Donald Trump gets into Twitter war with Modern Family writer—is obliterated

And then....Trump buys the company that produces Modern Family. And fires the writer.

Hes a blowhard. But hes powerful.
Donald the Chump has never been known for his witty comebacks.

Why? He doesn't have to, because those who are blinded by his hubris are going to laugh anyway (or lose their jobs).

Being rich is no substitute for being smart.
Trump is right on everything he says.
No wonder he's a billionaire.
are you all really that shallow?

good grief, children in adult bodies, I swear
this should tickle your fancy. while you all are going ape shit stupid over Trump. Other elected Politicians are STEPPING OVER YOU TO GIVE Illegal immigrants JOBS you should have had

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs, Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens


by Warner Todd Huston11 May 2014949

In a recent proclamation, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced that he intends to give city jobs and internships to so-called “DREAMers,” youngsters in the country illegally.

In the announcement, Emanuel proudly stated that “for the first time” Chicago is “opening up nearly 23,000 City-funded internship, volunteer, and job opportunities for undocumented students, or ‘DREAMers.'”

“DREAMers and DACA recipients are assets that we need to nurture and develop like precious natural resources for the benefit of the entire community,” Congressman Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-IL) says in the announcement. “They are an integral part of Chicago’s workforce of tomorrow. Once again, the City of Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are leading the way on the inclusion of our immigrant communities.”

The announcement goes on to lament the “barriers” that illegal alien teens find to gaining city jobs:

In December 2012, the Chicago New Americans Plan highlighted barriers that DREAMer students faced, including language barriers and information gaps about the opportunities available to them. These impediments have in the past served as an obstacle for these students and their families, in some cases preventing them from accessing critical enrichment programs.

ALL of it here:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Announces City Jobs Internships Will Go to Illegal Aliens - Breitbart
YOU people are fools and suckers. you here wailing over Trump and they are giving AWAY your country OVER YOU
Donald the Chump isn't right about what he says even 30 percent of the time.
Trump is the only one who can beat Hillary. The rest of the GOP field are delusional simians.

PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! Run Donald the Chump as your candidate!


Not only will he keep the late nite comedians busy, but he'd turn the whole United States blue!
Hell, these illegals are just doing jobs Chicago's Negroes, and Latino's refuse to do!

I guess so. You have to feel for the black people they SUPPOSEDLY Represent
Just awful what they are doing to us. but, they voted for Transformation so they are going be living it
Donald the Chump isn't right about what he says even 30 percent of the time.
Trump is the only one who can beat Hillary. The rest of the GOP field are delusional simians.

PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! Run Donald the Chump as your candidate!


Not only will he keep the late nite comedians busy, but he'd turn the whole United States blue!
One more Democrat in the WH and Mexico will have completed their invasion.

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