Donald Trump Campaign In Chaos, Top Staff Members Just Quit On The Spot

"Because, if they did, reporting accurate information is far from "mud slinging"."

Accurate sensational TMZ generic type bullshit reporting that you recycled and posted which you are proud of amateur
Again, so you deny that two top staff members quit?

Because it is also reported here. And here. Even here. How many sources do you need, before you stop denying that the facts are accurate?

It is not the sources but the fact those that are voting for Trump do not want to read or hear anything negative about their candidate. They believe he will win and when he loses the Electoral College by a wide margin then they will point to what you have been trying to explain to them, but not until he loses...
No they won't. They'll insist the election was "rigged", and "stolen". You know they will. Republicans have proven, time and again, that they are incapable of self-reflection. They keep losing. They keep being told they are losing for the same reasons. They keep doing the same things, and they keep losing. They are clearly not capable of self-reflection.
"Because, if they did, reporting accurate information is far from "mud slinging"."

Accurate sensational TMZ generic type bullshit reporting that you recycled and posted which you are proud of amateur
Again, so you deny that two top staff members quit?

Because it is also reported here. And here. Even here. How many sources do you need, before you stop denying that the facts are accurate?

It is not the sources but the fact those that are voting for Trump do not want to read or hear anything negative about their candidate. They believe he will win and when he loses the Electoral College by a wide margin then they will point to what you have been trying to explain to them, but not until he loses...
And in the real news , not the delusional hyperbole tin foil hat theories:

Donald Trump has a 4-point lead overHillary Clinton in a new Rasmussen Reports White House Watch poll.

Rasmussen poll: Trump holds 4-point lead
"Because, if they did, reporting accurate information is far from "mud slinging"."

Accurate sensational TMZ generic type bullshit reporting that you recycled and posted which you are proud of amateur
Again, so you deny that two top staff members quit?

Because it is also reported here. And here. Even here. How many sources do you need, before you stop denying that the facts are accurate?

It is not the sources but the fact those that are voting for Trump do not want to read or hear anything negative about their candidate. They believe he will win and when he loses the Electoral College by a wide margin then they will point to what you have been trying to explain to them, but not until he loses...
And in the real news , not the delusional hyperbole tin foil hat theories:

Rasmussen poll: Trump holds 4-point lead
Rasmussen?!?! Really?!?! You mean the rightwing polling company that hasn't accurately predicted a presidential outcome in the last 12 years?!?! You realize they are alone in their prediction that Trump is leading, right?

RCP Average 6/19 - 7/28 -- -- 44.8 40.3 Clinton +4.5
Rasmussen Reports 6/28 - 6/29 1000 LV 3.0 39 43 Trump +4
PPP (D) 6/27 - 6/28 947 RV 3.2 48 44 Clinton +4
Gravis* 6/27 - 7/28 2162 RV 2.1 50 48 Clinton +2
FOX News 6/26 - 6/28 1017 RV 3.0 44 38 Clinton +6
Reuters/Ipsos 6/25 - 6/29 1247 RV 2.8 42 32 Clinton +10
IBD/TIPP 6/24 - 6/29 837 RV 3.5 44 40 Clinton +4
Economist/YouGov 6/24 - 6/27 1069 RV 3.9 42 38 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 6/21 - 6/27 1610 RV 2.4 42 40 Clinton +2
ABC News/Wash Post 6/20 - 6/23 836 RV 4.0 51 39 Clinton +12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 6/19 - 6/23 1000 RV 3.1 46 41 Clinton +5

They are, literally, the only poll that indicates that. There's a term for that in statistics - outlier. Outliers are, typically, unreliable. But, hey. you hold on to that rasmussen poll, if it helps you sleep at night.
No they won't. They'll insist the election was "rigged", and "stolen". You know they will. Republicans have proven, time and again, that they are incapable of self-reflection. They keep losing. They keep being told they are losing for the same reasons. They keep doing the same things, and they keep losing. They are clearly not capable of self-reflection.
Yeah, I know what you mean, like that recount with, AL Gore Democrat election, taking it all the way to Supreme Court and wasting the taxpayers money to cry foul.
"Because, if they did, reporting accurate information is far from "mud slinging"."

