Donald Trump has history on his side – we need a pause on Muslim immigration!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
SEE: Adams passes first of Alien and Sedition Acts

”Former President George Washington, on the other hand, supported the legislation. Adams signed the second piece of the legislation, the Alien Act, on June 25. This act gave the president the authority to deport aliens during peacetime. The Alien Enemies Act, which Adams signed on July 6, gave him the power to deport any alien living in the U.S. with ties to U.S. wartime enemies.”

Also see Donald Trump is right on immigration


”Following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt suspended all naturalization proceedings for Japanese, German and Italian immigrants in the United States.

Donald Trump currently calls for a temporary — not permanent — suspension of Muslim immigration into the United States due to the current radical Muslim threat posed to this nation. And thus the name-calling, pejorative adjectives and labeling have begun as a part of today's invective tidal wave against this man. The media have their collective panties in a twist over Trump's position.”

It is absolutely hilarious to see sock puppet establishment Republicans like, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Paul Ryan and other members of our open border crowd, condemn Donald Trump for a common sense approach to the pending threat against our homeland.

Trump is absolutely correct! We need a pause on Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to distinguish those who would cause us injury from those who simply want to enjoy the American Dream.


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
Trump stirs the pot, jerks the chains, and calls the bluff of Liberals.

"Establishment Republicans" have been forced into a catacomb of fear by a Liberal party that no longer represents downtrodden Americans, but uses them as bait. And their media machine relentlessly hammers that very same nail into the coffin of what was once upon a time the greatest nation on earth.

Obama has for the past seven years ripped asunder the very threads of democracy, unity, and patriotism that has been paid for by the lives of millions of Americans.

Fuck. That. Mother. Fucker.
Adams passes first of Alien and Sedition Acts
The Alien Acts
Rumors of a French invasion and enemy spies frightened many Americans. President Adams warned that foreign influence within the United States was dangerous and must be "exterminated."

The Federalist majority in Congress quickly passed four laws in 1798 to make the United States more secure from alien (foreign) spies and domestic traitors. Most of these laws, however, were also intended to weaken Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party.

The first law, the Naturalization Act, extended the time immigrants had to live in the United States to become citizens from five to 14 years. Since most immigrants favored the Republicans, delaying their citizenship would slow the growth of Jefferson's party.

The Alien Enemies Act provided that once war had been declared, all male citizens of an enemy nation could be arrested, detained, and deported. If war had broken out, this act could have expelled many of the estimated 25,000 French citizens then living in the United States. But the country did not go to war, and the law was never used.

The Alien Friends Act authorized the president to deport any non-citizen suspected of plotting against the government during either wartime or peacetime. This law could have resulted in the mass expulsion of new immigrants. The act was limited to two years, but no alien was ever deported under it.

The fourth law was the Sedition Act. Its provisions seemed directly aimed at those who spoke out against the Federalists.
The Alien and Sedition Acts - Constitutional Rights Foundation

SEE: Adams passes first of Alien and Sedition Acts

”Former President George Washington, on the other hand, supported the legislation. Adams signed the second piece of the legislation, the Alien Act, on June 25. This act gave the president the authority to deport aliens during peacetime. The Alien Enemies Act, which Adams signed on July 6, gave him the power to deport any alien living in the U.S. with ties to U.S. wartime enemies.”

Also see Donald Trump is right on immigration


”Following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt suspended all naturalization proceedings for Japanese, German and Italian immigrants in the United States.

Donald Trump currently calls for a temporary — not permanent — suspension of Muslim immigration into the United States due to the current radical Muslim threat posed to this nation. And thus the name-calling, pejorative adjectives and labeling have begun as a part of today's invective tidal wave against this man. The media have their collective panties in a twist over Trump's position.”

It is absolutely hilarious to see sock puppet establishment Republicans like, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Paul Ryan and other members of our open border crowd, condemn Donald Trump for a common sense approach to the pending threat against our homeland.

Trump is absolutely correct! We need a pause on Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to distinguish those who would cause us injury from those who simply want to enjoy the American Dream.


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.

Trump stirs the pot, jerks the chains, and calls the bluff of Liberals.

"Establishment Republicans" have been forced into a catacomb of fear by a Liberal party that no longer represents downtrodden Americans, but uses them as bait. And their media machine relentlessly hammers that very same nail into the coffin of what was once upon a time the greatest nation on earth.

