Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

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And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.
Donald J Trump is not a professional politician. As for running the worst campaign in history, he beat 15 other opponents in the Republican primary. There were such notables as the son and brother of a former president. There were senators and governors in that race. He's within a few points of a professional lifelong politician to win the highest office in our land. Win or lose, Trump has run a hell of a campaign.
"Donald J Trump is not a professional politician."


No kidding.

And that's a bad thing? Look at the mess the "professionals" have made.
Trump would wreck this country.

This country is FUBAR right now thanks your beloved professional politicians. And what's your answer? Vote for another career politician.
And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.
Donald J Trump is not a professional politician. As for running the worst campaign in history, he beat 15 other opponents in the Republican primary. There were such notables as the son and brother of a former president. There were senators and governors in that race. He's within a few points of a professional lifelong politician to win the highest office in our land. Win or lose, Trump has run a hell of a campaign.
"Donald J Trump is not a professional politician."


No kidding.

And that's a bad thing? Look at the mess the "professionals" have made.
Trump would wreck this country.

Yeah, like you would know or have the faintest clue as to how badly the middle class has been fucked over by unfair "fair trade agreements". You lack even basic knowledge about GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the proposed TPP.

Seriously, you are a political infant.

Now, where is that list of things that makes one an "alt-right"??????
One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

It was stated by TRUMP himself that she doesn't want open borders and has voted for the wall (right in the middle of him trying to claim she wants open borders because that's the sort of winning debate performance that that he puts on)

Trump: Hillary Clinton wanted, fought for the wall
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Yet Hillary can't maintain a strong double digit lead, with more money thrown and more of the media showing their support behind her? Just how bad does it have to be for democrats that not even the likes of Trump can Mrs Clinton create a strong favorable lead throughout this race? L M A O !!!!!!!!!! You gotta love it !!!!
Because she is the second worst candidate in history.

Would I be correct in saying you're a Bernie supporter? This is one crazy election, I'd rather both parties keep it solely on the issues, however I can't recall an election where it was that way. Even Mr Mondale and the moderator tried to take a crack at Reagan's age, while Reagan handled it beautifully.
Donald J Trump is not a professional politician. As for running the worst campaign in history, he beat 15 other opponents in the Republican primary. There were such notables as the son and brother of a former president. There were senators and governors in that race. He's within a few points of a professional lifelong politician to win the highest office in our land. Win or lose, Trump has run a hell of a campaign.
"Donald J Trump is not a professional politician."


No kidding.

And that's a bad thing? Look at the mess the "professionals" have made.
Trump would wreck this country.
Hillary's done a good smear job on him - not that he didn't earn it by doing what she smeared him with or that he had it coming because he was first to smear, but while Trump has his core supporters, I think his failure to broaden his base BEFORE the dem convention was just that he never put forth real policies that matched his rhetoric. For example, demanding changes in trade is not a bad idea, but simply refusing to import teeshirts will not bring back the garment industry, and in reality people will not willingly pay more for teeshirts anyway, and rather than balancing the budget, his tax plan is laughable in terms of what it would do to the debt.

So, regardless of his failure to run a professional campaign, his lack of actual policy leaves him with nothing to campaign upon beyond "Lock her up and build a wall."
And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?
Everything pointed to a GOP win if a generically sound candidate could pivot to right of center to get women and minorities included in a consensus with white men. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Donnie Two Times simply went the other way.

"Many Republican-minded voters were desperately waiting for the pivot and would have lapped up any small words or gestures. Instead, Trump alienated potential supporters from these new groups even more than he had during the primaries.

Or take the way he has managed his staff. In a few months, he went through two teams at the top and is now on his third campaign manager. He has fewer than half as many field offices as Clinton, limited fundraising, and consistently weak and poorly produced ads. The two biggest innovations in campaigning in recent years have been “get out the vote” efforts and big data. Trump’s campaign is underinvested in both. Yale University political scientist Alan Gerber, who has pioneered research in this area, notes that converting potential voters into actual voters requires “volunteer phone banks and face-to-face canvassing, tactics that require planning, supervision and sustained effort to undertake at scale.” The Trump campaign scores very poorly on this front, he said.

Yet Hillary can't maintain a strong double digit lead, with more money thrown and more of the media showing their support behind her? Just how bad does it have to be for democrats that not even the likes of Trump can Mrs Clinton create a strong favorable lead throughout this race? L M A O !!!!!!!!!! You gotta love it !!!!
Because she is the second worst candidate in history.

Would I be correct in saying you're a Bernie supporter? This is one crazy election, I'd rather both parties keep it solely on the issues, however I can't recall an election where it was that way. Even Mr Mondale and the moderator tried to take a crack at Reagan's age, while Reagan handled it beautifully.
No, I was for Kasich, then Johnson, and finally McMullin.
And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?
You have no credibility is the point, Dale. None.
And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?

Ooook clearly I'm talking to a retard.

Politifact lays out the facts, you can read them, agree with their conclusion or not. Your blanket denial is fucking ludicrous.