Accurate sensational TMZ generic type bullshit reporting that you recycled and posted which you are proud of amateur
Again, so you deny that two top staff members quit?

Because it is also reported here. And here. Even here. How many sources do you need, before you stop denying that the facts are accurate?

It is not the sources but the fact those that are voting for Trump do not want to read or hear anything negative about their candidate. They believe he will win and when he loses the Electoral College by a wide margin then they will point to what you have been trying to explain to them, but not until he loses...
And in the real news , not the delusional hyperbole tin foil hat theories:

Rasmussen poll: Trump holds 4-point lead
Rasmussen?!?! Really?!?! You mean the rightwing polling company that hasn't accurately predicted a presidential outcome in the last 12 years?!?! You realize they are alone in their prediction that Trump is leading, right?

RCP Average 6/19 - 7/28 -- -- 44.8 40.3 Clinton +4.5
Rasmussen Reports 6/28 - 6/29 1000 LV 3.0 39 43 Trump +4
PPP (D) 6/27 - 6/28 947 RV 3.2 48 44 Clinton +4
Gravis* 6/27 - 7/28 2162 RV 2.1 50 48 Clinton +2
FOX News 6/26 - 6/28 1017 RV 3.0 44 38 Clinton +6
Reuters/Ipsos 6/25 - 6/29 1247 RV 2.8 42 32 Clinton +10
IBD/TIPP 6/24 - 6/29 837 RV 3.5 44 40 Clinton +4
Economist/YouGov 6/24 - 6/27 1069 RV 3.9 42 38 Clinton +4
Quinnipiac 6/21 - 6/27 1610 RV 2.4 42 40 Clinton +2
ABC News/Wash Post 6/20 - 6/23 836 RV 4.0 51 39 Clinton +12
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 6/19 - 6/23 1000 RV 3.1 46 41 Clinton +5

They are, literally, the only poll that indicates that. There's a term for that in statistics - outlier. Outliers are, typically, unreliable. But, hey. you hold on to that rasmussen poll, if it helps you sleep at night.

All those other polls are liars because if they do not show Trump leading then they are Liberal Hogwash, and if you don't believe me then wait his supporters will educate you... :)
Well, he could accept millions and millions from Wall Street, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Oman and Yemen, but then he'd be obligated to show them favoritism, like letting Saudi Arabia common core our children and run guns and stuff....
No they won't. They'll insist the election was "rigged", and "stolen". You know they will. Republicans have proven, time and again, that they are incapable of self-reflection. They keep losing. They keep being told they are losing for the same reasons. They keep doing the same things, and they keep losing. They are clearly not capable of self-reflection.
Yeah, I know what you mean, like that recount with, AL Gore Democrat election, taking it all the way to Supreme Court and wasting the taxpayers money to cry foul.
How sad for you that you have to go back almost 20 years to "relive the glory days". Meanwhile, in the current election, you're supporting the whiniest, bitchiest candidate in decades. All he did during the entire Primary process was whine, and bitch about how unfair the process was, and how it was rigged. So, why should we expect anything different when he loses against Hillary?
Well, he could accept millions and millions from Wall Street, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Oman and Yemen, but then he'd be obligated to show them favoritism, like letting Saudi Arabia common core our children and run guns and stuff....
"Saudi Arabia common core"?!?! Oh, dude. I have neither the energy, nor the will to educate you. Why don't you take your half-baked conspiracy theories, and go hang out in the "Room of the Ignored".
"Saudi Arabia common core"?!?! Oh, dude. I have neither the energy, nor the will to educate you.

It's Dudette to you, and educate yourself. You stupids are killing this country.

Common Core origins

The short answer is that President Obama’s push for “hope and change” translates into completely transforming America — for the worse. Common Core is but one of many parts of an intricate plan to infiltrate every area of American society with Islam. Which is why, Common Core’s origin and funding came from Qatar, Libya and Saudi Arabia.

Globally, Common Core originated from the “One World Education” concept, a global goal orchestrated by the Connect All Schools program. Its origin is funded by the Qatar Foundation International (QFI). The director of QFI’s Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics is Tariq Ramadan, grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder, Hassan al-Banna.
BETHANY BLANKLEY: Common Core ties to Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia


It’s all a plot to destroy Christianity in America. This Breitbart report tells the whole sordid tale of absolute deception and horror. Saudi Arabia giving millions to major universities ($20 Million endowment to Harvard alone).