Obama has for the past seven years ripped asunder the very threads of democracy, unity, and patriotism that has been paid for by the lives of millions of Americans.

Fuck. That. Mother. Fucker.
I guess that could be true if you have an over abundance of emotional value in propaganda...
Trump stirs the pot, jerks the chains, and calls the bluff of Liberals.

"Establishment Republicans" have been forced into a catacomb of fear by a Liberal party that no longer represents downtrodden Americans, but uses them as bait. And their media machine relentlessly hammers that very same nail into the coffin of what was once upon a time the greatest nation on earth.

Obama has for the past seven years ripped asunder the very threads of democracy, unity, and patriotism that has been paid for by the lives of millions of Americans.

Fuck. That. Mother. Fucker.
I guess that could be true if you have an over abundance of emotional value in propaganda...
I have an overabundance of emotional value in the useful nature of what others perceive as propaganda.

Chew on that. :slap:
Trump stirs the pot, jerks the chains, and calls the bluff of Liberals.

"Establishment Republicans" have been forced into a catacomb of fear by a Liberal party that no longer represents downtrodden Americans, but uses them as bait. And their media machine relentlessly hammers that very same nail into the coffin of what was once upon a time the greatest nation on earth.

Obama has for the past seven years ripped asunder the very threads of democracy, unity, and patriotism that has been paid for by the lives of millions of Americans.

Fuck. That. Mother. Fucker.
I guess that could be true if you have an over abundance of emotional value in propaganda...
I have an overabundance of emotional value in the useful nature of what others perceive as propaganda.

Chew on that. :slap:
I only chew on rhetoric and nicotine gum...
All I hear from the press and even within the GOP is that it is illegal to stop Muslims immigrants.

Since when is it illegal to stop any immigration?

As I sit and listen to Progs like Hillary who refuse now to say the words, "illegal immigrant" because she thinks it is now hate speech, it's almost as if foreigners have a Constitutional right to be American citizens.
All I hear from the press and even within the GOP is that it is illegal to stop Muslims immigrants.

Since when is it illegal to stop any immigration?

As I sit and listen to Progs like Hillary who refuse now to say the words, "illegal immigrant" because she thinks it is now hate speech, it's almost as if foreigners have a Constitutional right to be American citizens.

I agree. America has the right to decide who does or doesn't come into OUR country.

What bonehead thinks someone coming to OUR country who isn't a citizen should be covered by OUR constitution?? Good God.
SEE: Adams passes first of Alien and Sedition Acts

”Former President George Washington, on the other hand, supported the legislation. Adams signed the second piece of the legislation, the Alien Act, on June 25. This act gave the president the authority to deport aliens during peacetime. The Alien Enemies Act, which Adams signed on July 6, gave him the power to deport any alien living in the U.S. with ties to U.S. wartime enemies.”


So being a Muslim is now a tie to wartime enemies? Good one.
We are told Muslims are members of a peaceful religion

Here is that peaceful religion in action!

Muslim Immigrants Riot in Italy


Muslims riot in Paris, France

Muslim riots in German immigration center

Muslims riot in Athens, Greece

We need a pause on Muslim immigrants until we can figure out how to vet them. This is nothing more than common sense!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
SEE: Adams passes first of Alien and Sedition Acts

”Former President George Washington, on the other hand, supported the legislation. Adams signed the second piece of the legislation, the Alien Act, on June 25. This act gave the president the authority to deport aliens during peacetime. The Alien Enemies Act, which Adams signed on July 6, gave him the power to deport any alien living in the U.S. with ties to U.S. wartime enemies.”

Also see Donald Trump is right on immigration


”Following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt suspended all naturalization proceedings for Japanese, German and Italian immigrants in the United States.

Donald Trump currently calls for a temporary — not permanent — suspension of Muslim immigration into the United States due to the current radical Muslim threat posed to this nation. And thus the name-calling, pejorative adjectives and labeling have begun as a part of today's invective tidal wave against this man. The media have their collective panties in a twist over Trump's position.”

It is absolutely hilarious to see sock puppet establishment Republicans like, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Paul Ryan and other members of our open border crowd, condemn Donald Trump for a common sense approach to the pending threat against our homeland.

