Donald Trump: 'I Fight Like Hell' To Pay Less In Taxes

Trump "games" the system. Rich people like Trump should pay more in taxes because they have the most to protect and receive the most benefit. Trump loves his "corporate welfare" at the expense of others. Trump is a freeloader.

5 Powerful Reasons Why the Rich Should Pay Their Taxes and Not Game the System

Why the rich should pay more taxes

The Best Reason for the Very Rich to be Paying A LOT More in Taxes - NationofChange
I guarantee he pays more than you make in a decade

What does that prove? How much has he scammed?
Trump "games" the system. Rich people like Trump should pay more in taxes because they have the most to protect and receive the most benefit. Trump loves his "corporate welfare" at the expense of others. Trump is a freeloader.

5 Powerful Reasons Why the Rich Should Pay Their Taxes and Not Game the System

Why the rich should pay more taxes

The Best Reason for the Very Rich to be Paying A LOT More in Taxes - NationofChange
I guarantee he pays more than you make in a decade

What does that prove? How much has he scammed?

You said he should pay more and he pays way more than you so why don't you pay more?
WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump said on Sunday he fights "like hell" to pay as little as possible in taxes, telling CBS News that he hadn't yet made a decision on whether to release his tax return.

"I pay as little as possible," Trump said. "I fight like hell to pay as little as possible." Trump said he hates the way the government spends taxes.

"I hate the way they waste our money. Trillions and trillions of dollars of waste and abuse. And I hate it," he said.

Donald Trump: 'I Fight Like Hell' To Pay Less In Taxes

That will probably be his "excuse" for not releasing his tax returns. That was so predictable.

Actually, this is yet another reason I may vote for Trump in the coming election.

Unlike all the other fakes and liars.... he only admitted what all the rest of them do, but deny.

Everyone tries to pay as little as possible in taxes. Would you like to claim you actually don't take the minimum deduction?

Trump is exposing the left-wing hypocrisy. While all the left-wingers claim that paying taxes is this great and wonderful thing that magically makes us all better off (despite endless evidence to the opposite), they all try to avoid paying any and all taxes they can. That holds true from the lowest wage earner, all the way up to Warren Buffet, and especially all those in leadership. How many tax dodgers were in Obama's own cabinet at the start?

Yet here we have Trump. He's against taxing us all to death. And he is open and honest enough to admit, he does anything he can to avoid paying tax.

Who is being honest here? Trump is. Who is ideologically consistent? Trump is.

Who just gained another point in his favor? Trump did.

Ironically, the more you people engage in hypocrisy to attack Trump, the more I'm convinced he's exactly what this nation needs.
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I bet Lakhota can't define "Fair Share".

Per the IRS code - minus the loopholes and foreign tax havens.

Scuze moi, but the loopholes and tax haves ARE part of the tax code. What you call a tax haven is usually a TAX TREATY with other nations.

If you really want to solve the fake fairness problem, then let's move to a 15% flat tax on all income for everyone.

to that i would add that obamacare is "taxlike" and fiendish by definition and design. jailtime to b named at a later date.

the point is... speaking of fair share:

this is really fucking scary.. along with eminent domain.
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Taking all deductions is one thing. Gaming the system is quite another.

Ok, I'll bite. Name one tax deduction that Trump has access to, that I do not?

In fact, name a person that got "rich off tax deductions". Good luck with that one.
Per the IRS code - minus the loopholes and foreign tax havens.

Scuze moi, but the loopholes and tax haves ARE part of the tax code. What you call a tax haven is usually a TAX TREATY with other nations.

If you really want to solve the fake fairness problem, then let's move to a 15% flat tax on all income for everyone.

Did Romney take the 2009 IRS tax amnesty for cheaters? We'll probably never know. He showed his tax returns to McCain in 2008 - and McCain rejected him for Palin.

You really do need to stop posting in this thread before you are labeled 'supreme douchenozzle' of USMB.

It's a tad too late for that....

A 'Truthmatters' clone............
whatever happened to tm, banned ? how is that possible here.
We look forward to Trump making his tax returns public.
Trump "games" the system. Rich people like Trump should pay more in taxes because they have the most to protect and receive the most benefit. Trump loves his "corporate welfare" at the expense of others. Trump is a freeloader.

5 Powerful Reasons Why the Rich Should Pay Their Taxes and Not Game the System

Why the rich should pay more taxes

The Best Reason for the Very Rich to be Paying A LOT More in Taxes - NationofChange
I guarantee he pays more than you make in a decade

What does that prove? How much has he scammed?
but how many times does he have to earn the same dollar before you people R happy, how much is enough ??..
& employs lots, of people... first class businesses.
WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump said on Sunday he fights "like hell" to pay as little as possible in taxes, telling CBS News that he hadn't yet made a decision on whether to release his tax return.

"I pay as little as possible," Trump said. "I fight like hell to pay as little as possible." Trump said he hates the way the government spends taxes.

"I hate the way they waste our money. Trillions and trillions of dollars of waste and abuse. And I hate it," he said.

Donald Trump: 'I Fight Like Hell' To Pay Less In Taxes

That will probably be his "excuse" for not releasing his tax returns. That was so predictable.

It's obvious you love giving you're hard earned money to a bunch of lawyers and accountants to blow...

Oh wait a minute, that's right you don't EARN it...

Do you know me personally?

By your numerous post I have a understanding...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So how does that square with the dear leader giving 40% of the new company to the union and not the bond holders?
They were higher up the chain. Look it up.

So the union was a secured creditor? Really? That's the only way they could be higher according to your links.
Yep, as they were being treated like a creditor I suspect but I haven't looked into that closely. Your turn...
Unions are not "secured" creditors.
I would tend to agree however it appears they were creditors, and creditors are before bondholders who are before stockholders.
We look forward to Trump making his tax returns public.


Why? Don't you follow politics? Among other things, it would show that he has nothing to be ashamed of.

Don't you following the US Constitution, there is a presumption of innocence. There's no reason for him to make his tax returns public to prove he's innocent. Being rich is not a crime and Trump has his taxes prepared by an army of CPA's.
We look forward to Trump making his tax returns public.


Why? Don't you follow politics? Among other things, it would show that he has nothing to be ashamed of.

Avoiding paying taxes, that all Americans do, and pretty much all people's of the Earth do... is nothing to be ashamed of to begin with.

If he was evading, then the IRS would already have charges against him.

So without ever seeing his tax return, I already know he has nothing to be ashamed of.
We look forward to Trump making his tax returns public.


Why? Don't you follow politics? Among other things, it would show that he has nothing to be ashamed of.

Avoiding paying taxes, that all Americans do, and pretty much all people's of the Earth do... is nothing to be ashamed of to begin with.

If he was evading, then the IRS would already have charges against him.

So without ever seeing his tax return, I already know he has nothing to be ashamed of.
The rich always have something to ashamed of...
We look forward to Trump making his tax returns public.

So we we can see how much work he puts into cheating. Taxes are for the little people...

Really.... then why do 47% or so of the population pay no income tax?

Oh, right. You're a liberal, and thus exempt from reality.
To pay an income tax you must have enough income. And we were discussing taxes, not income taxes.
So how does that square with the dear leader giving 40% of the new company to the union and not the bond holders?
They were higher up the chain. Look it up.

So the union was a secured creditor? Really? That's the only way they could be higher according to your links.
Yep, as they were being treated like a creditor I suspect but I haven't looked into that closely. Your turn...
Unions are not "secured" creditors.
I would tend to agree however it appears they were creditors, and creditors are before bondholders who are before stockholders.

Wrong. Bondholders are secured creditors. Union thugs aren't secured creditors.

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