donald trump caught in a lie

prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.

A new Washington Post article entitled "Trump’s income tax returns once became public.
They showed he didn’t pay a cent.” The article surfaces a 1981 New Jersey Casino Control Commission report that includes tax information that Trump submitted as part of his application for a gaming license, and contains a tantalizing hint at what might be in Trump’s more recent returns:

State records show that Trump claimed that his combined income in 1978 and 1979 was negative $3.8 million, allowing him to pay no taxes. A few years earlier, he had told the New York Times he was worth more than $200 million.

Tax analysts say it is possible that Trump pays very low income taxes, or no taxes at all, using tactics available to wealthy investors and developers, such as depreciating the value of real estate.

Old Donald Trump Tax Returns Show He Paid Zero Taxes for At Least Two Years
Trump has released a financial statement that is more informative and accurate than anything Hillary has released.
The Clintons had to submit dozens of changes to their tax returns to avoid prosecution because of errors they made in their income.
And trump if I'm not mistaken has been audited 13 of the last 13 years Wonder how much in penalties he had to pay?? Hills tax returns have always been out there

Trump fans have proved it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter that the country has had over 70 consecutive months of positive growth, though small! They'd just assume the country go under just as long as Republicans are in charge! It's so sad and pathetic! :cuckoo: :lame2: :mad-61:
They forget that as gwb slithered out the door 700,000 were unemployed in just that month
prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.

A new Washington Post article entitled "Trump’s income tax returns once became public.
They showed he didn’t pay a cent.” The article surfaces a 1981 New Jersey Casino Control Commission report that includes tax information that Trump submitted as part of his application for a gaming license, and contains a tantalizing hint at what might be in Trump’s more recent returns:

State records show that Trump claimed that his combined income in 1978 and 1979 was negative $3.8 million, allowing him to pay no taxes. A few years earlier, he had told the New York Times he was worth more than $200 million.

Tax analysts say it is possible that Trump pays very low income taxes, or no taxes at all, using tactics available to wealthy investors and developers, such as depreciating the value of real estate.

Old Donald Trump Tax Returns Show He Paid Zero Taxes for At Least Two Years

The problem is will it matter with his supporters? They don't seem to care about things like this or if caught in MANY lies! Something's truly wrong with these people who nitpick one candidate and allow the most extreme to skate along unscathed! The hypocrisy is mind-numbing with Republicans and conservatives, but what else is new? ;-/
Well we learned from y'all, with Obama. He admitted he relied on the stupidity of his voters to get Obamacare through,and you praised him for it. Plus with me it's, anyone but hillary!
prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.

A new Washington Post article entitled "Trump’s income tax returns once became public.
They showed he didn’t pay a cent.” The article surfaces a 1981 New Jersey Casino Control Commission report that includes tax information that Trump submitted as part of his application for a gaming license, and contains a tantalizing hint at what might be in Trump’s more recent returns:

State records show that Trump claimed that his combined income in 1978 and 1979 was negative $3.8 million, allowing him to pay no taxes. A few years earlier, he had told the New York Times he was worth more than $200 million.

Tax analysts say it is possible that Trump pays very low income taxes, or no taxes at all, using tactics available to wealthy investors and developers, such as depreciating the value of real estate.

Old Donald Trump Tax Returns Show He Paid Zero Taxes for At Least Two Years

The problem is will it matter with his supporters? They don't seem to care about things like this or if caught in MANY lies! Something's truly wrong with these people who nitpick one candidate and allow the most extreme to skate along unscathed! The hypocrisy is mind-numbing with Republicans and conservatives, but what else is new? ;-/
Well we learned from y'all, with Obama. He admitted he relied on the stupidity of his voters to get Obamacare through,and you praised him for it. Plus with me it's, anyone but Hillary!

Well you're full of it! The man's trying to get healthcare for the masses while idiots on the right want to take it away! That makes about as much sense as you saying it was stupid to pass Obamacare instead of trying to fix it! ;-/
Well we learned from y'all, with Obama. He admitted he relied on the stupidity of his voters to get Obamacare through,and you praised him for it. Plus with me it's, anyone but hillary!

OK, we know you're not voting for Hillary......but it doesn't make much a difference....besides, if morons like you actually sided with her over Trump.....I would have to rethink my own voting preferences.

