Donald Trump Hints Third-Party Run Is Still Possible

Despite pledging the opposite in September, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested Sunday that he wouldn't rule out a third-party run for president if he loses the Republican primary.

In a phone interview on ABC's "This Week," Trump dodged host George Stephanopoulos' inquiries into whether he would run as an independent now that a GOP operative has reportedly united efforts to edge Trump out of the race. According to a Wall Street Journal story Friday, "well-connected" members of the Republican establishment backing different candidates are joining forces to launch an anti-Trump campaign.

Trump, who signed a pledge in September promising to back the Republican presidential nominee and not to run as an independent if he doesn't win the nomination, avoided a yes-or-no answer when Stephanopoulos asked if the GOP operative is making him reconsider that pledge.

"Well, we'll see what happens. It will be very interesting. But I'm leading in every poll by a lot. It's not even a little bit anymore. It's a lot," he said before launching into details about what large crowds he draws.

When Stephanopoulos pressed him for a straight answer, Trump was slightly more forthcoming.

"We'll see what happens," Trump said. "I have to be treated fairly. You know when I did this I said I have to be treated fairly. If I’m treated fairly, I’m fine. All I want to do is [have] a level playing field."

Donald Trump Hints Third-Party Run Is Still Possible

Well, since the GOP leadership is currently planning how to oust him - I'd say he had better plan on that third-party run. This is just further proof that when Trump gives his word - it means nothing.

This just means I can help crush the bastards. This is fun. I love it. I have been promoting third party for a long time.
States with "open" primaries could be interesting for Trump. Last I checked there are 19 states with "open" primaries. So, maybe Democrats in those states could help Hillary by voting for Trump.

Hillary will never be President. No matter how bad you want it, she is almost less trusted than Obama and is one of the most disliked people in America. Hillary is like Cruz or Huck, the nutters like them but if they win the nomination most the party will vote for them because most the party was gonna vote for whoever was nominated. It's the independents that they lose, it's how much the other party hates them that they have an uphill battle against.

It's pretty basic stuff.

BTW, calling a white guy you don't like a Nazi is similar to calling a black person you don't like a ******. They are both "n" words" you might want to try and avoid... But you're a racist bigot so it's expected from you.

Yeah, but the major difference is that Trump's rhetoric sounds like Hitler.

You must have missed the latest EU mandate.
Can someone explain to me how Trump could possibly win the General Election? There aren't enough white morons to do it.
States with "open" primaries could be interesting for Trump. Last I checked there are 19 states with "open" primaries. So, maybe Democrats in those states could help Hillary by voting for Trump.

Hillary will never be President. No matter how bad you want it, she is almost less trusted than Obama and is one of the most disliked people in America. Hillary is like Cruz or Huck, the nutters like them but if they win the nomination most the party will vote for them because most the party was gonna vote for whoever was nominated. It's the independents that they lose, it's how much the other party hates them that they have an uphill battle against.

It's pretty basic stuff.

BTW, calling a white guy you don't like a Nazi is similar to calling a black person you don't like a ******. They are both "n" words" you might want to try and avoid... But you're a racist bigot so it's expected from you.

Yeah, but the major difference is that Trump's rhetoric sounds like Hitler.

Yer dumb, like "lolz that fucking guy is dumb lolz."
Can someone explain to me how Trump could possibly win the General Election? There aren't enough white morons to do it.
we will see Lakhota . My support for Trump is because I like what has to say . I've heard all the other perfessional rinos for many years and I reject them ALL except for Trump and Cruz .
Can someone explain to me how Trump could possibly win the General Election? There aren't enough white morons to do it.

And now yer race baiting...

So you're a racist, that race baits, you have anything else or this all you got these days?
How can Hillary win the GE? There aren't enough white feminist man hating bigots to get her elected....
States with "open" primaries could be interesting for Trump. Last I checked there were about 19 states with "open" primaries. So, maybe Democrats in those states could help Hillary by voting for Trump.

