Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

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MisterBeale ignores the thread is based on a column, so he disagrees with me instead of the column.

That is silly.

Trump has run a terrible campaign, the world in modern times. Having won the nomination, he failed to discipline himself and failed to turn to the centrists, women, and minorities in ways effective to get their votes.

That's on you, beale, that you refuse to acknowledge is failure and compound it by doubling down on your silliness. You fall into the same gaping hole of nonsense in which Dale and others reside.

This is your ego speaking, nothing else. And who cares about the importance of that?

Trump is failing because enough of the electorate know he is not worth, apparently in their minds even more than Hillary.

For shame.

What column was that, Jake Smarmy? I didn't see the link. Can you post it for my perusal???

Thanks in advance.
I quoted from it. Here you go. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Fareed Zakaria also works for CNN (Clinton News Networks or CIA News Network) and he is also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations.......imagine that? You do know about the Council On Foreign Relations and the book written by Carroll Quigley where he was given access to the council and stated it's goals......right? Tell me that you at least have that basic knowledge...because if not? I'd be happy to educate you on, where is that list that classifies one as being in the "alt-right"??

Starkey is a deep matrix guy dude........deep..........dollar to a thousand stale donuts he's never even heard of Carroll Quigley!!:coffee:
Anybody check DRUDGE this morning?:2up:

The drip......drip.......drip of Wikki has taken its toll s0ns!!!

AND WE ARE NOW TIED!!!!! :party:
Looking at all the polls, we find that Trump is about 5% behind, and can never take NH or VA. Tough to be you, I know.
Donald J Trump is not a professional politician. As for running the worst campaign in history, he beat 15 other opponents in the Republican primary. There were such notables as the son and brother of a former president. There were senators and governors in that race. He's within a few points of a professional lifelong politician to win the highest office in our land. Win or lose, Trump has run a hell of a campaign.
"Donald J Trump is not a professional politician."


No kidding.

And that's a bad thing? Look at the mess the "professionals" have made.
Trump would wreck this country.

Yeah, like you would know or have the faintest clue as to how badly the middle class has been fucked over by unfair "fair trade agreements". You lack even basic knowledge about GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the proposed TPP.

Seriously, you are a political infant.

Now, where is that list of things that makes one an "alt-right"??????
Dale that's the point. Trump lost all the Nafta stuff in the "rapist Mexicans" "muslim terrorist Khans" "Mexican Judge can't be fair" "Lock her up" "secret war plan I can't tell you about" "Putin is my friend" bullshit.

Regardless of Trump's positives or negatives as a possible potus, it's not disputable that he has run a horrible campaign.

That's purely subjective and as such, completely disputable.
And lets not forget s0ns...........the polling on Brexit showed the Brexit people didn't stand a chance a few days before the vote!!!:oops-28:

And well......:spinner:.....we know what happened there!!
MisterBeale ignores the thread is based on a column, so he disagrees with me instead of the column.

That is silly.

Trump has run a terrible campaign, the world in modern times. Having won the nomination, he failed to discipline himself and failed to turn to the centrists, women, and minorities in ways effective to get their votes.

That's on you, beale, that you refuse to acknowledge is failure and compound it by doubling down on your silliness. You fall into the same gaping hole of nonsense in which Dale and others reside.

This is your ego speaking, nothing else. And who cares about the importance of that?

Trump is failing because enough of the electorate know he is not worth, apparently in their minds even more than Hillary.

For shame.

What column was that, Jake Smarmy? I didn't see the link. Can you post it for my perusal???

Thanks in advance.
I quoted from it. Here you go. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Fareed Zakaria also works for CNN (Clinton News Networks or CIA News Network) and he is also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations.......imagine that? You do know about the Council On Foreign Relations and the book written by Carroll Quigley where he was given access to the council and stated it's goals......right? Tell me that you at least have that basic knowledge...because if not? I'd be happy to educate you on, where is that list that classifies one as being in the "alt-right"??

And you are a two bit partisan hack. So what? Should I put you on ignore, claiming that everything you say is bullshit since you aren't bias free?

No, I believe in the organic constitution and the Bill of Rights so I have no political party that I "side" with because we don't have a political party that isn't bought and paid for by the banking oligarchs that has been running the "deep state" since 1913. I know more than you because I have made it my business to know the things I do. I would much rather take a chance that Trump is legit and has the backing of the "white knights" that have kept the NWO agenda from being imposed on us than Hitlery, a bought and paid for, totally corrupted psycho-path ANY day of the week. Debate me on what is really going on....challenge me or "Ignore"'s not like I get anything of worth from your postings......the choice is yours.
Politifacts is a joke...more than likely an "Operation Mockingbird" CIA infiltrated scam. One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

You say that, but then there are verifiable facts:

Hillary Clinton's file

Donald Trump's file

Each and every number there can be reviewed and verified on a case by case basis.