It is history. Change your fucking tampon and get over it.

Sure....ONLY when you and your ilk admit that GWB cost us 4K US iives, 120K severely messed up and injured US soldiers, and $3.2 Trillion in debt......and the hatred from most Muslims......

Are you ready to to openly admit the Bush fuck ups?
I see tyroneslop thinks a lot of my truths about Hillary are funny. Why do you want an incompetent lying bitch as president?
Far more competent than the know nothing lying mind changing pos that will have his big hands on our nuke weapons if he becomes leader of the free world
You're scare tactics are really juvenile.
The scare tactics of the far right are certainly juvenile failures.
War on women.
Do away with social security.
Just to name a few of juvenile liberal scare tactics.
Starve the children.

Unfortunately we've found the electorate isn't that bright and are more likely to vote against their own interests! Happens all the time; look at "W" and what he did to the country! After all Obama's done to recover the economy and standing in the world, Republicans keep using words like sluggish when we were on our last legs with unemployment over 10%, the DOW at 6600, and the potential loss of the auto industry! All that's turned around and he gets no credit for that while "W" polls are climbing back as if he wasn't responsible for any of it! :rolleyes:

The auto industry wasn't going anywhere. GM would have just filed under a bankruptcy and reorganized. All without tax payers handing them billions.

THIS is the juvenile scare tactics I was referring to.
Far more competent than the know nothing lying mind changing pos that will have his big hands on our nuke weapons if he becomes leader of the free world
You're scare tactics are really juvenile.
The scare tactics of the far right are certainly juvenile failures.
War on women.
Do away with social security.
Just to name a few of juvenile liberal scare tactics.
Starve the children.

Unfortunately we've found the electorate isn't that bright and are more likely to vote against their own interests! Happens all the time; look at "W" and what he did to the country! After all Obama's done to recover the economy and standing in the world, Republicans keep using words like sluggish when we were on our last legs with unemployment over 10%, the DOW at 6600, and the potential loss of the auto industry! All that's turned around and he gets no credit for that while "W" polls are climbing back as if he wasn't responsible for any of it! :rolleyes:

The auto industry wasn't going anywhere. GM would have just filed under a bankruptcy and reorganized. All without tax payers handing them billions.

THIS is the juvenile scare tactics I was referring to.

Seek professional care babe! :cuckoo:
They both would win,
Oh Jake...let me TRY to explain math to you.

If you were to add up all the lies by both liars, the sum total for each would not be the same. One would have more. Hazard to guess which one would.

Based on politifact's research Trump has far more lies than Hillary.

What sources are you using?
Would you expect a different conclusion from a left wing source?

Duped again...

That's one lie for you.

Again, what sources are you using?
Unfortunately we've found the electorate isn't that bright and are more likely to vote against their own interests! Happens all the time; look at "W" and what he did to the country! After all Obama's done to recover the economy and standing in the world, Republicans keep using words like sluggish when we were on our last legs with unemployment over 10%, the DOW at 6600, and the potential loss of the auto industry! All that's turned around and he gets no credit for that while "W" polls are climbing back as if he wasn't responsible for any of it! :rolleyes:
How did W destroy the country and what did obama do to fix it? You left that part out.
You're scare tactics are really juvenile.
The scare tactics of the far right are certainly juvenile failures.
War on women.
Do away with social security.
Just to name a few of juvenile liberal scare tactics.
Starve the children.

Unfortunately we've found the electorate isn't that bright and are more likely to vote against their own interests! Happens all the time; look at "W" and what he did to the country! After all Obama's done to recover the economy and standing in the world, Republicans keep using words like sluggish when we were on our last legs with unemployment over 10%, the DOW at 6600, and the potential loss of the auto industry! All that's turned around and he gets no credit for that while "W" polls are climbing back as if he wasn't responsible for any of it! :rolleyes:

The auto industry wasn't going anywhere. GM would have just filed under a bankruptcy and reorganized. All without tax payers handing them billions.

THIS is the juvenile scare tactics I was referring to.

Seek professional care babe! :cuckoo:
Seek some preparation h. It will help sooth the reaming I just gave your stupid ass.

It is history. Change your fucking tampon and get over it.

