Donald Trump Headlines The New Hampshire Federation Of Republican Women Lilac Luncheon Tomorrow

Really? You don't think Trump is a predator of women? What about when he said he tried to move in on a married woman? What about his "grab 'em by the pussy" comment?

What about his cheating on his wives? What about his cheating on his current wife with a porn star while his wife was pregnant?

And does that mean the women he cheated with are also predators? Trump has always been a huge part of the media. No woman he slept with couldn't have not know he was married, yet they chose to sleep with him anyway. To call him a predator is you showing you're a contrarian and just don't like him because you aren't being honest. But is cheating on your wife bad? Yes.

And grab em by the pussy and the other comments? Please. Every guy shit talks when he thinks it's safe. There isn't a man alive that doesn't talk shit in private. Especially when you're an alpha male you have a need to impress others.

Besides, what does any of this actually have to do with him speaking there? Beyond you trying to draw parallels in order to get a cheap sense of self satisfaction at trying to piss off people by being a troll?
And does that mean the women he cheated with are also predators? Trump has always been a huge part of the media. No woman he slept with couldn't have not know he was married, yet they chose to sleep with him anyway. To call him a predator is you showing you're a contrarian and just don't like him because you aren't being honest. But is cheating on your wife bad? Yes.

And grab em by the pussy and the other comments? Please. Every guy shit talks when he thinks it's safe. There isn't a man alive that doesn't talk shit in private. Especially when you're an alpha male you have a need to impress others.

Besides, what does any of this actually have to do with him speaking there? Beyond you trying to draw parallels in order to get a cheap sense of self satisfaction at trying to piss off people by being a troll?

You're right......................when men are with other men, occasionally talk tends to turn towards the various women that they have had experience with. I spent 20 years in the Navy, and am very well aware of this phenomenon..............hell, I participated in it on occasion. BUT, whenever someone talked about forcing a woman into something without their permission (i.e. grabbing them by the pussy just because you want to and you think you can), damn near every other guy told them that it was wrong to do that. Yes, we talked about women we'd been with, we talked about the various skills that they brought to the experience, as well as talked about how we'd been pursued or the way we had skillfully courted our way into their bed. But NEVER was it considered okay to just grope women because we felt like it.

Does this mean that the women he cheated with are predators? Hey, the possibility does exist that because he was rich, they thought that a bit of gold digging could be in order, or they were just looking for a fling, but the difference here is they didn't pursue him, he pursued them, which makes Trump the predator since he initiated the encounter.

The women's function should have had the good sense to not invite him, as he's shown a callous disregard for women in the past. But, you can't blame a narcissist like Trump for going there, he seems to think that he's the best and that any function will be better with him and he has no shame for his actions as he (and apparently his followers) think he can do no wrong.

By the way........................true Alphas have no need to brag about what they've done. Why? Because everyone already knows that they are extremely competent at whatever they choose to do, their actions speak much louder than bragging about it ever would. I've found that people who brag a lot aren't nearly as good as they think they are, or wish to convince you they are.

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