donald trump caught in a lie

prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.

A new Washington Post article entitled "Trump’s income tax returns once became public.
They showed he didn’t pay a cent.” The article surfaces a 1981 New Jersey Casino Control Commission report that includes tax information that Trump submitted as part of his application for a gaming license, and contains a tantalizing hint at what might be in Trump’s more recent returns:

State records show that Trump claimed that his combined income in 1978 and 1979 was negative $3.8 million, allowing him to pay no taxes. A few years earlier, he had told the New York Times he was worth more than $200 million.

Tax analysts say it is possible that Trump pays very low income taxes, or no taxes at all, using tactics available to wealthy investors and developers, such as depreciating the value of real estate.

Old Donald Trump Tax Returns Show He Paid Zero Taxes for At Least Two Years

Trump has released a financial statement that is more informative and accurate than anything Hillary has released.
The Clintons had to submit dozens of changes to their tax returns to avoid prosecution because of errors they made in their income.

So desperate and disappointing, but you're the kind that make this sort of thing acceptable I guess! It's a shame! :bsflag::lame2:
Why don't you all just admit it? You're not going to vote for the more honest candidate if that's not the candidate you agree with most on the issues.

Hillary is historically the least honest politician in US history, so thankfully I don't have to make that choice. You do.

That's such BS! You guys figure right that if you say it enough times stupid people will believe it! Fine! All the more it'll butt-hurt when it fails and you have crap thrown back in your face! :bs1:
prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.

A new Washington Post article entitled "Trump’s income tax returns once became public.
They showed he didn’t pay a cent.” The article surfaces a 1981 New Jersey Casino Control Commission report that includes tax information that Trump submitted as part of his application for a gaming license, and contains a tantalizing hint at what might be in Trump’s more recent returns:

State records show that Trump claimed that his combined income in 1978 and 1979 was negative $3.8 million, allowing him to pay no taxes. A few years earlier, he had told the New York Times he was worth more than $200 million.

Tax analysts say it is possible that Trump pays very low income taxes, or no taxes at all, using tactics available to wealthy investors and developers, such as depreciating the value of real estate.

Old Donald Trump Tax Returns Show He Paid Zero Taxes for At Least Two Years
Trump has released a financial statement that is more informative and accurate than anything Hillary has released.
The Clintons had to submit dozens of changes to their tax returns to avoid prosecution because of errors they made in their income.
And trump if I'm not mistaken has been audited 13 of the last 13 years Wonder how much in penalties he had to pay?? Hills tax returns have always been out there
I see tyroneslop thinks a lot of my truths about Hillary are funny. Why do you want an incompetent lying bitch as president?
Far more competent than the know nothing lying mind changing pos that will have his big hands on our nuke weapons if he becomes leader of the free world
You're scare tactics are really juvenile.
The scare tactics of the far right are certainly juvenile failures.
War on women.
Do away with social security.
Just to name a few of juvenile liberal scare tactics.
Starve the children.
I see tyroneslop thinks a lot of my truths about Hillary are funny. Why do you want an incompetent lying bitch as president?
Far more competent than the know nothing lying mind changing pos that will have his big hands on our nuke weapons if he becomes leader of the free world
You're scare tactics are really juvenile.
The scare tactics of the far right are certainly juvenile failures.
War on women.
Do away with social security.
Just to name a few of juvenile liberal scare tactics.
Starve the children.

Unfortunately we've found the electorate isn't that bright and are more likely to vote against their own interests! Happens all the time; look at "W" and what he did to the country! After all Obama's done to recover the economy and standing in the world, Republicans keep using words like sluggish when we were on our last legs with unemployment over 10%, the DOW at 6600, and the potential loss of the auto industry! All that's turned around and he gets no credit for that while "W" polls are climbing back as if he wasn't responsible for any of it! :rolleyes:
Trump has released a financial statement that is more informative and accurate than anything Hillary has released.

Scrutinizing someone's own "financial statement" is tantamount to reading fiction or an autobiography.
Sorry, dipshit. Trump didn't write the laws

Well, perhaps he didn't actually write the laws but based on his contributions he PAID others to write the laws to benefit himself and other super rich bastards....NOTE that he probably also paid elected corrupt democrats.
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Hey, clueless.......Check out the dates when these contributions were made.......and then check out whether Trump was running for the GOP nomination during that same time period......Then, even a moron can see that the timing of those contributions is very self-serving.
prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.

A new Washington Post article entitled "Trump’s income tax returns once became public.
They showed he didn’t pay a cent.” The article surfaces a 1981 New Jersey Casino Control Commission report that includes tax information that Trump submitted as part of his application for a gaming license, and contains a tantalizing hint at what might be in Trump’s more recent returns:

State records show that Trump claimed that his combined income in 1978 and 1979 was negative $3.8 million, allowing him to pay no taxes. A few years earlier, he had told the New York Times he was worth more than $200 million.

Tax analysts say it is possible that Trump pays very low income taxes, or no taxes at all, using tactics available to wealthy investors and developers, such as depreciating the value of real estate.

Old Donald Trump Tax Returns Show He Paid Zero Taxes for At Least Two Years
Trump has released a financial statement that is more informative and accurate than anything Hillary has released.
The Clintons had to submit dozens of changes to their tax returns to avoid prosecution because of errors they made in their income.
And trump if I'm not mistaken has been audited 13 of the last 13 years Wonder how much in penalties he had to pay?? Hills tax returns have always been out there

Trump fans have proved it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter that the country has had over 70 consecutive months of positive growth, though small! They'd just assume the country go under just as long as Republicans are in charge! It's so sad and pathetic! :cuckoo: :lame2: :mad-61:
Trump fans have proved it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter that the country has had over 70 consecutive months of positive growth, though small! They'd just assume the country go under just as long as Republicans are in charge! It's so sad and pathetic

.....and all of the above, while we had a republican-led congress doing EVERYTHING possible to either interfere with various proposals for additional growth.......or simply did NOTHING.
And trump if I'm not mistaken has been audited 13 of the last 13 years Wonder how much in penalties he had to pay?? Hills tax returns have always been out there

.......and since those dreaded democrats in the executive branch have been in power for only the last 8 of those 13 years.......who was in charge those 5 years before Obama?
Trump fans have proved it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter that the country has had over 70 consecutive months of positive growth, though small! They'd just assume the country go under just as long as Republicans are in charge! It's so sad and pathetic

.....and all of the above, while we had a republican-led congress doing EVERYTHING possible to either interfere with various proposals for additional growth.......or simply did NOTHING.

You're being kind; normally called obstruction IMO! They actually are trying to sabotage efforts to helping people and the country; look at how they fight against Obamacare! They say "repeal and replace," but we haven't heard how this can be done rather than fixing things! We're responsible for this allowing it to go on for all 7+ years of this admin.! If the Dems do anything slightly adverse to conservative leanings, they're punished, but Rep. seem to be immune, so I have to blame us the people! We don't get out there and vote; esp. in the off elections; hence 2010 & 2014 debacles! ;-/
If the Dems do anything slightly adverse to conservative leanings, they're punished, but Rep. seem to be immune, so I have to blame us the people! We don't get out there and vote; esp. in the off elections; hence 2010 & 2014 debacles! ;-/

I have found that the best way to smack the heck out of right wingers who "claim" that democrats cheat at the ballot boxes by having dead people and illegals to bring out the above voting failures...
I usually tell them, "hey, democrats lost in 2010 and 2014......what happened, did we run out of corpses?"

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