Donald Trump has directed nearly one-fifth of his campaign cash to his companies

May NBC/WSJ poll found Trump leading Clinton among whites without a college degree, 58%-31%, the race was tied among whites with a college degree or more, 44%-44%.

Trump may be a jerk, but this is one of the funniest complaints yet. He has to stay in a hotel, so he stays in one of his and pays full price etc. He does the same things as other candidates, but does so at his own businesses. Apparently he is supposed to go out of his way to use other peoples businesses instead of his own. No mention of how Hillary uses her foundation funds for travel etc. We have finally scrapped the bottom of the barrel for candidates and shown that both sides will support whoever they think has the right letter before their name no matter how bad the candidate is.
Trump may be a jerk, but this is one of the funniest complaints yet. He has to stay in a hotel, so he stays in one of his and pays full price etc. He does the same things as other candidates, but does so at his own businesses. Apparently he is supposed to go out of his way to use other peoples businesses instead of his own. No mention of how Hillary uses her foundation funds for travel etc. We have finally scrapped the bottom of the barrel for candidates and shown that both sides will support whoever they think has the right letter before their name no matter how bad the candidate is.
trump fly's home every night as he said he likes to sleep in his own bed

doesn't want to mingle with the riff raff after his rally's

Donald Trump flies back to New York every night to sleep in his own bed
There are a lot of "riff raff" (Crazy Bernie and Crooked Hillary supporters) to avoid and it is actually less expensive to do what he is doing rather than have taxpayers pay for security to prevent brain fucked leftists, assorted illegal aliens, Muslims, etc., from acting out.
Trump may be a jerk, but this is one of the funniest complaints yet. He has to stay in a hotel, so he stays in one of his and pays full price etc. He does the same things as other candidates, but does so at his own businesses. Apparently he is supposed to go out of his way to use other peoples businesses instead of his own. No mention of how Hillary uses her foundation funds for travel etc. We have finally scrapped the bottom of the barrel for candidates and shown that both sides will support whoever they think has the right letter before their name no matter how bad the candidate is.
If he becomes President [ God Forbid] the same logic will be used with the US Budget...<wink> as well as all the money he owes German Banking concerns ...<wink>
Nice duck. You know what I mean guano. You are just upset because he has an R in front of his name. Like your kind in both parties if he had a D you would be slathering all over him like you do for the fraudster running on your side.
Nice duck. You know what I mean guano. You are just upset because he has an R in front of his name. Like your kind in both parties if he had a D you would be slathering all over him like you do for the fraudster running on your side.
Do not worry about it , Donald Trump is a man of his word" ....LOL "
Guano, you and your cohorts are beyond pathetic,

Hillary rents planes from some company and her campaign pays for them. When she holds a rally somewhere her campaign pays for the venue. Catering, hotels, etc. expenses are paid by her campaign. Trump happens to own companies that provide goods and services needed for his campaign so he buys/leases from them. All perfectly legal and the same thing Hillary could do if she owned such assets.

Ah, but you low information dopes eat it up like candy.
....because if anything the 3,500 law suits Trump is involved in ; the 4 Business Bankruptcies Trump has had ; the three divorces and four marriages he has had ; the sworn accusations of rape by his Ex wife ; the two alter egos he has John Miller and John Baron [ who call the media to praise Trump] and his almost constant lying in front of cameras all Speak of personal Integrity and Stability ....
Guano, you and your cohorts are beyond pathetic,

Hillary rents planes from some company and her campaign pays for them. When she holds a rally somewhere her campaign pays for the venue. Catering, hotels, etc. expenses are paid by her campaign. Trump happens to own companies that provide goods and services needed for his campaign so he buys/leases from them. All perfectly legal and the same thing Hillary could do if she owned such assets.

Ah, but you low information dopes eat it up like candy.
Low information voter

American pollster and political scientist Samuel Popkin coined the term "low-information" in 1991 when he used the phrase "low-information signaling" in his book The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns. Low-information signaling referred to cues or heuristics used by voters, in lieu of substantial information, to determine who to vote for. Examples perceiving John Kerry and Barack Obama as elitist for wind-surfing and golfing respectively.

It was coined in response low educated con tards, i.e. fox news viewers

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