Trump is absolutely correct! We need a pause on Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to distinguish those who would cause us injury from those who simply want to enjoy the American Dream.
You are absolutely correct! Only sensible approach is to pause, get the right people in the room and come up with the plan...once it's implemented and we have a credible methodology for properly screening visitors and immigrants, open the door again.


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
First we need to pause immigration across the board, them figure out a way to get libturds to emigrate.

We could offer financial incentives.

Lets say we gave 20 million of the dumbest libturds a $500K incentive to leave the country, return their passport and sign a contract that if they come back, they'll be returned via trebuchet.

It would cost $1 Trillion, but we would save Trillions more.

The moonbats could live like the same sorts of slobs they do here, but actually have servants in turd world utopias like Venezuela, Cambodia and Zimbabwe. Everyone would be happy that way.

I seriously think this would be a great one time investment.

So being a Muslim is now a tie to wartime enemies? Good one.

Agree with Trump on the "pause" ...however your point is well-taken, if I understand it. Attempting to separate "good" Muslims from "bad" Muslims hasn't worked very well for 1,400 years, according to Bill Warner who's one fellow who has invested years researching the issue.

The "pause" may need to halt all immigrants and visitors for up to three years until a new president with new cabinet can work with our congress to agree a better plan. This will have an impact on our economy as visitors bring $$ whereas many immigrants expect to be supported by us (and apparently Obama's immigrant-refugees are costing us upwards of $100K each to resettle)...

We have two states that are not contiguous...and several protectorates...perhaps the plan might allow certain visitors into one of these, while building our strong borders around our 48 contiguous states.

SEE: Adams passes first of Alien and Sedition Acts

”Former President George Washington, on the other hand, supported the legislation. Adams signed the second piece of the legislation, the Alien Act, on June 25. This act gave the president the authority to deport aliens during peacetime. The Alien Enemies Act, which Adams signed on July 6, gave him the power to deport any alien living in the U.S. with ties to U.S. wartime enemies.”

Also see Donald Trump is right on immigration


”Following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt suspended all naturalization proceedings for Japanese, German and Italian immigrants in the United States.

Donald Trump currently calls for a temporary — not permanent — suspension of Muslim immigration into the United States due to the current radical Muslim threat posed to this nation. And thus the name-calling, pejorative adjectives and labeling have begun as a part of today's invective tidal wave against this man. The media have their collective panties in a twist over Trump's position.”

It is absolutely hilarious to see sock puppet establishment Republicans like, Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Paul Ryan and other members of our open border crowd, condemn Donald Trump for a common sense approach to the pending threat against our homeland.

Trump is absolutely correct! We need a pause on Muslim immigration until we can figure out how to distinguish those who would cause us injury from those who simply want to enjoy the American Dream.


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
I will answer your cut n' paste OP the same way I did in one of the other places you posted this.......It's pretty amazingly stupid for you to hold up the infamous "Alien & Sedition Acts" as how we should behave now.
anybets the OP never heard of the alien and sedition acts till he found a RW loony tune link? LOL
All I hear from the press and even within the GOP is that it is illegal to stop Muslims immigrants.

Since when is it illegal to stop any immigration?

As I sit and listen to Progs like Hillary who refuse now to say the words, "illegal immigrant" because she thinks it is now hate speech, it's almost as if foreigners have a Constitutional right to be American citizens.
So...let's shut all immigration down. That would work, right?
All I hear from the press and even within the GOP is that it is illegal to stop Muslims immigrants.

Since when is it illegal to stop any immigration?

As I sit and listen to Progs like Hillary who refuse now to say the words, "illegal immigrant" because she thinks it is now hate speech, it's almost as if foreigners have a Constitutional right to be American citizens.
So...let's shut all immigration down. That would work, right?

We shut most immigration down between the 1920's-1960's for assimilation. There was nothing wrong with that.
All I hear from the press and even within the GOP is that it is illegal to stop Muslims immigrants.

Since when is it illegal to stop any immigration?

As I sit and listen to Progs like Hillary who refuse now to say the words, "illegal immigrant" because she thinks it is now hate speech, it's almost as if foreigners have a Constitutional right to be American citizens.
So...let's shut all immigration down. That would work, right?
an excellent idea.....immigrants need a period of time to assimilate into the American culture before adding more numbers to ghettos and no-go zones....

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