Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

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It amazes me how many Republicans still maintain party loyalty

There is nothing Trump can say or do to dissuade them

You aren't exactly in a position to talk down to anyone. What does Hillary have to do before you stop defending her vile and corruption?

At least a majority of Republicans dont love trump
Many GOP, who are not the crazies in the Far Right and Alt Right grouping, simply are trying to survive Donald and pick up the pieces.

Jake Smarmy, define "far right"....what is it that they believe that puts them so far "out there" and what has Trump stated in his platform that makes him "far right"....explain yourself so I can rip your points apart one by one because we all know that you are one stupid commie fuck....bring it....let's see that list.
Who are you, dale: a nothing. Trump is losing, as well he should. You cannot 'rip' anyone apart because your brain does not work at all well.

You would be utterly stunned by the number of people that not only seek to know the things I do and seek me out on other forums. I have some friends here that like what I post and we learn from each other. You???? I don't see many people touting your posts and for good don't know much at all. I asked you to make a list of things that makes up the "far right" and makes them a fringe group in your little world and it seems that you are bailing on it. There is no fucking way that Trump would lose in a legitimate election in a country that is a republic...but that is not what we have or have had since the monetary system was turned over to international bankers and the last president that tried to double cross them (after they rigged the election) had his brains splattered on Elm Street for all to see. Hitlery is the pick of the banking oligarchs and by hook or crook, she will win...the fix is in...but don't think for a second that it is the will of the majority of the serfs because you are 100 percent, Jake Smarmy...let's see that list???? Are ya gutless? No strength in your convictions? Can't back up what you contend? I believe that is definitely the case.


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Many GOP, who are not the crazies in the Far Right and Alt Right grouping, simply are trying to survive Donald and pick up the pieces.

Jake Smarmy, define "far right"....what is it that they believe that puts them so far "out there" and what has Trump stated in his platform that makes him "far right"....explain yourself so I can rip your points apart one by one because we all know that you are one stupid commie fuck....bring it....let's see that list.
jake speaks in generalizations and ad hominem attacks.
Just wait until he calls you immoral. That'll fix ya. LOL
Many GOP, who are not the crazies in the Far Right and Alt Right grouping, simply are trying to survive Donald and pick up the pieces.

Jake Smarmy, define "far right"....what is it that they believe that puts them so far "out there" and what has Trump stated in his platform that makes him "far right"....explain yourself so I can rip your points apart one by one because we all know that you are one stupid commie fuck....bring it....let's see that list.
jake speaks in generalizations and ad hominem attacks.
Just wait until he calls you immoral. That'll fix ya. LOL

I have been on this forum for over a year and Jake Smarmy has never attempted to debate me.....I chalk it up to his limited intelligence and knowledge of any issue he lamely attempts to chime in on.
Many GOP, who are not the crazies in the Far Right and Alt Right grouping, simply are trying to survive Donald and pick up the pieces.

Jake Smarmy, define "far right"....what is it that they believe that puts them so far "out there" and what has Trump stated in his platform that makes him "far right"....explain yourself so I can rip your points apart one by one because we all know that you are one stupid commie fuck....bring it....let's see that list.
jake speaks in generalizations and ad hominem attacks.
Just wait until he calls you immoral. That'll fix ya. LOL
Jake speaks the truth and has no problem dealing with the petty, small minds of the far and alt right. I won't call them immoral, ty, because they do not pretend to speak for the Lord's path. You presume to know better, and you still walked off it into the hiways and biways.
And yet he still has a shot at winning so what does that say about Hillary Clinton.
Many GOP, who are not the crazies in the Far Right and Alt Right grouping, simply are trying to survive Donald and pick up the pieces.

Jake Smarmy, define "far right"....what is it that they believe that puts them so far "out there" and what has Trump stated in his platform that makes him "far right"....explain yourself so I can rip your points apart one by one because we all know that you are one stupid commie fuck....bring it....let's see that list.
jake speaks in generalizations and ad hominem attacks.
Just wait until he calls you immoral. That'll fix ya. LOL

I have been on this forum for over a year and Jake Smarmy has never attempted to debate me.....I chalk it up to his limited intelligence and knowledge of any issue he lamely attempts to chime in on.
So says you. :lol: I have repeatedly made you look silly. That will never, every change.
Many GOP, who are not the crazies in the Far Right and Alt Right grouping, simply are trying to survive Donald and pick up the pieces.