The purpose is to influence school teachers to adopt new textbooks that extol the virtues of Islam. Stuff like:

Shocked by the lesson plans that developed as a result of the seminar, Stotsky said:

They ranged from having students make prayer rugs; describe what it would be like to go on a hajj–a pilgrimage; learn and memorize the five pillars of Islam; listen to and learn how to recite passages from the Koran; dress like a Muslim from a particular country. It was, to me, a clear violation of ethics involved in how one would expect children to learn about another culture. That they would literally go through the memorization and the learning of religious beliefs.
New Truth Behind the Common Core Movement Revealed: Financed by Saudi Arabia! Want to Know Why? « InvestmentWatch

Pearson Education is a company that designs “education products and services to institutions, governments and direct to individual learners”. They have 40,000 employees in 80 countries. “Pearson is listed on the London and New York stock exchanges (LSE: PSON; NYSE: PSO). In fact, Pearson is one of the few companies to have been a constituent of the FTSE100 ever since the index began in 1984. However, though the name has remained the same the company behind it has changed beyond all recognition”.

The three main changes the company cites are as follows: (

  1. “A corporate focus on ‘education in the broadest sense of the word’, a strategy of becoming the world’s leading learning company with heavy exposure to the growing global education market.”
  2. “A transformation from book publisher to digital services company.”
  3. “A significant expansion into fast-growing developing economies including China, India, Africa and Brazil.”
Pearson is a former member of the Advisory Council for the United Nations Global Compact. They continue to be a member. “Participation in the Global Compact continues to provide an important framework for Pearson as we develop and grow, and are pleased to continue our support and engagement,” Robin Freestone Chief financial officer (and Board member responsible for corporate responsibility)

Remember, the Gates Foundation also used the United Nations as one vehicle for funding the development and implementation of Common Core in the United States.

Pearson appears to have a number of investors worldwide with one of the largest financial contributors being the Libyan Investment Authority that holds 26 million shares. According to the Financial Times of London, the Libyan Investment Authority was founded by Libyan dictator Muammer Gaddafi’s son Seif al-Islam with shares now belonging to more than five members of the Gaddafi family. In the Middle East; Turkey, Saudi Arabia, CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood have invested heavily in Pearson Education.
Common Core funds the Muslim Brotherhood
Don't post entire articles, it's a violation of copyright laws and the rules of this board.

In addition, this thread is about Donald Trump's campaign staff, not about ridiculous Common Core conspiracies.
Democrats deflecting from hill's fbi interrogation.

You mean the one that the right claimed was indicting her months ago? What happened to that?
We don't know. It just happened today.

You claimed that Trump's staff mutiny was somehow part of a liberal deflection. Without even addressing how bizarre that is, I was just trying to find out what you thought it was deflecting from.
Did you read the article? The two that quit were very recent hires. One angrily walked out when asked to sign a standard non disclosure agreement snapping "you can't tell me what to say."

Activists tried to worm their way in, got caught and this was all they could put together.
Don't post entire articles, it's a violation of copyright laws and the rules of this board.
In addition, this thread is about Donald Trump's campaign staff, not about ridiculous Common Core conspiracies.

Yeah, your right. No conspiracy there....... :eusa_silenced:

Meanwhile Trump's campaign will evolve throughout the summer. What he needed at the beginning may not be what he needs now. He isn't the well oiled, Saudi backed Clinton regime.
Don't post entire articles, it's a violation of copyright laws and the rules of this board.
In addition, this thread is about Donald Trump's campaign staff, not about ridiculous Common Core conspiracies.

Yeah, your right. No conspiracy there....... :eusa_silenced:

Meanwhile Trump's campaign will evolve throughout the summer. What he needed at the beginning may not be what he needs now. He isn't the well oiled, Saudi backed Clinton regime.

You are welcome to start whatever nonsensical Common Core thread you like.
Don't post entire articles, it's a violation of copyright laws and the rules of this board.

In addition, this thread is about Donald Trump's campaign staff, not about ridiculous Common Core conspiracies.
Kinda why I sent him to the "Room of the Ignored".

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