You just gave me a link to the very website that I claim has no credibility........seriously?
You have no credibility is the point, Dale. None.

Why? Because you say so?
Based on his postings, the same as your weaknesses are based on your postings. Tis what it is.

Oh, so as I said, because you say so.

Lemme guess, you are credible? The poster commonly known as "Jake the Fake"?

The the far and alt right don't understand what America is all about?

Soggy, I literally think you guys don't get it, and so those think like me are making sure you don't get it.
'Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history'

He is a Democrat, what do you expect?
MisterBeale ignores the thread is based on a column, so he disagrees with me instead of the column.

That is silly.

Trump has run a terrible campaign, the world in modern times. Having won the nomination, he failed to discipline himself and failed to turn to the centrists, women, and minorities in ways effective to get their votes.

That's on you, beale, that you refuse to acknowledge is failure and compound it by doubling down on your silliness. You fall into the same gaping hole of nonsense in which Dale and others reside.

This is your ego speaking, nothing else. And who cares about the importance of that?

Trump is failing because enough of the electorate know he is not worth, apparently in their minds even more than Hillary.

For shame.

What column was that, Jake Smarmy? I didn't see the link. Can you post it for my perusal???

Thanks in advance.
I quoted from it. Here you go. Donald Trump has run the worst campaign in modern history

Fareed Zakaria also works for CNN (Clinton News Networks or CIA News Network) and he is also a member of the Council On Foreign Relations.......imagine that? You do know about the Council On Foreign Relations and the book written by Carroll Quigley where he was given access to the council and stated it's goals......right? Tell me that you at least have that basic knowledge...because if not? I'd be happy to educate you on, where is that list that classifies one as being in the "alt-right"??

And you are a two bit partisan hack. So what? Should I put you on ignore, claiming that everything you say is bullshit since you aren't bias free?

No, I believe in the organic constitution and the Bill of Rights so I have no political party that I "side" with because we don't have a political party that isn't bought and paid for by the banking oligarchs that has been running the "deep state" since 1913. I know more than you because I have made it my business to know the things I do. I would much rather take a chance that Trump is legit and has the backing of the "white knights" that have kept the NWO agenda from being imposed on us than Hitlery, a bought and paid for, totally corrupted psycho-path ANY day of the week. Debate me on what is really going on....challenge me or "Ignore"'s not like I get anything of worth from your postings......the choice is yours.

I'm going to let you in on a little secret:

Everybody has bias, everyone is ignorant in some respects...just as almost everyone thinks of themselves as very knowledgeable and objective.

The enlightenment is in being mindful of these disparities between reality and our perceptions, something that clearly hasn't happened to you.
One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

It was stated by TRUMP himself that she doesn't want open borders and has voted for the wall (right in the middle of him trying to claim she wants open borders because that's the sort of winning debate performance that that he puts on)

Trump: Hillary Clinton wanted, fought for the wall

Hillary in 2006 was willing to support helping secure America’s borders to decrease illegal entry, drug trafficking, and security threats by building 700 miles of physical barriers along the Mexico-United States border. Yet she has openly criticized Trump's efforts in doing so and his desire to have Mexico pay for it. Her political campaign has been about making illegals citizens over enforcement, she hasn't favored Trumps stance and now her growing criticism of him has portrayed her as a liar who is only interested in what the puppet strings of her liberal establishment elite wants. Meanwhile Trump has shown (with the media's help) to have resistance in both republicans and democrat establishments. Perhaps Trump would be better off portraying Hillary for what she is... a marionette?
MisterBeale ignores the thread is based on a column, so he disagrees with me instead of the column.

That is silly.

Trump has run a terrible campaign, the world in modern times. Having won the nomination, he failed to discipline himself and failed to turn to the centrists, women, and minorities in ways effective to get their votes.

That's on you, beale, that you refuse to acknowledge is failure and compound it by doubling down on your silliness. You fall into the same gaping hole of nonsense in which Dale and others reside.

This is your ego speaking, nothing else. And who cares about the importance of that?

Trump is failing because enough of the electorate know he is not worth, apparently in their minds even more than Hillary.

For shame.
When I first came to your thread, the link to the column was not working, sorry about that.

How can you say Trump is guilty of the worst campaign when he got the support of the people, the registered Republican voters, and now, he doesn't have the support of the party elites? It's sort of hard to run an effective campaign when you don't have the support of a party infrastructure you were supposed to be entitled to.

