault !! Couldn't of been Bush's fault, he didnt sign any stimulus bills.
Wow. I know you goldfish were in a coma before January 2009, but come on. Why are you working so hard to show us just how profound your retardation is?
The Dow went up over 13,000 points since Obama took office.

Get back to us when Trump does that.
Kewl, what did he bring unemployment down too?

The Amazing Trump supporters.
It won't be too long before Trump's Chumps start telling us the President has nothing to do with the stock market price.
With 5 Goldman Sachs higher ups in the white house I expect Wall Street to do very well, like they always do.
All that matters is the federal debt. The majority of our economic problems flow from our public and private debt.

The only way Trump and the Republican Congress will impress me is by reducing our national debt.

Trump's tax plan will add up to $10 trillion to the debt. So he better do a fucking U-turn in a hurry.
When Obama took office, the previous Republican admin managed to cause the Dow to plummet to 7949. Took a lot of work to undo the damage caused by conservative imbeciles.

This is litterally the most idiotic thread I've ever seen on this forum.
With 5 Goldman Sachs higher ups in the white house I expect Wall Street to do very well, like they always do.

7 Goldman execs are in the Trump Administration.
Mang, up to 7 now? I expect the redistribution of societal wealth out of society and the economy into private hands, and further concentration to continue as it has over the past half century, in an utterly bipartisan fashion.
and no net jobs for the 8 years! stop lying about the 14 million new jobs! and how many jobs were lost in 2009/2010? how many people applied for unemployment every month for the last 2 years? about 250,000 a month? and yet the left has the nerve to brag about creating 14 Million jobs?
Hey I am thrilled the stock market went up.

After the last 4 years of the right wing Obama haters telling us that the stock market was irrelevant when it came to the economy, it is amusing watching the excitement of a Trump surge that is a small percentage of the growth of the stock market under Obama.

And I hope the stock market continues to grow as well during Trump's administration as it did during Obama's.
the only thing that went up these last 8 years were body parts of democrats trying to hook up with much younger women.

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