Sure....ONLY when you and your ilk admit that GWB cost us 4K US iives, 120K severely messed up and injured US soldiers, and $3.2 Trillion in debt......and the hatred from most Muslims......

Are you ready to to openly admit the Bush fuck ups?
I don't talk about BOOOOOOOSH. His time has come & gone and no matter what you or I think or proclaim nothing will change what he did or didn't accomplish.
Find someone else to play your asinine gotcha game fool.

It is history. Change your fucking tampon and get over it.

Sure....ONLY when you and your ilk admit that GWB cost us 4K US iives, 120K severely messed up and injured US soldiers, and $3.2 Trillion in debt......and the hatred from most Muslims......

Are you ready to to openly admit the Bush fuck ups?
I don't talk about BOOOOOOOSH. His time has come & gone and no matter what you or I think or proclaim nothing will change what he did or didn't accomplish.
Find someone else to play your asinine gotcha game fool.
GM would have just filed under a bankruptcy and reorganized.

See. Trump IS teaching right wingers how to scam the system. Screw thos stockholders, investors and folks ready to retire with their 401K liquidated under bankruptcy laws.
everyone in every major government in the world believed the flawed intel about Saddam and WMDs. the UN, the EU, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia et. al.

Are you saying that Bush was such a great communicator that he fooled all of them?

Also, repeating something you believe to be true is not lying.

one question: Was the UN lying about Saddam? yes or no.

Even a common moron would agree that the UN and most of Europe just agrees with the US since we are the big guy on the world stage......The rest of the world, simply LOVED to get the US in a quagmire such as Iraq.

LOL, you get more pathetic with each new post. You are a left wing joke.
the only jokes around here are you supporters of trumpet a liar a con man a man who in spite of his billions might be paying zero taxes

prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.
It's well documented that in 2 different years he paid no taxes

then you should have no problem providing proof of that. I'll wait
They both would win,
Oh Jake...let me TRY to explain math to you.

If you were to add up all the lies by both liars, the sum total for each would not be the same. One would have more. Hazard to guess which one would.

Based on politifact's research Trump has far more lies than Hillary.

What sources are you using?
Would you expect a different conclusion from a left wing source?

Duped again...

That's one lie for you.

Again, what sources are you using?

The above poster (and avatar) is what now passes for right wing "intelligentsia".....
everyone in every major government in the world believed the flawed intel about Saddam and WMDs. the UN, the EU, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Russia et. al.

Are you saying that Bush was such a great communicator that he fooled all of them?

Also, repeating something you believe to be true is not lying.

one question: Was the UN lying about Saddam? yes or no.

Even a common moron would agree that the UN and most of Europe just agrees with the US since we are the big guy on the world stage......The rest of the world, simply LOVED to get the US in a quagmire such as Iraq.

LOL, you get more pathetic with each new post. You are a left wing joke.
the only jokes around here are you supporters of trumpet a liar a con man a man who in spite of his billions might be paying zero taxes

prove your claim that he paid zero taxes-------------or admit that you lied about it.
The last time Donald Trump's tax returns went public, he paid $0

May 21st 2016 4:00AM


The last time Donald Trump's returns became public, he paid $0 in taxes. The Washington Post reports that was for two years in the 1970s.

According to a 1981 report from New Jersey regulators, Trump used a popular tax code provision to report a negative income.

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Trump has boasted about taking advantage of the tax code to pay as little as possible, but he's also made targeting those loopholes and the people and companies who use them a big part of his presidential campaign.

He's been increasingly reluctant to reveal his current tax returns, first claiming an Internal Revenue Service audit prevented him from disclosing them. According to several outlets, an audit doesn't legally prevent him from disclosing his past returns.

in the years he paid zero, did he violate any tax laws or did he comply with the tax code like all americans must?
But you never answered my question: did the UN lie about Saddam? Were the UN resolutions wrong?

Now, don't be dense....First look up how a UN resolution is passed and who leads the charge...Second, if we go by UN resolutions we would have long attacked our ally, Israel. Third, ask Colin Powell how he feels about what he told the UN?

So you are now stupidly claiming that Bush controlled the UN security council and forced them to issue sanctions and resolutions against Saddam? Is that now your claim?

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