Donald Trump holds 15 point lead in Indiana..........

Trump now has 1002 PLEDGED delegates. He only needs 235 more to shut the haters up.

Here is how he does it.
He will win Indiana (57) and New Jersey (51) = then he only needs 127
He will win the majority of California = 160 delegates = +33 !!
New Mexico, Oregon, Washington and West Virginia are extra padding (add another 50 delegates) = +88 = 1325 delegates

It's time for conservatives to rally around the nominee - TRUMP
Honestly speaking I don't give a fart in the wind about which of your schmucks get the nomination What I care mostly about is keeping lying con men repubs out of the WH Have any polls showing trumpet beating Hillary??
Two questions still remain:

1. Will Hillary be indicted because of all her role and lies in the death of four Americans?


2. Will the Supreme Court declare Cruz ineligible because of the place of his birth?
Two questions still remain:

1. Will Hillary be indicted because of all her role and lies in the death of four Americans?


2. Will the Supreme Court declare Cruz ineligible because of the place of his birth?
answer to your first question YES as soon as you hang gwb for the murder of 1000's of our troops
Honestly speaking I don't give a fart in the wind about which of your schmucks get the nomination What I care mostly about is keeping lying con men repubs out of the WH Have any polls showing trumpet beating Hillary??
Ed if you truly did not care, then you would not have taken the time to post your babbles
How can you possibly claim that when multiple polls show Cruz leading?
I did not claim this, the Wall Street Journal did. Donald Trump Holds 15-Point Lead Ahead of Republican Rivals in Indiana Poll

I will claim that Trump has already locked up the nomination however.

If you truly believed that, you wouldn't be so upset that Trump hasn't been declared the winner and the people actually will actually vote.

Trump may win. Or he may lose, but it's not over yet.
Trumps only current contest of merit, is for the Presidency against the democratic winner, who might be indicted right on time

So what's the problem if Cruz continues fighting for the nomination? Why not let the voters decide whether nominate Trump or have a contested convention?
Pfft! Since when has the rigged-ass delegate system (from either party) amounted to "let[ting] the voters decide"?!
actually I do think a trump vs hillary campaign will be a riot and put that con man in his place Him with his big mouth his insults, anything but whats good for America

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