Politifact keeps a meticulous record of politicians statements, if you have a better source for such list, I certainly would consider it.
MisterBeale ignores the thread is based on a column, so he disagrees with me instead of the column.

That is silly.

Trump has run a terrible campaign, the world in modern times. Having won the nomination, he failed to discipline himself and failed to turn to the centrists, women, and minorities in ways effective to get their votes.

That's on you, beale, that you refuse to acknowledge is failure and compound it by doubling down on your silliness. You fall into the same gaping hole of nonsense in which Dale and others reside.

This is your ego speaking, nothing else. And who cares about the importance of that?

Trump is failing because enough of the electorate know he is not worth, apparently in their minds even more than Hillary.

For shame.

What column was that, Jake Smarmy? I didn't see the link. Can you post it for my perusal???

Thanks in advance.
I quoted from it. Here you go. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Fareed Zakaria also works for CNN (Clinton News Networks or CIA News Network) and he is also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations.......imagine that? You do know about the Council On Foreign Relations and the book written by Carroll Quigley where he was given access to the council and stated it's goals......right? Tell me that you at least have that basic knowledge...because if not? I'd be happy to educate you on, where is that list that classifies one as being in the "alt-right"??
MisterBeale ignores the thread is based on a column, so he disagrees with me instead of the column.

That is silly.

Trump has run a terrible campaign, the world in modern times. Having won the nomination, he failed to discipline himself and failed to turn to the centrists, women, and minorities in ways effective to get their votes.

That's on you, beale, that you refuse to acknowledge is failure and compound it by doubling down on your silliness. You fall into the same gaping hole of nonsense in which Dale and others reside.

This is your ego speaking, nothing else. And who cares about the importance of that?

Trump is failing because enough of the electorate know he is not worth, apparently in their minds even more than Hillary.

For shame.

What column was that, Jake Smarmy? I didn't see the link. Can you post it for my perusal???

Thanks in advance.
I quoted from it. Here you go. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Fareed Zakaria also works for CNN (Clinton News Networks or CIA News Network) and he is also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations.......imagine that? You do know about the Council On Foreign Relations and the book written by Carroll Quigley where he was given access to the council and stated it's goals......right? Tell me that you at least have that basic knowledge...because if not? I'd be happy to educate you on, where is that list that classifies one as being in the "alt-right"??

And you are a two bit partisan hack. So what? Should I put you on ignore, claiming that everything you say is bullshit since you aren't bias free?
And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?
You have no credibility is the point, Dale. None.

Why? Because you say so?
And what of you Hillbots? The bitch is a crooked, pathological liar and a sociopath.

You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?
You have no credibility is the point, Dale. None.

I know more than you, Jake Smarmy...infinitely more and I have proven it. Hell, you don't even know the origins of the "brownshirts" that you proudly display on your fucking stupid is that?
Here's the thing... Donald J Trump is in favor of many positions of the left, but that (R) after his name is all they see. He's sure not a far right conservative. He's an outsider, a novice to the political arena. And he got to the top two in a fiend of how many? Including myself, I believe there were 1779 people who filed prior to the FEC deadline to run for President. He got to the Top 2.
You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?
You have no credibility is the point, Dale. None.

I know more than you, Jake Smarmy...infinitely more and I have proven it. Hell, you don't even know the origins of the "brownshirts" that you proudly display on your fucking stupid is that?

I'm convinced the guy's a paid poster, bought and paid for by the DNC or worse yet, Soros' gang.
Anybody check DRUDGE this morning?:2up:

The drip......drip.......drip of Wikki has taken its toll s0ns!!!

AND WE ARE NOW TIED!!!!! :party:
Donald J Trump is not a professional politician. As for running the worst campaign in history, he beat 15 other opponents in the Republican primary. There were such notables as the son and brother of a former president. There were senators and governors in that race. He's within a few points of a professional lifelong politician to win the highest office in our land. Win or lose, Trump has run a hell of a campaign.
"Donald J Trump is not a professional politician."


No kidding.

And that's a bad thing? Look at the mess the "professionals" have made.
Trump would wreck this country.

Yeah, like you would know or have the faintest clue as to how badly the middle class has been fucked over by unfair "fair trade agreements". You lack even basic knowledge about GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the proposed TPP.

Seriously, you are a political infant.

Now, where is that list of things that makes one an "alt-right"??????
Dale that's the point. Trump lost all the Nafta stuff in the "rapist Mexicans" "muslim terrorist Khans" "Mexican Judge can't be fair" "Lock her up" "secret war plan I can't tell you about" "Putin is my friend" bullshit.

Regardless of Trump's positives or negatives as a possible potus, it's not disputable that he has run a horrible campaign.
You say that, but then there are clearly contradicting, veryfiable facts:


No one is more of a pathological liar than Trump, he sets the standard on playing loose with facts. So when you call Hillary a liar without reference to that standard you look ridiculous.

Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?
You have no credibility is the point, Dale. None.

Why? Because you say so?
Based on his postings, the same as your weaknesses are based on your postings. Tis what it is.
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