Jake Smarmy, define "far right"....what is it that they believe that puts them so far "out there" and what has Trump stated in his platform that makes him "far right"....explain yourself so I can rip your points apart one by one because we all know that you are one stupid commie fuck....bring it....let's see that list.
jake speaks in generalizations and ad hominem attacks.
Just wait until he calls you immoral. That'll fix ya. LOL
Jake speaks the truth and has no problem dealing with the petty, small minds of the far and alt right. I won't call them immoral, ty, because they do not pretend to speak for the Lord's path. You presume to know better, and you still walked off it into the hiways and biways.
I presume to know better????
I'm all ears.
Many GOP, who are not the crazies in the Far Right and Alt Right grouping, simply are trying to survive Donald and pick up the pieces.
The most positive impact of The Donald will be the shakeup in the party power structure. The democrats are not too far behind, and will go through the same kind of shakeup.
And yet he still has a shot at winning so what does that say about Hillary Clinton.

It tells us how bad she is. The fact that he isn't dominating her tells us how bad he is.

Regardless who wins its bad. But its not too late to support mcmullin
It amazes me how many Republicans still maintain party loyalty

There is nothing Trump can say or do to dissuade them

You aren't exactly in a position to talk down to anyone. What does Hillary have to do before you stop defending her vile and corruption?

At least a majority of Republicans dont love trump

If Republicans could just laugh Trump off as a failed experiment, things would return to normal

But they have branded themselves as "The Party of Trump"
Republicans used to get around 48% of the womens vote, it is down to about 38% and they have a lot of making up to do to reclaim their share of the womens vote
Their share of the ever increasing Hispanic vote will drop from 27% to about 15%. I doubt if that vote is recoverable
Young people look at the Republicans as "batshit crazy" those voters may be lost for good
And yet he still has a shot at winning so what does that say about Hillary Clinton.
A dying man has a shot at a miracle so what does that say about Donald Trump.
It says he still has a shot at being President. You want to tell us what this says about Hillary now?
That the second most terrible candidate in modern times is going to handily beat the most terrible candidate in modern times.
Given all the corruption that has been revealed about Hitlery

Correction - there has NOT been any outright corruption revealed about Clinton.

Take her email server - trying keep your emails private is somewhat shady, but no more a revelation of corruption than a revelation of a politician avoiding exposure.

Same with wiki-leaks, some evidence of her meeting with people who made contributions to her charity (GASP!), but nothing was so far produced to show a direct quid pro quo where money or favor was exchanged for DoS policy.

Righties keep claiming corruption, but consistently disappoint on evidence.

In fact I'm more convinced now than ever that Hillary is as clean of a politician as we can hope for, a standard Trump, who can't even release his tax-returns falls well short of.
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And yet he still has a shot at winning so what does that say about Hillary Clinton.
A dying man has a shot at a miracle so what does that say about Donald Trump.
It says he still has a shot at being President. You want to tell us what this says about Hillary now?
That the second most terrible candidate in modern times is going to handily beat the most terrible candidate in modern times.

You should be elated then being the Hillbot that you are.
And yet he still has a shot at winning so what does that say about Hillary Clinton.
A dying man has a shot at a miracle so what does that say about Donald Trump.
It says he still has a shot at being President. You want to tell us what this says about Hillary now?
That the second most terrible candidate in modern times is going to handily beat the most terrible candidate in modern times.

You should be elated then being the Hillbot that you are.
Calling me what I am not in no way relieves you from being the fool and fooled as you have been. You are getting what you deserve.
And yet he still has a shot at winning so what does that say about Hillary Clinton.
A dying man has a shot at a miracle so what does that say about Donald Trump.
It says he still has a shot at being President. You want to tell us what this says about Hillary now?
That the second most terrible candidate in modern times is going to handily beat the most terrible candidate in modern times.
Or the second worst candidate might lose to the worst in the biggest upset in modern times.
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