Manipulation and dilution

Opponents of the open primary believe that the open primary leaves the party nominations vulnerable to manipulation and dilution. First, one party could organize its voters to vote in the other party's primary and choose the candidate that they most agree with or that they think their party could most easily defeat. Secondly, in the open primary moderates and independent voters can vote in either party. This occurrence may dilute the vote of a particular party and lead to a nominee who does not represent the views of his particular party.

For example, in the 2008 presidential primaries, exit polls say John McCain failed to win a single race among Republican voters, up to Super Tuesday, yet during that same period he went from also-ran to front runner, because most non-Republicans who crossed over voted for him. In New Hampshire, Mitt Romney won among registered Republicans, but John McCain won overall [1]. Likewise, in South Carolina, Mike Huckabee won among self-identified Republicans, but John McCain won the state [2].

Similarly, some Republican advocates called for Republicans to cross over and vote in the Democratic race, to help Hillary Clinton win, on the premise that Obama had a better chance of beating their candidate. The Rush Limbaugh Show's "Operation Chaos" is the best known of these movements.

More: Open primaries in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That would be Karma in action....Operation Chaos FOR Hillary instead of against her. We would have to send a Thank You to Rush Limpballs if that happens.
Can someone explain to me how Trump could possibly win the General Election? There aren't enough white morons to do it.
we will see Lakhota . My support for Trump is because I like what has to say . I've heard all the other perfessional rinos for many years and I reject them ALL except for Trump and Cruz .
well , who is the choice Lakhota , its Trump or Cruz for me and my cohorts , no other of the rest of the rino crew fills the bill . I mean , WHO would you suggest Lakhota ??
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States with "open" primaries could be interesting for Trump. Last I checked there were about 19 states with "open" primaries. So, maybe Democrats in those states could help Hillary by voting for Trump.

Manipulation and dilution

Opponents of the open primary believe that the open primary leaves the party nominations vulnerable to manipulation and dilution. First, one party could organize its voters to vote in the other party's primary and choose the candidate that they most agree with or that they think their party could most easily defeat. Secondly, in the open primary moderates and independent voters can vote in either party. This occurrence may dilute the vote of a particular party and lead to a nominee who does not represent the views of his particular party.

For example, in the 2008 presidential primaries, exit polls say John McCain failed to win a single race among Republican voters, up to Super Tuesday, yet during that same period he went from also-ran to front runner, because most non-Republicans who crossed over voted for him. In New Hampshire, Mitt Romney won among registered Republicans, but John McCain won overall [1]. Likewise, in South Carolina, Mike Huckabee won among self-identified Republicans, but John McCain won the state [2].

Similarly, some Republican advocates called for Republicans to cross over and vote in the Democratic race, to help Hillary Clinton win, on the premise that Obama had a better chance of beating their candidate. The Rush Limbaugh Show's "Operation Chaos" is the best known of these movements.

More: Open primaries in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That would be Karma in action....Operation Chaos FOR Hillary instead of against her. We would have to send a Thank You to Rush Limpballs if that happens.
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Can someone explain to me how Trump could possibly win the General Election? There aren't enough white morons to do it.
we will see Lakhota . My support for Trump is because I like what has to say . I've heard all the other perfessional rinos for many years and I reject them ALL except for Trump and Cruz .
well , who is the choice Lakhota , its Trump or Cruz for me and my cohorts , no other of the rest of the rino crew fills the bill . I mean , WHO would you suggest Lakhota ??

Does the GOP have anyone with a basic understanding of economics and foreign policy, who isn't in the pocket of the corporations, who doesn't want to turn this country into a theocracy, and who isn't a bloviating clown?

Anyone at all? Name a few. Name one. Then explain to us why that person isn't running and these clowns are.
I hope he goes third party. As far as a candidate giving thier word, Rubio the feces licking pig, claimed he was opposed to amnesty when running for senate, then became senator amnesty once elected. Rubio is feces wrapped in pig vomit.

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