You don't find it all fishy that not a single paper or not worthy publication has endorsed him? Is your critical thinking that absent? Seriously?

However, I will agree, he is a political neophyte.

Everything mentioned in the article, Roger Stone told him to do, he and Stone had worked together on just about every project for thirty years, but they had a fundamental disagreement on how to go about this.

Trump said he didn't want to be a typical politician. Stone said, with out professionally analyzing group dynamics he would be sunk. Only time will tell, eh?

I think the writing is on the wall.
Donald J Trump is not a professional politician. As for running the worst campaign in history, he beat 15 other opponents in the Republican primary. There were such notables as the son and brother of a former president. There were senators and governors in that race. He's within a few points of a professional lifelong politician to win the highest office in our land. Win or lose, Trump has run a hell of a campaign.
"Donald J Trump is not a professional politician."


No kidding.

And that's a bad thing? Look at the mess the "professionals" have made.
Trump would wreck this country.

Yeah, like you would know or have the faintest clue as to how badly the middle class has been fucked over by unfair "fair trade agreements". You lack even basic knowledge about GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the proposed TPP.

Seriously, you are a political infant.

Now, where is that list of things that makes one an "alt-right"??????
Dale that's the point. Trump lost all the Nafta stuff in the "rapist Mexicans" "muslim terrorist Khans" "Mexican Judge can't be fair" "Lock her up" "secret war plan I can't tell you about" "Putin is my friend" bullshit.

Regardless of Trump's positives or negatives as a possible potus, it's not disputable that he has run a horrible campaign.

Bendog, the worst of the worst has been allowed to come over here and for a very nefarious purpose. The number of Mexican gang members that have been given free passage here would stun you. There were two girls that were brutally raped, tortured and then murdered in Houston that when convicted, these disgusting excuses for human beings had the Mexican consulate act on their behalf when they got the death penalty. These disgusting piles of shit busted out the teeth of those girls so they could get a blow job because they wanted to feel the blood and their gums on their genitalia. They are purposely being allowed over here ALONG with un-vetted muslims that have been radicalized because of the policies of USA.INC that has blown up their homelands and it's all being done on purpose.......order out of chaos, Bendog........and POS like Hitlery and neocons want to prevent and restrict us from being able to defend ourselves. It still amazes me that people don't see the shit-storm that is raining down...seriously. What is even more astounding is that there is a huge contingent of uneducated morons that are totally blinded to the revelations of the leaked e-mails...but then again? Maybe I shouldn't be surprised because I denied the corruption of the Bush crime family for over a decade. We are neck deep in shit and Hitlery has the bulldozers ready to cover our can bet on that. Good on ya.
The the far and alt right don't understand what America is all about?

Soggy, I literally think you guys don't get it, and so those think like me are making sure you don't get it.

Yeah Jake, that's it.. you've foiled us all!!!

You literally couldn't stump a stump. You're answer to everything is basically "I get it and you don't". Mental giant there Jake, mental giant.
The the far and alt right don't understand what America is all about?

Soggy, I literally think you guys don't get it, and so those think like me are making sure you don't get it.
Yeah Jake, that's it.. you've foiled us all!!! You literally couldn't stump a stump. You're answer to everything is basically "I get it and you don't". Mental giant there Jake, mental giant.
"literally everything" :lol: You goof.
One of the things that they claimed that was false was that Hitlery didn't want "open borders" and it was blatantly stated in one of her speeches to the big banking/Wall Street firms that she didn't want us to know about. It's a joke and not a site that is credible to me.

It was stated by TRUMP himself that she doesn't want open borders and has voted for the wall (right in the middle of him trying to claim she wants open borders because that's the sort of winning debate performance that that he puts on)

Trump: Hillary Clinton wanted, fought for the wall

Hillary in 2006 was willing to support helping secure America’s borders to decrease illegal entry, drug trafficking, and security threats by building 700 miles of physical barriers along the Mexico-United States border. Yet she has openly criticized Trump's efforts in doing so and his desire to have Mexico pay for it. Her political campaign has been about making illegals citizens over enforcement, she hasn't favored Trumps stance and now her growing criticism of him has portrayed her as a liar who is only interested in what the puppet strings of her liberal establishment elite wants. Meanwhile Trump has shown (with the media's help) to have resistance in both republicans and democrat establishments. Perhaps Trump would be better off portraying Hillary for what she is... a marionette?

I don't see contradiction - wallin' she supports was and is quite modest compared to Great Wall of Americas Trump wants to build and wasn't insulting to Mexicans either.

She also has supported the other side of that equation - path to citizenship, while Trump supports deportation force rounding people up across the country.
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